
Chapter 24

Yes, this is a space within her own consciousness.

Everything here was created by Evé based upon the Heavenly Temple of the Natural Mother back in the ancient period that’s stored within the World Tree’s inheritance.

The players from earth to put it simply, are merely just consciousness entities that were pulled in by her through Eve’s connection with the internet, thus they could naturally be brought along into her mindscape simply by altering their connections and redirecting it into this special space.

Berserker and Alice on the other hand, are already her followers that already have direct linkage with her thus they could also be summoned by her.

Although Eve’s current state was still very poor and she didn’t have the necessary divine power to create a temporal avatar for them, it was different story if its done within the space of her own consciousness.

Here, everything can be materialized simply just by using the power of her own imagination, thus she could create whatever she wanted, making it the best place in tricking people.

The discovery of these Divine Blood Crystals was crucial for Eve’s further recovery. If handled properly, just by acquiring these things could give her a chance to turn her current disadvantageous situation around, so she decided to personally intervene this time.

In addition, Evé also wanted to reinforced her impression amongst the players and cultivate their awareness and desire to fight for her—ahem or rather, for the Elven Kingdom per se.

Essentially, she wanted to establish her leadership position within the game.

After all, Eve’s role was not just a mere GM operating behind the scenes but also an important NPC whose actively guiding the players. If she solely relied upon the indigenous people for everything, then she would be no different from a background character with no impact whatsoever.

These players wouldn’t care at all whether she is a god or a tree for these guys won’t truly support her unless they somehow benefit from her or recognize her as an important character. Therefore, she needs to actively participate within the game itself in order to integrate herself within their own hearts.

And as it turned out, Eve’s chosen entrance turned out to be a good choice.

Not to mention Berserker and Alice, who were already moved to tears and are currently devoutly worshipping her for they were called upon their own patron goddess, the four players from earth were completely stunned as well.

Although they had already seen her once during the character creation right at the beginning, The Evé at the time was only a preprogrammed procedure set up within the game system, and the shock it gave the players that time was far less than that of this current instance just now.

The magnificent and grand temple situated under the magnificent starry skies along with the sacred and ethereal chants that’s softly echoing within the background and finally, the immaculate divine holy figure whom nobody could have any dirty or blasphemous thoughts about.

A true god! This was truly a real god!

This existence is the apex of this world, the true ruler of Elven Kingdom!

When Demacia first entered the temple, he had this rather bold idea of trying to use appraisal skill upon this divine being, but when he actually saw Evé, all these intrusive thoughts had instantly disappeared. He was instead left with an instinctive awe that ordinary people like him might’ve felt upon encountering something way beyond their own understanding and comprehension.

At this moment, Demacia even almost forgot that he was currently playing a game…

There was only one thought within his mind right now; ‘Lady Goddess, are you still accepting believers?’

“Divine Matriarch, Your Majesty…”

While Demacia was lost in his own thoughts, the fervent voice of the Oak Guardian, Berserker, resounded at the same time.

“I have brought back the sacred artifacts that belongs to you.”

After speaking, he then knelt down on one knee and held up a pale green crystallized divine blood upon his hands, while respectfully lowering his head.


Evé whose sitting on the throne just nodded lightly with her majestic voice containing a mix of kindness and satisfaction. She then idly placed her right hand upon the throne’s armrest and began tapping its metallic surface with her finger in a rhythmic manner, as the pale green crystal in Berserker’s hand flew up and merged into her body.

As the divine blood crystal merged into her, the magnificent temple trembled slightly and the holy light encapsulating her became even more dazzling, as well as the background chanting became even more pronounced. Her audience within the temple also felt that the goddess’s power seemed to have grown faintly stronger just after assimilating the sacred artifact…

Evé was pleasantly surprised at this outcome as she felt the momentary increase of her divine power as it arose up to twelve points.

“Congratulations upon the Divine Matriarch for being one step closer to your former glory!”

Alice and Berserker were pleased and began congratulating the goddess, as if they also felt her inner joy. Seeing their devoted actions, Demacia and the other three players also hurriedly imitated them as they congratulated the goddess as well.

