
Chapter 247: Dire Situation

Chapter 247: Dire Situation

Jay\'s heart pounded as Rohan approached, a cruel smile spreading across his face. The memory of their violent confrontation was still fresh, but the sadistic gleam in Rohan\'s eyes was even more chilling.

Rohan started speaking, his voice dripping with venom. "Jay, you have no idea how long I\'ve been planning to destroy you after what you did to me. When my dad found out about it, he was enraged. He was ready to send one of the gangs that do our dirty work to finish you off. But I disagreed."

Rohan\'s smile widened, his eyes gleaming with malevolence. "I wanted you to experience a hundred times the pain and humiliation I did. So, I decided to target everyone close to you, starting with the love of your life, Sana."

Jay\'s heart sank as Rohan continued. "My father targeted the oil business that Sana\'s family-owned, pushing it to the brink of collapse. He gave them an ultimatum: their business would only be saved if Sana stayed away from you. If she didn\'t comply, things would only get worse."

Rohan\'s voice took on a mocking tone. "Sana\'s parents convinced her to comply. She resisted at first, but when they threatened to disown her, she finally gave in and did as they asked."

Rohan sneered at Jay. "In a way, I did you a favor. If she truly loved you, would she have abandoned you now, of all times?"

Jay clenched his fists, his rage barely contained. The words cut deep, and he could feel his anger bubbling to the surface. The pain of losing Sana, compounded by the revelation of Rohan\'s involvement, was almost too much to bear. His mind flashed back to the moments he had shared with her, the love they had, and the abrupt end of their relationship.

Rohan\'s sneer grew wider as he saw the effect his words had on Jay. "Next were your friends. They were even easier to break. They gave up on you at the first moment of danger. They barely put up a fight. Your lover at least fought for you."

Jay\'s eyes flicked to his friends, who stood a few feet away, their heads hung in shame. The betrayal stung just as deeply as Rohan\'s words. He had always thought of them as his closest allies, but now he realized how fragile their loyalty had been.

Sorry, I mean ex-lover," Rohan taunted, his voice filled with mockery. "Hah! But this is only the start. Your enterprise, Nav-Yuga, will crumble, and your grandfather\'s condition has set the wheels in motion."

Jay\'s breath came in ragged gasps as he struggled to contain his fury. The mention of his grandfather, now comatose, only added fuel to the fire burning inside him. Rohan\'s gloating face blurred as Jay\'s vision reddened with rage.

Rohan continued, relishing Jay\'s torment. "My father made several attempts to buy your rising enterprise, but was refused every time. After you injured me, he took it further by planting a bomb under your grandfather\'s car. Your grandpa is one lucky bastard to have survived that."

At this, Jay\'s rage boiled over. With a guttural roar, he surged against the four goons holding him in place. His movements were fueled by raw emotion, each struggle a testament to his refusal to accept defeat. The goons, initially caught off guard by his sudden burst of strength, tightened their grip, but Jay was relentless.

Summoning every ounce of his strength, he managed to wrench an arm free. He swung it with all his might, his fist connecting with the jaw of the goon to his left. The impact was powerful, sending the thug sprawling to the ground. Seizing the moment, Jay twisted his body, delivering a sharp elbow to the stomach of the goon on his right. The man doubled over, gasping for breath before crumpling to the floor.

Jay\'s heart pounded like a war drum in his chest, the adrenaline coursing through his veins giving him the strength to fight on. He spun around, his fists a blur as he landed a series of quick, devastating punches on the remaining two goons. One fell back, clutching his nose as blood spurted between his fingers, while the other staggered but remained on his feet, his expression one of shock and pain.

For a moment, it seemed as if Jay might emerge victorious. But just as he turned to face the last goon, more thugs rushed forward, joining the fray. They overwhelmed him with sheer numbers, their fists and feet raining down blows. Jay fought valiantly, his movements fueled by a mix of desperation and fury, but the odds were against him.

He felt a sharp kick to his side, the pain exploding through his ribs. Another kick landed on his back, driving him to his knees. Still, Jay refused to give up. He lashed out with his fists, his vision blurred by sweat and blood, but the relentless assault continued.

Finally, a particularly brutal punch to his temple sent Jay sprawling to the ground. He tried to rise, but his body betrayed him, his strength ebbing away with each passing second. The goons continued to kick and punch him, their faces twisted with a mix of fear and anger.

Rohan watched from a distance, a sadistic smile playing on his lips. He took pleasure in the sight of Jay being beaten down, his cruel eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

That won\'t change what will soon befall your company and your family," he taunted, his voice carrying over the sounds of the fight. "What do you think will happen in the coming month? Want me to reveal what your future holds?"

Jay, battered and bruised, could barely lift his head to glare at Rohan. His body was broken, but his rage and determination burned brighter than ever, preventing his resolve from completely succumbing to despair.


Author Note:

I\'m thrilled to share that I\'m taking a big leap forward! Alongside Earth\'s Alpha Prime, I\'ve launched the first sub-book for EAP.


The book is now available, and I\'ll be releasing new chapters at a rate of 3 per week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday). Do check it out!

Chapter Release Rate: 3 Chs/Week.

<<<< Tue, Thu, Sun >>>>


The first ten to comment for new chapter releases will get \'1 ADVANCED CHAPTER\' for free on Earth Alpha Prime\'s Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened a private channel for those Top 10 candidates, where I posted the respective Advanced Chapter.

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