
Chapter 131 - Trial Regional Tournament - Round 1: [Part-2]

As soon as everyone entered those \'Reality Emulators\', the 3rd Prince used another voice command into his Status Screen and that brought out 100 large transparent screens onto the space above the podium ground.

Each of those screens projected what\'s happening within the Reality Emulators. But each screen only showed Alpha Chosen that were ranked 1st in their respective Trial Zone.

The spectating Alpha Chosen attentively watched those screens to gain a clear understanding of how one will be facing monsters in those grey cuboids.

On every screen, there was a 100 x 100 x 100 meters white space visible with an Alpha Chosen in it.

Soon, a Tier-1 Low-Phase Monster materialised out of thin air in every white space and a three-second countdown started along with a notification message cautioning every Alpha Chosen to prepare themselves to fight the monster in front of them.

Those monsters looked so real that everyone would have taken them for real monsters if the 3rd Prince hadn\'t mentioned that everything in there was virtual.

Once the countdown ended the monsters pounced aggressively disregarding the Tier difference between them and their opponents.

At that exact moment, a timer of 5 minutes started within that white space, indicating the Alpha Chosen in there to slay the monster in front of them within that limited time to pass Round-1\'s first level of difficulty.

For those Alpha Chosen, who were at least in Tier-2, it took just a few seconds to slay the Tier-1 Low-Phase monster they individually faced.

On the top right of each of those 100 large screens, where it showed \'0 Points\' was then changed to \'10 Points\' after those monsters were slain.

After that, all the dead monsters in those 100 white spaces faded into nothingness and every Alpha Chosen were presented with a choice to whether proceed to the next difficulty level right away or recuperate for a 10-minute duration.

As it didn\'t take much effort to take out a Tier-1 Low-phase monster, none of those Alpha Chosen waited for any further and proceeded to the next difficulty level right away.

Just like the previous time, a monster materialised in there along with a 3-second countdown and a notification reminding the Alpha Chosen to prepare themselves.

This time it was a Tier-1 Mid-Phase monster but that didn\'t matter as it didn\'t take more than 30 seconds for every single of those 100 Alpha Chosen displayed on the screens to slay their respective monster.

For the 3rd difficulty level, it was also a similar situation. Except, it took even the slowest of those 100 Alpha Chosen around a minute to slay a Tier-1 High-Phase monster.

As the top-ranked individuals within their respective Trial Zones, these first three difficulty levels hadn\'t been hard to pass.

Only in the fourth level difficulty did they find some challenge but then again, that\'s all to it. Within three minutes every last one of those 100 Alpha Chosen slew the Tier-2 Low-Phase monster they faced.

However, it was different for the 920 Alpha Chosen who weren\'t seen within the holographic screens.

286 of them seemed to fail the fourth level difficulty as the grey cuboid Reality Emulators they were in sent them out and disappeared before displaying their final score on them for a brief moment.

Since those 286 Alpha Chosen only passed the first three difficulty levels, they should have only been awarded 85 Points (10+25+50).

But they also received additional points depending on the damage they inflicted on the Tier-2 Low-Phase monster in the 4th difficulty level, despite not passing it.

That way, the points awarded for each Alpha Chosen wouldn\'t be identical, making it less possible for two trial zone teams to have the same points by the end of Round-1.

All of those 286 Alpha Chosen were at Tier-2 Low-Phase. As they were accustomed to fighting a monster by grouping up, fighting one on one with a monster was hard on them.

Most of them could have defeated their respective Tier-2 Low-Phase monsters if they were given extra time. However, since 5 minutes was the time limit, they could only sigh in frustration.

Just like everyone in the spectator area, the Earth\'s Alpha Chosen were also watching everything happening on the podium ground.

Kensei was confused after noticing some details and asked Baby MJ, who sat over Jay\'s left shoulder.

"Great Venerable, why is it that those Alpha Chosen who just exited the Reality Emulator has bruises and gashes over them?"

Andrea chimed in after with him, "Yes, Great Venerable. Doesn\'t those Reality Emulators act as the virtual chamber pods, that we use in Earth\'s Foothold to create avatars within a virtual space?"

Baby MJ shook his head, "Those are a lot more advanced than virtual chamber pods. The white space you see in the Reality Emulators is an \'Augmented Space\', where even the damage received from the monsters in there will be directly inflicted onto the Alpha Chosen to bring forth the highest reality experience possible.

Of course, the damage one receives will only be limited to minor injuries and any fatal damage one receives from a monster in the Augmented Space will not be emulated for safety reasons."

