
Chapter 352: The Real and Fake Yu Xi

Another Yu Xi? Which one is real, and which is fake?

Lin Xian couldn’t lift his head, his neck pinned beneath a sharp blade. Even though the situation was dire, he could still hear the girl—the so-called “time-space assassin”—reporting to someone.

Earlier, she had placed a small camera on the hood of a Tesla, aimed directly at them. It was clear she intended to record his capture as evidence to submit to some authority.

But who was she reporting to? Who had sent her to capture him?

Lin Xian’s mind raced, trying to piece together the clues.

The girl mentioned two unfamiliar terms: “Time-Space Court” and “Time-Space Police Bureau.” These organizations didn’t exist in 2024. Considering she was from a distant future, it wasn’t hard to figure out…

Perhaps, in a world hundreds of years from now, humanity had mastered time travel. They might have set up laws to maintain temporal stability, along with a court to judge time-space criminals and a police bureau to catch them.

This lined up perfectly with his fourth dream!

Every time he entered that dream, he was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. Their leader would brandish an official-looking arrest warrant and declare: “Lin Xian! You are under arrest for crimes against humanity, endangering Earth, and disrupting the timeline!”

Those words… they were the same as what the girl had recorded in her arrest video.

This could only mean one thing—the time-space assassin girl and the heavily armed soldiers from his fourth dream belonged to the same organization—the Time-Space Police Bureau!

But due to the scarcity and preciousness of time-space particles, not everyone from the bureau could travel back to 2024 to arrest him. So, they launched a “pincer attack.”

A pincer attack is a military strategy where troops are split into two forces to attack the enemy from different directions.

In this case, the Time-Space Police Bureau’s pincer attack involved two fronts:

One group operated in the future world of August 28, 2624, the day he could freely travel to. Their goal was clear: to block his dream, severely weakening his abilities, making it impossible for him to grow stronger or gain information about the future.

It was a highly effective strategy, almost rendering him helpless in both dreams and reality.

The second front of the pincer attack was the time-space assassin girl standing before him.

To him, she was an evil assassin. But in reality, she was a third-level agent from the Time-Space Police Bureau, a true ally of justice. Her mission was to arrest him in 2024.

It turned out his initial guess was right: her primary goal wasn’t to kill him but to capture him and send him to the Time-Space Court for trial.

The girl clearly had high authority. As an agent tasked with hunting criminals, she must have faced various dangerous situations. Judging by her tone, it seemed that even if she injured, crippled, or accidentally killed him during the arrest, it would still be considered a successful mission. The only difference would be skipping the trial.

From a law enforcement perspective, this was understandable.

Some criminals are so dangerous that they resist violently and might even take hostages, threatening lives. In such cases, killing them on the spot is sometimes the only option.

But Lin Xian never imagined that he would one day be branded with such charges, becoming a time-space fugitive with a bounty on his head, like Kevin Walker.

The Time-Space Police Bureau was closing off his future dreams while sending an assassin (a time-space agent) to apprehend him in the present. They were coming at him from both sides—a ruthless strategy.

So, continuing with this line of reasoning… who was controlling the Time-Space Police Bureau and the Time-Space Court?

Whoever controlled them must be the one who charged him with these crimes.

The answer was obvious… it had to be that mysterious old man!

He was the one who accused Lin Xian of crimes against humanity, endangering Earth, and disrupting the timeline, making him a criminal in history.

It was him who ordered the Time-Space Police Bureau to deploy forces on two fronts to capture him and send his 2024 self to the future Time-Space Court for trial.

It was also him who, in the future dream world 600 years from now, led him to recite Kevin Walker’s lines, diverting his attention to Kevin Walker… which ultimately led to this entire chain of events.

But who exactly was this mysterious old man?

Lin Xian couldn’t be sure yet because there were too many possibilities. It could be Elon Musk, or someone he had never met but only heard about, like Copernicus. It could be anyone from the Genius Club or even someone outside of it…

However, after analyzing the girl’s report, two key pieces of information emerged.

First, the girl mentioned that she would send him to the Time-Space Court for trial through forced hibernation.

Lin Xian had initially thought she would use some time-travel machine, like a time machine from a sci-fi show, to transport him instantly to the future courtroom.

But that was unrealistic.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the world 600 years in the future had mastered time travel technology.

However, in 2024, there were no time machines, no time-travel devices. Not to mention, time travel required time-space particles as fuel. Where could such precious resources come from? And as a captured criminal, he didn’t deserve to use such valuable things.

By comparison, forcing him into a hibernation chamber, ignoring all side effects, making him sleep for several hundred years, and then abruptly waking him up in the future for trial—this seemed more fitting for a criminal of his magnitude.

Perhaps, from the Time-Space Court’s perspective, this would be more efficient.

