
Chapter 110: Destiny

“I get it, Brother Face. From now on, I’m with the Face Gang, upholding the ideals of Cat Ideology and advancing the philosophy of Face. We’ll fight for the preservation of human history and knowledge!”

“Wow!” Big Cat Face was taken aback. “Brother, are you giving a speech? You nearly broke into song!”

“But…” He erupted in laughter. “I admire your passion! You’ve got flair! You speak right to my heart! A true soulmate!”

“So tell me, brother, what do you desire? Anything I can do, I’ll make it happen!”

“I want to meet Boss Li,” Lin Xian stated earnestly.

“I’ve got a crucial tip. Tonight, at Garbage Disposal Plant No. 314, they’ll be receiving a large delivery of water-damaged books. So, for tonight’s mission, we should consider intercepting those books.”

“Really, brother?” Big Cat Face, always direct and trustworthy, readily believed Lin Xian, which Lin Xian valued.

“Hmm… this is significant. I can’t decide alone.” Big Cat Face paused, then made a decisive gesture. “Let’s go see Boss Li together. He’ll make the call. If your info is right and there really are loads of books to recover, it’ll be worth altering our plan.”

“But if we switch targets, we’ll need to scout the location early, adjust our route for the patrol drones, and spot the surveillance blind spots.”

Half an hour later, they reached Boss Li’s courtyard. After some deliberation and inevitable negotiations, Boss Li furrowed his brow, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

“Garbage Disposal Plant No. 314, you say? That’s quite a trek south of New Donghai City.”

“Distance isn’t the problem. The real issue is whether we can rely on this information. It’s not that I distrust you, Lin Xian, but as the head of our operations, I need to ensure the safety of my team. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned member like Ah Zhuang or Er Zhuzi, I have to be cautious.”

Boss Li was understandably wary. Scaling the plant’s walls on his own was impossible for Lin Xian, not to mention evading the complex drone patrols and on-site supervisors. He needed the Face Gang’s assistance, especially their human ladder.

Lin Xian needed to persuade Boss Li: “Boss Li, I know it’s risky to hit an unfamiliar plant. But my source is solid, and the potential reward is huge.”

“Especially since they’re expected to deliver a significant number of water-damaged books to Plant 314 tonight. This stash could include a wealth of historical and academic texts, far more than we’d get in years of raiding.”

“Our usual target for tonight mostly deals with domestic and construction waste, including junk from defunct banks. It’s a waste of our time if you trust me.”

“But at Plant 314, I’m certain about the time: 11:19 PM. Four large garbage trucks will drop off tens of thousands of water-damaged books. We can exploit the shift change at midnight to snatch a large number.”

“Of course.” Lin Xian faced Boss Li. “I know you’re primarily concerned with safety, and you should be. A single error could be disastrous. Normally, you’d prefer a familiar site.”

“But I assure you, Boss Li, there’s no need to worry. The Face Gang just needs to help me over the wall. Then, you can pull back and return at the right moment to collect the books.”

Lin Xian’s words left Big Cat Face impressed. “Are you serious, brother? The Face Gang never abandons one of our own!”

“I agree though, this is a gamble. You’re obviously more capable than Ning Ning. So, Boss Li…” Big Cat Face looked determinedly at Boss Li. “Boss Li, I trust him! I support switching to Plant 314 tonight. If you’re concerned, we’ll keep Ning Ning out of it. Let’s see how Lin Xian does!”

Boss Li was still unsure when Er Zhuzi interjected. “I disagree!” he exclaimed. “Brother Face, you’re too trusting! This kid might just be using us!” He turned to Boss Li’s wife, standing elegantly behind him. “Sister-in-law, shouldn’t we be more cautious?”

However, Boss Li’s once mistress, now his wife, smiled gently. “I think it’s worth a shot. Risks and rewards, they go hand in hand. But as a woman, I’ll leave the decision to you men.”

Boss Li nodded, smiling at Lin Xian. “Alright. It’s a tough call, but let’s give it a go.”

“What?!” Er Zhuzi was dumbfounded. He slapped San Pang on the back of his head. “San Pang, what’s your take?”

San Pang, looking wise beyond his years, shook his head. “I’m not sure it’s feasible.”

“I think it is!” came Ning Ning’s crisp voice from behind. Dressed in a pink tracksuit, she looked youthful yet resolute. “Dad, we should try Plant 314. We’ve faced danger before. If we were truly afraid of death, we wouldn’t be in this business.”

Lin Xian admired her bravery, befitting of Boss Li’s daughter. So, the decision was made: three votes for, two against.

