
Chapter 94 - Martial Category Innate Talent

Within a training area in the underground base, I looked at the Origin Sigil section in my <LOOTED STATUS>.


<Major ORIGIN SIGILS> (3/10) -

1. Olivia: <SOUL EYES> (Grade-10)

2. Kay: <APEX RULER> (Grade-10)



<Minor ORIGIN SIGILS> (11/100):

1. Storm Eagle MJ: <Wind Innate Talent> (Grade-9)

2. Hobgoblin MJ: <Fire Innate Talent> (Grade-9)

3. Shadow Leopard MJ: <Darkness Innate Talent> (Grade-9)

4. Venomous Scorpion MJ: <Poison Innate Talent> (Grade-9)

5. Earth Wyrm MJ: <Earth Innate Talent> (Grade-9)

6. Moro: <Blood Vengeance> (Grade-9), <War Asura Bloodline>

7. Esha: <Ice Haven Martial Scripture> (Grade-9) {New}

8. Rahu: <Axe Innate Talent> (Grade-9) {New}

9. Kethu: <Shield Innate Talent> (Grade-9) {New}

10. Jon: < Spear Innate Talent> (Grade-9) {New}

11. Ravan: <Sword Innate Talent> (Grade-9) {New}


<Rudimentary ORIGIN SIGILS> (0/1000) : None


I focussed on the five Innate Talents at the end that had 'New' highlighted beside them.

Other than Esha, the four others had Weapon category Innate Talents.

Even though gaining other Innate Talents would mean that I had to train their respective masteries to Stage-3, before I could once again satisfy the Tier-3 evolution requirement, I didn't bother about it since I didn't plan to reach Tier-3 anytime soon.

Besides, it's not like I could use the bloodline exclusive skill 'Battle Instinct' like Moro does. I had to work my ass off to improve my combat sense, and training in other weapon masteries would precisely help me in gaining the insight I needed.

Since all those innate talents were of Grade-9, the time I needed to spend improving their respective masteries would be way shorter, compared to when I learned weapon masteries in the past.

But, before training in them, I turned my attention to the <Ice Haven Martial Scripture>.

Those with Martial category Innate Talents are a bunch that operate differently from the Elemental and Weapon category ones, since they had to cultivate their bodies.

That involves a complex process of absorbing Spirit Energy in nature into their dantain, using that to nurture their body to sustain 'Martial Aura'. The higher the grade of the Martial Innate Talent, the easier the absorption process.

Just like how those with a Weapon Innate Talent could use Weapon Auras, such as Sword Aura, Dagger Aura, etc. the Martial Innate Talent users could use the aforementioned Martial Aura.

However, unlike the Weapon Auras that could only be used on a Weapon, the Martial Aura could be used on the body, making it as strong as a weapon. That was why anyone that picked a fight with an Martial Innate Talent user, would try their hardest to avoid a close combat fight.

Among the Martial Innate Talents, it's rare to find those that had some kind of element integrated in them. Even though such an occurrence was not as rare as awakening a bloodline, it was still pretty rare.

Esha's innate talent 'Ice Haven Martial Scripture' was one such case, since her innate talent had the ice element integrated within.

But of course, in regards to usage of elements, those with element integrated martial talent couldn't at all compare to those with their respective elemental innate talent users. Because, by increasing mastery in <Ice Haven Martial Scripture>, the ice element would just be ingrained in the Martial Aura without being able to use projectile attacks.

Anyway, I began training the 'Ice Haven Martial Scripture,' to figure out the effects of cultivation for myself. Before that, I used the Grade-3 <Water Innate Talent> & Lv.30 <Minor Water Mastery> to cover the entire training room with ice, with MJ suggesting to me that it would be beneficial to cultivate in an icy environment for the Ice Haven Martial Scripture.

According to the training methods of Ice Haven Martial Scripture, I cultivated my body, and since there wasn't any Spirit Energy on earth yet, I had to use Spirit Crystals to absorb Spirit Energy into my dantian that was located at the centre of my body, slightly underneath my belly button level.

For martial talent users, the dantain was where they could store and filter the Spirit Energy into a pure energy that would nurture their body and inner organs.

Whereas Elemental talent users would have 'Spirit Pool' that was located in their head, and the Weapon talent users have a 'Weapon Core' located at the centre of their chest. Because of that, they were commonly dubbed as 'Upper Dantian' and 'Middle Dantian' respectively'.

