
Chapter 101

The mark of a god is extremely firm and unless someone could kill Eve or an even stronger being intervenes in this matter, the little black dragon will never be able to escape it.

The dragon Meryer had no choice but to accept it with no matter what and just resign it its fate.

Nonetheless despite this, Eve could clearly feel that the little black dragon would not give up it’s freedom easily.

However she wasn’t worried, there is still plenty of time to properly tame it. This silly little dragon was fooled by those Beastmen before so Eve didn’t believe it couldn’t be fooled again with cheap tricks.

After that, Eve allowed Meryer to move around freely.

The only condition was that he could not leave the three-kilometer radius zone around the elf town, nor could he harm any of the elves and the chosen ones.

Hence Meryer could only bitterly dig a nest on top of a hill right next to the Novice town with a sad expression upon its dragon face.

“Ah… my castle… Ah… my gold coins and gems… Ah… my unfinished righteous cause…”

The little black dragon muttered to itself as it ruefully built its new nest in indignation.

It really was so unfair!

Black dragons like itself preferred to live in swamps and ruins of civilization, but there are no such places around the vicinity of the World Tree.

The ruins of Florence was not bad, but alas it was a bit far from Eve’s original body.

Moreover, because a certain ancestral black dragon had participated in the war of heaven a thousand years ago and the roots of the World Tree were chewed upon by that said black dragon, directly leading to the decline of the previous World Tree, the indigenous elves were full of hostility and caution towards any black dragons…

Therefore, before completely subduing this little guy, Eve plans to keep an eye on it.

Of course, another reason was that she was too lazy to personally train this little guy, and planned to leave the task of fooling the black dragon to the players.

The personality of a dragon is as stubborn as an old donkey, especially since Eve even had to use her precious powers to subjugate it.

If it were a mere normal dragon then that would be one thing.

However, when the force suppressing them weakens, any dragons especially black dragons will try every means to rebel.

Therefore, it is nigh almost impossible to gain the loyalty of a black dragon.

But the thought process of this black dragon seems to be a tad bit different compared from that of ordinary black dragons.

It appears to be very naive and even thinks of itself as a metal dragon!

In this situation, Eve feels that she should have a chance to truly conquer the heart of this little black dragon.

But if she wants to truly win its heart fully then it will probably take some effort.

Eve plans to leave the initial persuasion work to someone else.

So, she once again issued a task – “Tame the Black Dragon.”


[Task: Tame the Black Dragon]

[Task Content: The black dragon Meryer was captured by the goddess in battle and submitted to her. However, it still does not truly agree with the ideology of the goddess. As a faithful servant of the goddess, you have decided to assist the goddess in thoroughly taming the black dragon Meryer.]

[Task Objective: Make the black dragon Meryer truly recognize the goddess, accept the goddess’s beliefs, and fight for the goddess!]

[Task Time: Unlimited]

[Task Level: Unlimited]

[Task Reward: 3000 contribution points]

Of course, this task is not on the main questline, and accepting it is purely optional.

However, when the players saw this task, they were all very interested. Why because It’s not just the high contribution points of 3000, but they also see it as an opportunity to get close to a black dragon!

If they can fully tame the black dragon for the goddess… wouldn’t they also have a chance to ride upon on its back?

If they’re lucky, maybe they could even become a dragon knight!

How cool is that!

Don’t forget, Demacia was able to take Ael out to the field to grind monsters because of their close relationship.

Hmm… although It seems that the shota’s admiration towards him have significantly cooled down.

But this black dragon’s level even surpasses that of a silver rank!

For a moment, many players were tempted to accept the mission.

However despite all their attempts, Meryer was not impressed by any player’s taming attempts and was still full of hostility.

Those players who approached it either got sprayed with its saliva, kicked away, or were directly suppressed by its dragon power, making them shiver in fear.

In any case, the message it conveyed was that, “I’m very annoyed and powerful so you bastards better not mess with me.

Gradually over time, some players lost their excitement and finally gave up.

Only a few players persisted…

Li’l Salty Cat was one of them.

However just like everyone else, no matter how much she had tried to please it, Meryer remained indifferent towards her.

Even when she got some grilled skewers from two guys which lives in northeastern China who sold barbecues as a living, Meryer was not moved at all.

Not only that, the little black dragon even slapped the skewers on the ground, stepped on them hard, and spat on them to express its anger.

“This Lord dragon… doesn’t eat food that falls into its mouth!”

No matter how much they tried to please or feed it, fewer and fewer players persisted in the task eventually.

After all, for ordinary players, time is precious and they could be doing something else instead to gain experience and contribution points rather than please some temperamental oversized lizard.

Gradually, only Li’l Salty Cat, a semi-casual player, was left.

She didn’t care about the mission reward anymore and she was simply interested in the black dragon.

But to her disappointment, the black dragon Meryer still didn’t care.

However, Li’l Salty Cat was just as stubborn, and Meryer’s resistance only fueled her determination.

She decided that no matter what the cost, she would complete this mission!

After a long time, Meryer the black dragon began to become restless…

One day to Li’l Salty Cat’s surprise, the Dragon suddenly flapped its wings and flew up.

She saw Meryer flying up into the air, circling around the small town and its surroundings for several laps while constantly looking around, as if searching for something.

But when it came back, the whole dragon fell face plant into the ground looking disappointed.

This look made Li’l Salty Cat very curious.

And at that moment, she suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from inside the Black Dragon…

More accurately, it seemed to be from its abdomen.

In an instant, her face showed a look of realization.

This guy…isn’t it hungry?

Hmm now that she think about it, there’s really not much to eat within the three kilometers zone, and all the edible things have been hunted by players close to extinction.

—Except for some fruits that is.

But alas the Black Dragon is massive…and is a carnivore as well.

Finding an adequate food for itself would be quite the task without anyone helping it, Salty Cat thought.

The dragon seemed to has notice her strange gaze and as if reading her mind, Meryer suddenly shouted:

“Get out of here! You evil brat! Don’t dawdle around in front of this Lord Meryer! Otherwise, Meryer will definitely eat you!”

The sudden rage startled Li’l Salty Cat.

She felt something in her heart and pretended to leave, but returned a bit later and actually quietly hid and observed it.

After Meryer thought that Li’l Salty Cat had left, it then looked around as if checking if anyone was around.

And after making sure there was no one anymore, it then looked at the meat skewer on the ground covered in dust and saliva, and with its expression showing a bit conflicted, the dragon lowered its head and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


Another loud noise.

After hesitating for a moment, Meryer then finally quickly opened its mouth and ate the dusty skewer in one bite.

Then it smacked its lips after gulping it down, still unsatisfied.

Li’l Salty Cat: …

She covered her mouth, almost laughing out loud, and started typing in her guild chats, #general_channel:

“@everyone Buying any meat at a high price, how much do you have, how much do you want!”

By the way, she also personally contacted those two Northeastern brothers who can barbecue well.

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