Once the time-space assassin placed him into the hibernation chamber, it was likely that the Time-Space Court would immediately awaken him 600 years in the future for his trial.

This was the real time capsule, the true express delivery through time.

But on the other hand, in 2024, hibernation chambers were still experimental, not yet available for the general public. Using one at this stage was no small feat; it required connections and influence, not just money.

Lin Xian had only managed to secure two volunteer slots thanks to his good relationship with the Scientific Research Institute. So how could this time-space assassin, who was unfamiliar with 2024, be so confident that she could obtain a hibernation pod and force him into it?

This led to the first crucial piece of information: in the current 2024, this time-space assassin girl wasn’t acting alone. She had help from someone in this timeline—someone who provided her with the means to capture Lin Xian, including his location, a place to detain him, and even a hibernation pod. They were working together.

This explained a lot.

Combining this with his earlier thoughts, it wasn’t hard to deduce that the person helping the time-space assassin was likely the mysterious old man in his younger days!

The first thing the time-space assassin probably did after arriving wasn’t to hunt him down immediately but to find the “younger version of the mysterious old man.” They must have made contact, discussed a plan, and then the time-space assassin began her mission while the “younger mysterious old man” had already prepared the necessary hibernation equipment, just waiting for the time-space assassin to bring Lin Xian so they could force him into hibernation for several hundred years until the Time-Space Court convened.

That was the first key piece of information sorted out.

The second key point came from the girl’s report…

She said that after forcing Lin Xian into hibernation, her mission would be complete, and she would return immediately.

Where she would return was obvious.

From the context, it was highly likely she would return to the Time-Space Court and Time-Space Police Bureau several hundred years in the future. With the arrest video she just recorded, she would probably receive a medal or even a promotion to first-level agent.

Lin Xian didn’t care about that.

What concerned him was… how would she return so quickly?

The phrase “return immediately” suggested she might salute and then disappear from this timeline, reappearing in the future the next second.

That was hard to believe!

No time machine, no time-space particles as fuel, yet she could still travel through time with just her body?

That was practically fantasy. In any story, the ability to casually travel through time would be considered a high-level power.

So, Lin Xian speculated the reason this time-space assassin girl exhibited so many strange, illogical behaviors might be linked to her unconventional time travel.

This led to the second key piece of information: the reason the time-space assassin girl wasn’t bound by the laws of time was likely due to her ability to return to the future world immediately. Or perhaps these two unusual phenomena were connected to the real secret of the time-space assassin girl—her power source and why she wasn’t restricted by the laws of time.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough information to fully understand this. And given the current situation, Lin Xian’s mind was already overloaded, thinking rapidly, without the time to delve deeper into many details.


Amidst all these mysteries, one thing shocked him the most, something unexpected, something unbelievable—Lin Yu Xi!

The time-space police third-level agent, at the end of her report, revealed her name… Lin Yu Xi. That was her full name.

When Lin Xian heard this name, his first reaction was suspicion. After all, the previous fake Yu Xi had deceived him with that name. So who could guarantee that this second Yu Xi was real?

But after careful consideration, Lin Xian was now 90% sure that the time-space assassin girl before him was likely the real Yu Xi!

Because in this situation, she had no reason to lie or deceive him.

She had already captured him.

Given her overwhelming strength, where he was like a helpless chick in her grip, what reason would she have to use the name Yu Xi to trick him?

He was about to be forcibly placed in a hibernation chamber, and she was about to return to the future in the blink of an eye to receive her medal.

This might be the last time they met, with no further interaction afterward.

So… did she have any reason to lie?

Especially since she was seriously recording a report, who would lie at such a moment?

It was clear that she was stating her true name.

Lin Xian couldn’t believe it…

The relentless time-space assassin, the silent, cold, and emotionless killer chasing him all this time, turned out to be the real Yu Xi!

Lin Xian sighed inwardly.

So, this was the truth behind Yellow Finch’s final words?

If the Yu Xi Yellow Finch spoke of really was this third-level agent from the Time-Space Police Bureau who had been hunting him… then it wasn’t his fault for not realizing it.

Even if Yellow Finch had explicitly said that the assassin chasing him was Yu Xi and to not leave her, Lin Xian wouldn’t have believed it. That would have been suicidal!

But debating this now was pointless; facts were facts.

Lin Xian had finally sorted out the matter of the two Yu Xis.

One was the fake Yu Xi, and the other was the real Yu Xi.

Both were time travelers, both were teenage girls, and both came with different purposes. Both were genetically enhanced with immense strength.

But they were entirely different individuals.

Let’s start with the real Yu Xi since her situation is simpler.

The real Yu Xi, full name Lin Yu Xi, had blue eyes and short black hair that reached her neck. She was a third-level agent from the Time-Space Police Bureau, sent to capture Lin Xian, a historical criminal.