Time passed as the Spirit Crystals were sucked dry, and at the rate I was absorbing Spirit Energy, I could sense changes taking place in my body.

Even though using undistributed stats to improve one's attributes could improve one's external body strength, that still couldn't bring out the body's full potential for the amount of stats it had.

But, those who cultivate their body could improve their inner organs to a higher extent than others, which was also why martial talent users had comparably higher lifespan than the others at the same tier.

By the time I reached Stage-3 of <Minor Ice Martial Mastery>, 5 hours had passed, and my body was covered with inner organ impurities that were expunged through my skin. The odour it emitted was so foul that I had to block off my sense of smell till I had taken a quick bath.

Other than the improvements in my internal organs, my body's overall defence increased as well. But all those still lack in front of the benefit provided by the Martial Aura.

Then, I looked at the recent notifications.

[Congratulations! You have reached Stage-3 <Minor Ice Martial Mastery>.]

[Congratulations! Your <Ice Martial Aura> advanced to Stage-3 by reaching Lv.21. ]

[Congratulations! You gained the Stage-3 Mastery Perk <Ice Martial Aura Projectile>]

I activated the Stage-3 <Ice Martial Aura> and a light-blue coloured aura enveloped my body, giving me a 15% boost to my Strength, Agility and Endurance attributes along with improving my base attack damage and defence to a whole new level.

On top of that, every attack of mine while using <Ice Martial Aura> would have a constant ice elemental damage to it.

When I added <Ice Martial Aura Projectile> to the mix, the attack would manifest Ice Martial Aura into a projectile form which could then be shot at an enemy. However, the attack's range was far lower than the weapon aura projectiles.

It's apt to say that Martial talent users specialise in dealing close range damage, Weapon talent users as mid-range damage dealers whereas the elemental talent users were long range damage dealers.

Most of the disappointment I felt from not being able to use the War Asura Bloodline vanished after I began to train in 'Ice Haven Martial Scripture' because it improved my combat prowess drastically.

After that, I didn't train any further and went to meet my siblings. It was already 8 o'clock at night and I only had four hours before Day-7 of the alpha program began.

On my way, I went to check on Moro who was still asleep. But, while he was in sleep, he had tears of blood pouring across his cheeks as he unconsciously emanated Blood Aura that chaotically moved around his body due to the nightmare he was experiencing.

Even though killing those who were responsible for that incident caused his hatred to quell, the pain of losing his family didn't go away.

Because of Moro's mental disorder, which made him unable to express his feelings and emotions, Moro did not have an outlet for the emotions that he had experienced when he helplessly watched his family die in front of him.

Now that his mental disorder was cured by undergoing bloodline metamorphosis and his hatred was suppressed, all those pent-up emotions turned into nightmares as an outlet.

I used <SOUL EYES> to slow down those rush of emotions, which were the root cause of those nightmares and added those painful memories together with the happy memories he shared with his family.

At the end of that, I created a dream that his parents and sister were looking from heaven and were happy that he recovered. I did it so that Moro could gain peace and move on.

Soon, Moro woke up and when he saw me, he stayed silent for a while before saying a single sentence, "Thanks for everything Mister."

I could read his thoughts and see that he meant a lot more that couldn't be expressed in a sentence.

Moro didn't think a day would come where he would be able to avenge his family, that too with his own hands.

Since we saved him and I let him enact his justice, he seemed to have made it his life's purpose to spend the rest of his life repaying Kay and I.

But, I noticed something off about Moro and to confirm that, I intended to use an innovative skill that Olivia came up with on Moro.

She uses that to find whom she could trust and whom to not. It was called <True Self>, a rare grade skill that lets the user ask the target's anything and they would give genuine replies before forgetting everything regarding that conversation.

I was amazed as to how Olivia managed to come up with this skill because it wouldn't just affect the memories and outer consciousness but one's subconsciousness.

Subconsciousness was present in the depths of one's own consciousness where there will be information that the person even doesn't know about themselves.

The reason I didn't try to poke around anyone's subconsciousness was because the chances of causing irreversible harm to one's soul was high. However the skill <True Self> wouldn't harm the target's subconsciousness.

After everything that Moro had experienced and the hatred he developed in the past 8 years, he barely had any humanity left in him.

Even though the hatred in him was suppressed after he killed those who were reasonable for his family's death, the hate he had for the world that failed him was not something a normal person would have.

I wanted to find how far his humanity has fallen.



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