After speaking, the Oak Guardian began gesturing to the four players and stated, “Divine Matriarch, Your Majesty, its due to these several brave and righteous chosen ones, that we were able to successfully recover the artifact at this time.”

It’s thanks to them? How could it be…him!?

Alice couldn’t help but turn her head sideways and look incredulously particularly at Demacia.

After hearing Berserker’s words, these four players was also surprised and they all thought of one thing,

The highlight of this event was about to begin!

The grand temple fell silent just then, with only the rhythmic tapping of Eve’s finger upon the throne’s armrest being heard as the four players awaited her decision with bated breath.





Accompanied by a gentle tapping sound of her finger, Eve’s solemn and dignified voice finally resounded.

“I already know the cause and effect of this matter. Chosen ones, thank thee for your assistance.”

With the goddess’s gratitude, a new system prompt appeared within Demacia’s peripheral vision.


The main questline has been triggered: The Resurrection of the Goddess! 】

A questline has come!

It’s really the game’s plot!

What’s more, it’s even the main questline!

They actually triggered the core plot of the game!

All the four players rejoiced immediately upon seeing this notification.

In recent days, some beta-testers have been discussing as to when will the main questline be implemented and in what manner it would start. However, what they did not expect was that it would be triggered by the players themselves.

Not only that, it seems that the honor of triggering the main storyline is going to fall upon Demacia and his party!

【 Activate option dialogue mode…please choose a representative to communicate with the goddess. 】

A system prompt popped up once again.

“I’ll do it guys. I have played a lot this kind of visual novel type of games before and had also played thousands of characters strategically.”

Demacia made an eye contact with his teammates before he took a step forward whilst sporting a calm and proud expression.

However, his behavioral tics of rubbing his fingers had easily revealed his inner nervousness.

【 Representative confirmed: Demacia

After the the four players had confirmed their selection, Eve’s sacred and ethereal voice echoed within their ears once more.

“Chosen ones, what kind of reward do you want?”

As soon as she finished speaking, three visual options appeared within Demacia’s peripheral view.

Option A: Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, we righteous and selfless chosen ones do not need rewards! 】

Option B: Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, serving you is our duty. We do not need such rewards! 】

Option C: Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, could you talk about the matter of the divine artifact? 】

Demacia: “……”

Goddammit, surely the people who had came up with these dialogue options must have had a few screw loose up their brains!

Demacia chided within his heart but answered with a joyful facade, “Y-Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, could you talk about the matter of the divine artifact?”

After hearing his words, the expression of the goddess softened just a little bit.

She nodded gently and explained, “This is the crystalized blood of the World Tree, which was scattered all throughout the Elfen Forest after the Heavenly War a thousand years ago. Now, Uller is dispatching his minions—those evil goblins, to collect these crystals in order to obtain the power that originally belongs to me.”

After a brief pause, she then continued to elaborate,

“Uller is the God of Winter and Hunting, as well as my primary enemy. He also participated in the Heavenly War that destroyed the elven civilization a thousand years ago.”

Uller the god of Winter and Hunting? Another god?

And the goddess clearly regarded this new god as her enemy!

Each of the four players’ hearts skipped a beat as they all realized that this was the beginning of the lore behind the main questline.

After the goddess finished speaking, several new options appeared within Demacia’s field of vision.

Option A: Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, do you need our help? 】

Option B: Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, can we do anything for you? 】

Option C: Your highness, the Supreme Goddess, can we become your power? 】

Demacia: “……”

Were there any differences between these options in the first place!?

“…Your Highness, can we do anything for you?” He decided to simply randomly selected one as his response.

“Of course.”

Eve’s smile became even more brilliant.

“I need your power in order to disrupt Uller’s devious schemes and strengthen my recovery for my eventual revival.”

After uttering these words, she then raised her hand as a gentle divine power surged out from her fingers as it coalesce in midair and transformed into a visual projection depicting a real scene from the outside world.

