
Chapter 245: A Teenager against all odds

Chapter 245: A Teenager against all odds

The scar-faced goon's smug expression twisted into one of anger. "Alright, kid. You want to play tough? Let's see how you handle this." He stepped forward, his hulking six-foot-six frame casting an intimidating shadow over Jay.

Jay took a deep breath, focusing on the fight ahead. Despite the massive size difference, he knew he had the skills and determination to face this giant.

The scar-faced goon lunged at Jay with surprising speed. Jay sidestepped, using the goon's momentum against him. He delivered a precise palm strike to the man's ribcage, targeting a pressure point. The goon grunted in pain but quickly recovered, swinging a meaty fist at Jay.

Jay ducked, then spun around with a powerful low kick, aiming for the back of the goon's knee. The goon staggered but didn't fall. He retaliated with a heavy punch that Jay barely dodged, the wind from the blow ruffling his hair. 

Jay countered with a series of rapid Wing Chun punches to the goon's torso, each strike aimed at a vital pressure point.

The giant growled in frustration, throwing a wild haymaker. Jay seized the opportunity, slipping inside the goon's guard and delivering a sharp elbow to his solar plexus. 

The goon wheezed, momentarily winded, but managed to grab Jay by the arm. With a tremendous effort, he swung Jay around and slammed him into the ground.

Jay gasped as pain shot through his body, but he quickly rolled to his feet, not giving the goon a chance to capitalize. 

He switched tactics, drawing from his extensive martial arts training. Adopting a Northern Shaolin stance, he executed a flurry of high kicks, each one aimed at the goon's head and upper body.

The goon blocked a few, but one kick landed squarely on his temple, causing him to stumble. Jay pressed his advantage, moving in close and targeting the pressure points on the goon's arms and legs. He struck with pinpoint accuracy, causing the goon to cry out in pain as his limbs went numb.

Despite the damage, the scar-faced goon was far from finished. With a roar, he charged at Jay, using his massive body as a battering ram. 

Jay braced himself and, at the last second, pivoted to the side, tripping the goon with a well-placed foot sweep. The goon crashed to the ground but quickly got back up, more enraged than ever.

Jay knew he needed to end this quickly. He focused on the goon's pressure points, delivering a series of swift, powerful strikes to the neck, ribs, and thighs. The giant's movements became sluggish as the effects of the targeted attacks took their toll.

Summoning all his strength, Jay launched himself into the air, executing a spinning back kick that connected with the goon's jaw. The goon's head snapped back, and he fell to the ground, dazed but not yet defeated.

Breathing heavily, Jay stood over the fallen giant, his body aching from the exertion. The scar-faced goon struggled to rise, his movements slow and labored. Jay knew he had the upper hand, but he couldn't let his guard down for even a moment.

In a final, desperate move, the goon lunged at Jay again, but Jay was ready. He sidestepped and delivered a devastating strike to the goon's carotid artery, a precise pressure point that caused immediate incapacitation. The scar-faced goon crumpled to the ground, unconscious and defeated.

Jay stood tall, his chest heaving as he surveyed the scene. Despite being built like a middleweight fighter, Jay had just taken down an opponent who resembled a heavyweight champion. 

The size and strength difference were immense, yet he had proven his skill and determination against all odds. The remaining thugs hesitated, their confidence shaken by the sight of their strongest member's defeat.

Jay's friends, who were spectating everything from the side, were struck with disbelief as they watched him take down the giant of a man. They knew Jay was abnormally strong and talented for his age, but they never expected such a result. 

Their eyes were wide with shock, unable to comprehend how Jay, despite his smaller size, had managed to overpower such a formidable opponent.

The scar-faced goon lay unconscious and defeated, but the goons around him didn't stand down. They exchanged glances, then, with renewed determination, surged toward Jay.

Despite being smaller and outnumbered, Jay gave them hell. He was exhausted from his earlier fights, his body aching and bruised, but he fought back with all his might, using every martial art technique he knew to fend off the relentless attackers.

He delivered rapid punches and kicks, targeting pressure points and using throws and joint locks to disable as many as he could. But the numbers were against him.

A thug swung a metal pipe at Jay, who barely managed to deflect it with a forearm block. The impact reverberated through his arm, and he grimaced in pain. 

Another goon tackled him from behind, forcing him to the ground. Jay rolled and sprang back up, delivering a roundhouse kick to the attacker's head. But for every goon he took down, another two were ready to take their place.

The damage he took began to accumulate. A heavy blow to his ribs left him gasping for air. A punch to the jaw made his vision blur momentarily. 

Cuts and bruises appeared all over his body, and blood trickled down his face. His movements slowed, fatigue and pain taking their toll.

Despite his best efforts, Jay found himself overwhelmed. A particularly brutal hit to his side sent him crashing to the ground, and this time, he struggled to get back up. The remaining goons surrounded him, their attacks becoming more coordinated and relentless.

Just as Jay was about to succumb to the onslaught, a loud voice cut through the chaos. "Enough! I want him alive."

The remaining eight or so goons halted their attacks and stepped back, breathing heavily. Jay, battered and bloodied, looked up through his swollen eyes to see who had stopped the fight. 

A car door opened not too far from them, and a figure stepped forward from the shadows, commanding the respect and obedience of the thugs with just his presence. 

Jay struggled to remain conscious, his vision swimming as he tried to focus on the newcomer. The fight had stopped, but his situation didn't get any better.

Teenager Jay looked at the newcomers, his eyes widening as he recognized the one in the lead. His gaze then shifted to the unconscious figure that one of the bodyguards behind was carrying over his shoulder—his cousin, Lokesh.


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