That made everyone gain a better grasp of the situation within Reality Emulators. The Atlans also nodded in understanding after hearing Baby MJ\'s explanation.

Soon after, the Alpha Chosen who were sent out of the Reality Emulators left to the spectator area under the 3rd Prince\'s instructions.

Looking at so many failing to slay a Tier-2 Low-Phase monster within the given 5-minute duration, Henry scoffed, "It seems I have overestimated those from other trial zones. Even if they are the weakest of the bunch, to think they could not even pass the 4th difficulty level. Looks like I got worried for nothing."

Baby MJ lifted his little palm and lightly smacked the back of Henry\'s head, "Being able to reach Tier-2 within 10 days was still within the top 20% among the Alpha Programs ever conducted. It\'s just that you lot are ahead of them. If you keep on looking down on them, it wouldn\'t be long before they reach your level."

MJ\'s words weren\'t just directed at Henry but at the other Earth\'s Alpha Chosen as well so that they don\'t get ahead of themselves.

The usually silent Jay joined the conversation as he continued to pay attention to a particular screen, "Don\'t judge every other Alpha Chosen based on just a few weaker ones, there are stronger ones too."

Everyone turned to look at the screen that Jay has his eyes on.

Among the 100 Alpha Chosen shown on the screens, around half of them chose to recuperate their lost Stamina and Spirit Energy in the given 10-minute duration whereas the other half, who were at Tier-2 High-Phase and above had already moved to the 5th difficulty level.

During the conversation among Earth\'s Alpha Chosen, twenty of them already entered the 6th difficulty level and faced a Tier-2 High-Phase monster each.

As those 20 Alpha Chosen managed to reach the 6th difficulty level earlier than others, their screens were brought to the top row and were arranged in an order so that those with the quickest clearance were placed at the front of that row.

Out of those twenty, the one that Jay was observing was not even among the first 10 screens and that piqued the interest of every other Earth\'s Alpha Chosen.

Some wanted to ask Jay what\'s so special about that particular Alpha Chosen but with how intently Jay was watching, they didn\'t voice it out and instead continued to watch that screen to find out for themselves.

Not long after, the 6th difficulty level ended and out of those 20, only 13 managed to pass it.

Among them was also the Alpha Chosen that Jay was paying attention to. But, unlike the other twelve who used flashy skills to defeat their respective Tier-2 High-Phase monster, his way of fighting didn\'t stand out at all.

After a quick recovery break, those 13 Alpha Chosen began the 7th difficulty level, where each of them had to face a Tier-3 Low-Phase monster.

Unlike in the previous 6 difficulty levels, the Augmented Space expanded five times from its previous size, bringing it to 500 x 500 x 500 meters.

Within the first minute into the 7th difficulty level, three of them lost to the monsters they faced and in the next two minutes, that count increased to eight.

Out of those 13, just five were barely able to slay their respective Tier-3 Low-Phase monster within the given time.

The particular Alpha Chosen that Jay was eying upon was also one of those five when most of the spectators believed he would fail in the 7th difficulty level.

Even though those five almost had their Stamina and Spirit Energy depleted, they were only given a 10-minute recuperation period.

However, since the Augmented Space didn\'t restrict one from using Spiritual Fruits or any other resources that could improve their condition, they all used whatever they had in hand.

Soon, the 8th difficulty level began and within just a minute, four lost to the respective Tier-3 Mid-Phase monster they faced and were sent out of the Reality Emulators.

Everyone in the spectator area watched without blinking their eyes as they looked at the last one standing.

From the looks of that, it seemed like he could barely hold on against the Tier-3 Mid-Phase monster and when it looked like he was about to be defeated in any second, an unusual change took place in that Alpha Chosen.

Watching that, Jay said under his breath, "It\'s about time you use your other Innate Talent."


I will be introducing this character properly in the next chapter as that will be better than stuffing it in this chapter.

FYI, this character is customised using the \'Alpha-Patron\' benefit.

Excuse me for any grammatical mistakes. If you find some, feel free to point them out. I will correct them as soon as possible.


Note: The \'1st FIFTEEN PEOPLE\' to comment for every new chapter release will get \'1 ADVANCED CHAPTER\' for free in Earth Alpha Prime\'s Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened private channels for those Top 15 candidates, where I post the respective Advanced Chapter.

Also, you could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime\'s Discord Server. (within the \'ADVANCED CHAPTERS!\' Category.)


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