
Chapter 749

Chapter 749

Yu Yimo stepped forward and asked in a cold voice, "what happened? Let Laofan start the third level alarm

As soon as he opened his mouth, a voice of pity came from a dark corner beside him. "Lord Luo appeared in Jiangzhou."

When he heard the name, Yu Yimo was slightly stunned. After a few seconds, he came back to himself. He twisted his brows, as if for a moment, his whole body became tense, and his aura was heavy and cold.

It seemed that he didn't believe it. He took a cool breath. After a while, he said slowly, "it's been three years."

It was three years ago that he last met Luo Jiuye.

But he didn't expect that now, he appeared again and appeared in Jiangzhou city. Isn't it intentional to provoke him?

There was a hint of coldness in my heart. He said coldly, "as soon as he appears, it means that there will definitely be a big event. From now on, you all have to work hard!"

Luo Yu nodded, "understand."

The shadow sitting in the corner nodded and did not speak.

Yu Yimo sits on the sofa, closes his eyes and starts to sort out all the things that have happened in recent years.

First of all, there was no movement on all sides of Jiangzhou City, and some minions were in action. Now, Luo Jiuye suddenly appeared, all of which were paving the way for what happened later.

Suddenly, Luo Yu said, "I found something."

Yu Yimo opened his eyes and immediately got up and walked to his side

Luo Yu turned the laptop screen to him. "I intercepted a encrypted email from them. It said that they should meet at the abandoned factory of Jinfeng at three in the morning and bring things with them."

Yu Yimo swept the document quickly, and his face was a little cold.

The courage is big enough. Mr. Luo has just shown his face in the daytime, and then he takes action in the evening. All of them are anxious like monkeys.

"Do you think you need to deploy?"

Yu Yimo wring his brows, his face cold and frightening, glanced at the clock and said immediately, "call Su Yucheng, start to deploy and act immediately."


Luo Yu and shadow respond with one voice.

People quickly spread out, each busy.

In the twinkling of an eye, it's 12:00 in the middle of the night. Yu Yimo has changed his clothes and quickly gets on the bus.

Su Yucheng was just pulled up from the bed, yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Yu Yimo frowned, glanced at him and said in a cold voice, "in this state, are you going to give your head away?"

Feeling the coolness of Yu Yimo's eyes, Su Yucheng's body shakes and suddenly wakes up. He straightens his collar and cheers up. "Don't worry, I'm absolutely unambiguous about business!"

Yu Yimo hears the speech, glances at him and doesn't speak any more.

The car shuttles in the dark night, as if engulfed by the boundless darkness, indicating that all the dangers are going on quietly.

In the dark car, Yu Yimo's eyes are black and bright, and all the states are tight without any relaxation.

At this time, we can't tolerate any mistakes.

Soon, the car slowly approached Jinfeng factory, but suddenly, the direction turned, bypassed the main road, directly passed through the land without road, and drew a big circle slowly to the back of the factory.

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