“Alright, it’s settled!” Boss Li clapped his hands, signaling everyone to calm down, then walked over and patted Lin Xian on the shoulder. “Lin Xian, thank you for the valuable lead. Remember though, this is still a risky operation, fraught with uncertainties. So… tonight, follow Big Cat Face’s orders, and don’t go rogue. Safety first. If we come back empty-handed, so be it, but everyone must return safely.”

Lin Xian nodded. As he gazed at Boss Li, he recalled the timid villain from his first dream. The contrast was striking. But perhaps, with time, he’d adapt.

Time changes the world, history, and everyone’s destinies. Villains can become heroes, and heroes can turn to villains. Since Boss Li evolved from Donghai City’s notorious villain to a noble figure, could Zhao Ying Jun…

Lin Xian stared out at the steel and sci-fi skyline of New Donghai, bathed in the blood-red sunset. At the city’s heart stood the imposing twin towers of MX Company. Could Zhao Ying Jun be the hidden dragon overlord over New Donghai? Or perhaps she was always a dragon, merely waiting for the perfect moment for Lin Xian to witness her true power?

Regardless, Lin Xian didn’t relish seeing her name as the CEO of MX Company in future publications or news. But the facts were undeniable. Since she had received an invite to the Genius Club and likely joined, given the club’s ties to Xu Yun’s tragic end, the moon marked by the club’s emblem, and the abduction of Big Cat Face’s father to decode the Universal Constant 42, along with the successful launch of hibernation pods, and the towering MX Tower at the heart of New Donghai… It was plausible for Zhao Ying Jun to emerge in future records. Quite expected, actually.

“Everyone, get ready to leave early!” Boss Li’s command dispersed the group. The new target required preliminary scouting and adjustments to drone patrol patterns, necessitating an early start.

Night fell at 11:00 PM. Lin Xian, masked as Rhine Cat, had been hiding in the forest. The Face Gang, including Ning Ning, arrived near Plant 314’s imposing walls by nine to scout.

Big Cat Face and his trio lurked at the forest’s edge, roughly thirty meters from the tall barrier, monitoring the six patrol drones above. He had mapped out their routes and blind spots, much like their previous target, and crafted a strategy for both infiltration and escape.

“But we need to verify it multiple times, at least three, before we launch the operation.”

Big Cat Face’s meticulousness impressed Lin Xian. It seemed he had inherited some mathematical prowess from his father. Perhaps everyone has unique talents and gifts. Different times, circumstances, and encounters dictate whether these talents shine or fade. Indeed, circumstances make heroes.

The cool summer breeze rustled through the forest, carrying the fresh scent of leaves, the rose aroma from Ning Ning, and the acrid smell from the plant’s incinerator.

Lin Xian glanced at the girl beside him. Her silhouette reminded him of CC, especially in the black bodysuit, slender and tall. Yet, she appeared noticeably younger and less seasoned.

“What’s up?” Ning Ning, donning an Ultraman mask, turned, her bright eyes meeting Lin Xian’s through their masks.

“Nothing.” Lin Xian shifted his gaze to the formidable steel barrier ahead. What kind of lives did the girls of New Donghai lead? Luxurious? Noble? Wealthy? Certainly not like Ning Ning, in her prime years, crouching outside a foul-smelling garbage plant, risking her life for a few soggy books.

“I don’t like this world as it is,” Lin Xian murmured.

“Me neither.” Ning Ning fiddled with the tree bark beside her. “But this is our fate. What can we do if we don’t like it?”

“Do you believe in fate?” Lin Xian questioned her.

“No.” Ning Ning peeled off a large piece of bark and regarded Lin Xian. “If I believed in fate, would I be doing this?”

“I think we shape our own destinies. If you don’t try, nothing changes. But if you do, you might change everything.” She tossed the bark at a passing drone. It was too light and thin, falling far short of its target.

Lin Xian watched the bark fall, initially crumpled but slowly unfolding due to its resilience. It mirrored Ning Ning’s spirit.

“I like how you think,” Lin Xian chuckled.


“Hey!” Big Cat Face turned, glaring at Lin Xian. “You! What are you liking? I’m warning you, brother! Ning Ning is only ** years old, watch it!”

“Do you ever tire of this joke?” Lin Xian was annoyed. “I was just talking to her! Must you always interfere?”

Er Zhuzi stood tall—

“Shut it.” Lin Xian cut him off. “Don’t bring up the sister-in-law.”

“Quiet!” Big Cat Face commanded, his face stern. He watched two approaching patrol drones, taking a firm stance. “The surveillance blind spot is nearing… focus… Get ready to move!”

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