
Chapter 73

For as long as he could remember, his grandpa always talked about the glorious history of the elvish race.

How they had been the largest empire in the world at one point in time.

How they had established the most brilliant civilization in the world.

However, after the catastrophe, the elves fell down the power rankings, were cursed, and gradually fell into decline.

Al could not even imagine how prosperous the elves had been a thousand years ago. To him, his grandpa\'s tales sounded like myths and fairy tales.

His life was that of cold reality, where they always had to hide and wander like fugitives. Despite this, his grandfather believed that everything would eventually turn out fine.

"Do not forget, Al, that we are the great Silver race. Our present decline is only momentary. Once the Mother Goddess returns, our golden age will surely return once again."

His grandfather would often say that.

Al had once asked Grandpa who this Mother Goddess was. Grandpa replied that the Mother Goddess was the greatest being in the world, the true ruler of the world as well as the benevolent Mother who watched over them. "So ... we elves have our own God?"

Al had asked in surprise.

"Silly boy."

Grandfather stroked the boy\'s head with an expression of fervent devotion.

"The Mother Goddess is not some mere deity, but a true Ancient God!"

From that day onwards, Al waited for the Mother Goddess\'s arrival with great anticipation.

He personally longed for a happy and stable life, with a small garden of his own.

Yet ... until the day that his grandfather died, Al still had not seen the return of the Mother Goddess.

But even so, he continued to believe in his grandfather\'s words. Until the day that a group of hideous-looking half-orcs finally discovered their elvish settlement. After a brutal battle, the young and strong died in battle, while the women and children were taken captive ... including him and his two sisters.

And it was then that Al realised that there was a worse fate than a life of wandering and hiding.

No, the worst fate was to have one\'s home destroyed and to be turned into a prisoner.

One by one, the female elvish prisoners disappeared.

The remaining prisoners were kept in a small stone prison deprived of sunlight or any view on the outside sky.

Every day, they only received underriped fruit to allay their hunger.

According to the half-orcs, they were waiting for a human caravan to pass by so that they could sell Al and the others for a good price. Humans ... Al trembled.

If the half-orcs were demons, then humans were definitely devils …Back during his time in the settlement, he had heard countless tales about the tragic fates that befell those who became slaves to humans… Those cunning, greedy, lustful, and evil bastards were capable of doing anything.

During these times, he even entertained the idea of dying by going on hunger strike.

But his heart faltered at the thought of his two sisters.

"Al, you\'re a boy. Make sure to protect your sisters."

These had been his grandfather\'s last words of advice to him on his deathbed.

Thinking about his words, Al clenched his fist. "Grandpa ... I\'m so useless ... I\'m so useless ..." As time went on, Al became increasingly desperate.

But because of his two younger sisters, he had no choice but to be strong and pull himself together.

He was thinking of ways to escape all the time, but the half-orcs were simply too vigilant.

This went on for several months.

That was until something happened today.


The prison door, which had not been opened in a long time, was finally swung open.

Al winced and observed warily, while his two sisters hid behind him like frightened deer.

"Is today finally going to be the day? Where they are going to ... sell us?"

Al clenched his fists as he began to think about a way to escape while he still had the chance.

However, the half-orcs did not enter but instead threw a tightly tied figure in the prison cell before turning to leave.

Al looked at the figure in shock.

"An ... elf?!"

This ... was the first time in months that he had seen a fellow elf.

The elf was very strange.

His whole body was covered in blood, he was seriously injured, his face was abnormally pale, and his breath was ragged.

However, his eyes were extraordinarily bright and full of life.

Al could not take his eyes off him.

This elf was different, as he seemed to carry an aura of defiance that Al had never seen before.

His gaze, unlike those of Al\'s former clan members , were not dull and cloudy.

There was a faint smile on his lips, and he had this kind of unrestrainedness, as if he took everything in this world lightly.

He even stuck out his tongue against the backs of the half-orcs when they turned around! He was a funny person ... and so full of energy and hope! Al had never seen such an existence among the elves he knew.

He was brimming with curiosity.

After hesitating for a moment, he spoke softly:

"Are… are you okay?"

The elf seemed to be surprised. When he turned to see Al, he couldn\'t help but cry out:

"Damn! "Elves?!"

Al flinched at the sound of his voice and retreated slightly.

The strange elf\'s face in front of him changed several times. First, it was an expression of delight, then of excitement, and finally a complicated expression.

Al hesitated and then continued to ask:

"You …you\'ve really lost a lot of blood… Are you really okay?"

The strange elf\'s expression softened all of a sudden.

He nodded and smiled as he coughed up blood.

"Yes yes, I\'m fine."

Al: "…"

"You…you just vomited blood!" he said.

Not caring about anything else, Al rushed forward to help untie the elf.

"Have ... Have you also been caught?"

He asked curiously as he wrapped the elf\'s wounds with strips of cloth.

After being freed, the elf first nodded before shaking his head.

"Nah, I\'m just a well-behaved locator beacon."

Al: "…"

Al found that the weird elf spoke strangely as well.

But as they interacted, Al discovered that the elf was, despite his weirdness, a gentle and optimistic person.

They chatted.

He told many interesting stories, much to the delight of Al and his sisters.

He knew a lot and always had these fresh ideas that Al had never thought of before. He was hooked by all sorts of bizarre and funny stories.

Gradually, he took a liking to this funny guy.

And through chatting, Al also learned where the elf came from.

He came from a far, far away place. He was a warrior that had been summoned by the Goddess.

The Goddess? Al\'s curiosity was sparked.

"Big brother Demacia, do elves also believe in other Gods?"

Demacia smiled, his expression turning a little complex for an instant.

"No..." A reverent expression appeared on his face.

With his hand, he drew a tree symbol on his chest and said in a deep voice:

"There is only one Goddess in my heart!"

Al froze when he saw that gesture.

His grandfather used to draw it constantly! The Mother Goddess of the elves… Did she really exist? Had he ... really been summoned by Her? Al felt a bit dazed.


Still in a daze, Al heard the elf call his name.

He turned his head and saw where Brother Demacia\'s eyes were looking at.

He was staring through the prison bars. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and a wicked smile appeared.

Al followed his gaze and saw four more half-orcs who had entered the cave at some point. Their hands were carrying what appeared to be a ravaged magical beast.

"Our allies have arrived."

Al heard Demacia say.

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