It was a broken wall covered with vine-like plants, and numerous goblins appears to be lurking there, as they offered greenish crystals as sacrifices on an altar to some god they worshiped…

“Once upon a time, this place was once known as the holy city of the elven kingdom—Florence. But currently as you can see, it has been reduced to mere ruins…a shell of its former glory.”

Eve’s voice carried a hint of sorrow and sadness as she briefly explained the origins of the said ruins.

“Now, this ruins has become a goblins’ lair. These creatures dwell deep within there, profaning the glory of the elves and stealing the power that originally belongs to the World Tree…Unfortunately, my strength has not yet been fully restored, and I cannot take action myself, lest I attract Uller’s attention.”

After she spoke, the goddess then looked over at the group with anticipation.

“Chosen ones, are you willing to take upon the quest of eliminating these vile evil desecrators and help me in reclaiming my power?”

Option A: Your highness, the supreme goddess, we are willing! 】

Option B: Your highness, the supreme goddess, we will not hesitate! 】

Option C: Your highness, the supreme goddess, we will do our best! 】

Demacia: “……”

He was already feeling numb to these kind of ‘options.’

Nevertheless, with the goddess looking at him in anticipation, he would not really change his answer even if there was actually no other choice in the first place.

Not to mention, this also involved the main questline.

“Your highness, the supreme goddess, we are willing!”

Demacia replied.

As his voice fell, the system’s prompt sound can be heard once again,


Chapter One : Main Questline Begins! 】

Act One: Uller’s Conspiracy 】

Activation of the main quest

: Former Holy City 】

Quest objectives

▪️Establish a stable teleportation array within Florence.

▪️Eliminate the goblins occupying the holy city of Florence.

▪️Retrieve the divine blood crystals belonging to the World Tree.

Quest time limit: No restriction】

Number of players: No restriction】

Quest level: 9+】

Quest rewards: Completing any objective has the chance to earn experience points, perfect resurrections, and quest contribution points. 】

▪️Quest hint 1: Berserker has the map coordinates for Florence and can be approached for it.

▪️Quest hint 2: Alice Galewind can draw teleportation arrays and can be asked for assistance.

▪️Quest hint 3: Unity is strength. The number of goblins is numerous, so please team up with other players.

▪️Quest hint 4: The death risk for this quest is extremely high. Please try to ensure that you have obtained perfect resurrection times before engaging into battle. Players with the perfect resurrection buff will not lose levels upon resurrection, and the buff can resurrect a player once with all their status intact.

The Perfect Resurrection feature is Eve’s modification to the resurrection mechanism of the game.

In order to make the players fight more confidently and work harder, she had specifically added this new feature of resurrection without any heavy punishment at all.

For Evé, the cost of resurrecting a body is quite insignificant, and it is even way cheaper in comparison to the cost of creating a player’s body right from scratch.

Of course, if players want to obtain perfect resurrection, then they must complete various tasks first…

The beginning of the main questline!

Upon seeing the system prompt, all four players were immediately excited.

They have really triggered the main storyline! And it’s the first act!

When they saw the rewards, their eyes lit up as well.

“A Perfect Resurrection? It even guarantees the same level after dying and resurrecting!?”

What a treasure! Such a good one!

As an unlucky guy who died several times before reaching level five, Demacia almost cried when he saw this reward.

His teammates also patted his shoulder excitedly.

“Brother! Well done! You selected all the options correctly!”

Demacia: “……”

His mouth twitched involuntarily and replied, “You guys would have selected all of them correctly too.”

While these four players were still excited, Eve’s voice came once more,

“Brave chosen ones, I thank you for your support. In order to express my gratitude, I will grant you an exclusive title and the rewards you so justly deserve.”

There are even titles and rewards!?

All four of them were overjoyed as their eyes lit up in anticipation.

Demacia smiled gleefully and slapped his thigh.

“Exactly! How could there be no rewards for triggering the main act!”

“All hail the goddess!”

Amidst the cheers of these four players, Evé waved her right hand as a new prompt entered their visions.

【❗ 】

You have obtained the exclusive title: Protector of the World Tree. 】

You have obtained the reward: 5x Perfect Resurrection chances. 】

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