
Chapter 128 - Secret Meeting In Washington DC


Two hours later.

11:15 AM (UTC-5).

White House, Washington, DC.

In the situation room that was located in the West Wing, a small group of USA's highest-ranking individuals like Vice-President, Secretary of Defence, CIA Director and a few others were gathered.

At the moment, there was a secret meeting being held among them with the President presiding over it.

"Let's begin the 2nd Official Meeting. One by one, bring me up to date on the information gathered on the Alpha Chosen. Please, take the lead, Agent Blue." The President said to others present in the situation room.

Everyone's attention turned towards the blond-haired young man, whose piercing blue eyes had minute streaks of lightning coursing through them from time to time.

That gave off a sense of danger and mysteriousness to others present there.

However, none of them wasn't shocked. At least, not as much as when they initially witnessed Brandon's abilities in the first official meeting that took a few days back.

Back then, they almost jumped out of their seats at the display of his lightning element abilities.

Ignoring those that were looking at him, Brandon began, "Mr President, since the last meeting there weren't any changes in the number of Alpha Chosen on our side. There were still five of us in the Guardian Guild. Henry, Kensei and Min-soo were in their respective home countries. Whereas Gabriel is in the Guardian Guild main base right now."

"Oh, Gabriel's here in Washington? Why didn't you invite him to join the meeting? As an Alpha Chosen, he has every right to be here." The President asked out of curiosity.

"I would have brought him, but it's just that he recently evolved to Tier-3 and not yet properly accustomed to it. I'm afraid if he's here, you all would be involuntarily affected by his Tier suppression. I will bring him to the next official meeting, by then he would have gained control of it."

The President nodded understandingly, after all, he personally experienced some of the Tier-2 suppression when he first met Brandon in the Oval Office along with the CIA Director.

If Gabriel was there, they all would be subjected to some of the Tier-3 suppression he unknowingly exude and that's not something they could handle well.

Noticing that the remaining members in the room except the CIA Director didn't understand what the Tier Suppression was about, the President signalled Brandon to give a quick demonstration.

Although those high ranking individuals learned about the Trial Program and everything related to that in the previous meeting, that didn't include details about Tier suppression because it was not something that could be plainly described in words as one needed to experience it beforehand to gain a clear understanding.

At the President's signal, Brandon let out some of his tier suppression and enveloped everyone in the room except for the President and the CIA Director.

The next instant, everyone froze in their tracks and began to sweat even in a centralised ac room.

They were looking at Brandon with terror. They had learned about the supernatural powers of the Alpha Chosen and what they were capable of. They tried to bring their mind around it by reasoning that they were just stronger than normal humans and magically control elements.

But, it was their first time, facing such oppressive power.

At that moment, to them, Brandon looked like a death reaper, who could take their lives in an instant if he just wished for it.

Only then did they realise how wrong they were to underestimate the means and power of an Alpha Chosen.

After three seconds, Brandon lifted off his tier suppression over them and calmly looked at them before saying, "Please excuse me, I did this just to show what Tier Suppression feels like under Mr President's instructions. Since normal humans weren't considered as Tier-1, the tier difference between us is even greater and because of that just a part of my Tier-3 suppression was able to overwhelm you all."

The others wiped the sweat on their foreheads and looked at Brandon in a new light. They believed that Tier Suppression alone was enough to kill them if it was used to its full extent.

After that, the meeting resumed and the President asked Brandon, "What about Olivia's group? Did you invite them to join the Guardians Guild?"

"Yes, Mr President, but they rejected it. I believe they will be shortly joining an organisation under Olivia and the resources she provides them aren't far from ours.

Moreover, at this point, it wasn't just about who could provide more resources but who could gain their trust and confidence. Sergei, Andrea and Kasim now believe in Olivia and her leadership.

If I insist them to join us, it would only look like me trying to poach Olivia's group and eventually lead to an internal struggle between Alpha Chosen. With the upcoming tournament, where we had to face Alpha Chosen from other planets, it's in everyone's best interests to stay united."

The President was a bit disappointed that the other Alpha Chosen didn't join their side but after hearing Brandon's explanation, he found it reasonable and couldn't help but be thankful to have someone like Brandon working under him, who could thoroughly think through before acting on something.

Following that, he thought of something and hurriedly asked, "What about 'that' individual? Did he reject your invitation as well?"

Hearing that, Brandon dryly laughed, "Mr President, about that….... To begin with, we don't have anything we could offer that could catch his attention. The previous official meeting was on Day-5 rest day, so you all don't know what happened on Day-6."

Brandon then began to brief them on the details of the Earth's Foothold and the massively advanced technology used there, they widened their eyes in disbelief. Because based on Brandon's description, that technology could be centuries if not millenniums ahead of the present age.

For a moment, there was still silence in the room.

After that, the female Vice President broke the silence and asked Brandon, "According to the previous report, it was said that this Jay was ranked third among every Alpha Chosen in the Trial World on the first day and then proceeded to 1st position in the next two days but after than began to decline. If I may ask, what is his current ranking in this 'Trial World Alpha Leaderboard'?"

Her query garnered everyone else's attention in the room, especially the President. He was overjoyed that one of the Earth's Alpha Chosen was strong enough to be at the top among the millions of Alpha Chosen galaxy-wide.

But when the President learned in the last meeting that Jay's position in the 'Alpha Rankings' fell halfway through, he was worried for Earth but that soon vanished after hearing that Andrea, Min-soo and Olivia are in the top 10 positions.

Now that the Vice President brought up this matter, he wanted to know if Jay improved his ranking.

"He isn't in the top 1000 rankings anymore but…."Brandon proceeded to say but was interrupted before he could complete.

The Secretary of Defence, who was silent till then raised his opinion, "Excuse me for intruding but If he is not so strong anymore, what's there to be worried about? We could just bring him into custody and extract information on that advanced technology in his grasp. After all, he is just a single person. What could he do against a country?"

More than half of the individuals in the meeting nodded in agreement with the idea.

It was not just them but also the president was thinking about it. Even though not as violently as the Secretary of Defence put it but instead trying to persuade Jay to share that technology with them.

If that's not feasible, maybe at most try to threaten him into accepting their proposal. After all, if that technology was half as good as what Brandon described, it is worth waging a war.

For a moment there, Brandon was stunned at how they came to such a conclusion before even completely listening to what he had to say.

Brandon then thought to himself, 'If they know what Jay is capable of, they wouldn't even dare to even think of making a move on him.'

He then recollected the memory from two hours before the 2nd Official Meeting began and couldn't help but feel chills running down his back every time he thought about it.

Looking at the Secretary of Defence, who looked as if he suggested something reasonable and obvious, Brandon felt like losing his usual calm temper and wanted to subject the man in front of him with his full concentrated Tier-3 Suppression.

But he decided against it, taking the Secretary of Defence's age into account. After all, if Brandon were to really do that, he might really die from asphyxiation due to the overwhelming tier difference.

Before the President could make a decision they would regret, Brandon spoke, bringing everyone's attention to him.

"Before deciding on anything, I suggest everyone listen to what I was about to say before I was rudely interrupted by someone."

If it was before, Brandon wouldn't have undermined someone as powerful as the Secretary of Defence in front of others so openly but now with the new authority, where he was just below the president of their country, he didn't hold back.

The Secretary of Defense was about to retort something in retaliation but slouched back into his seat after receiving a look from Brandon.

It wasn't a look that gave off Tier suppression but it was enough to make the other party shy away in fear.


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