In 2024, the real Yu Xi was a woman of few words and limited interactions, much like a character straight out of a movie—think of a silent, decisive terminator. Her boss was the enigmatic old man from her fourth dream, and her only contact in 2024 was likely a younger version of this mysterious figure.

Her story is simple.

She first met Lin Xian in the underground parking lot of the Donghai complex, where Zhao Ying Jun resided. Her way of saying hello? Ripping off a car door and kicking off a relentless pursuit.

She chased him from Donghai to Princeton, USA, then from Princeton to Mississippi, and back to Donghai City, battling the imposter Yu Xi along the way and ultimately capturing him.

That was the extent of it—no complex twists, no dramatic backstories.

On the other hand, the fake Yu Xi could have won an Oscar for her performance, overshadowing other characters like Angelica, who could be called a shape-shifting witch.

We don’t know her real name, but she had striking blue eyes and initially mimicked the real Yu Xi’s appearance with short black hair. Later, to deceive Lin Xian, she switched to a small ponytail, never letting her guard down or her hair loose in front of him.

Her journey was filled with complexity, and even now, Lin Xian struggled to fully unravel it.

Initially arriving from the future to 2024, she must have had a contact here, though Lin Xian was sure it wasn’t Elon Musk. Over time, he came to believe that Elon Musk was another of her victims.

After establishing her contact in 2024, she quickly devised a series of plans and set them in motion.

Unlike the real Yu Xi, the imposter was constrained by the laws of time and couldn’t act freely. To achieve her objectives, she manipulated others, turning them into mere tools in her elaborate schemes.

The deception ran deep. Angelica once heard from a secretary that Elon Musk had secluded a blue-eyed girl in a viewing tower for months.

At that point, Lin Xian wasn’t sure if the girl was the real or the fake Yu Xi. Now, it was clear—it had been the imposter all along.

The imposter Yu Xi knew her plans could be exposed, so she anticipated the potential capture of Angelica. That’s why she initially refrained from following Lin Xian into the room where Angelica was. Later, at the Donghai University Hospital, she avoided accompanying him to meet Elon Musk.

She feared recognition.

If Angelica saw her and then compared notes with Elon Musk, he would realize the imposter Yu Xi had betrayed him by posing as Lin Xian’s protector.

And Angelica would discover the imposter Yu Xi’s deception against Lin Xian, clearing up any misunderstandings with Elon Musk in time to inform Lin Xian.

If that had happened, all of the imposter Yu Xi’s efforts would have been for naught.

Thus, the imposter used her knowledge advantage, revealing herself only when absolutely necessary. She blurred the lines between herself and the real Yu Xi so effectively that others couldn’t tell them apart. Sometimes, she even made people believe she was the same person as the time-space assassin, deceiving everyone around her.

Her initial strategy involved approaching Elon Musk, likely feeding him false information to advance her goals.

The specifics of their relationship remained a mystery to Lin Xian; only Elon Musk had the full picture. The imposter had started impersonating the real Yu Xi around him from the beginning.

The secretary had noted that the blue-eyed girl had a cold, expressionless demeanor and short black hair—clear signs that the imposter had been masquerading as the real Yu Xi all along.

She must have been aware of the real Yu Xi’s existence and impending arrival to pursue Lin Xian. To keep Elon Musk from catching on to the swap, the imposter Yu Xi began creating diversions while still with him.

Eventually, she left for Copenhagen to eliminate Yellow Finch, who had predicted the assassination.

Constrained by time’s laws, Yellow Finch couldn’t reveal much. Perhaps she only knew a time traveler would kill her but hadn’t expected the attacker to pose as Yu Xi.

This wasn’t Yellow Finch’s fault. Coming from centuries ahead, the imposter had ample knowledge to bypass Yellow Finch’s defenses, while Yellow Finch knew little to nothing about her. She might have even misunderstood the real Yu Xi’s situation.

Predicting the future is, after all, an uncertain business.

Lin Xian found it remarkable that Yellow Finch even knew the name Yu Xi.

Yellow Finch’s advice to “not leave Yu Xi” might have carried a deeper meaning, one that Lin Xian couldn’t grasp at the time.

When the imposter killed Yellow Finch in Copenhagen, she cunningly dressed like the real Yu Xi, wearing a hoodie and showing just enough black hair to confuse Lin Xian.

Without any photos or concrete details, this led to significant confusion.

After the murder, the imposter fled, never glancing back at Lin Xian. Bound by the laws of time, she couldn’t physically harm him; her targets were other time travelers, so she left swiftly.

She fled not only to avoid being photographed but also because there was no point in lingering since she couldn’t harm Lin Xian.

The main goal of the fake Yu Xi was to impersonate the real Yu Xi, making it seem like she was a time-space assassin. This way, Lin Xian would be convinced that the real Yu Xi was responsible for Yellow Finch’s death.

Her plan worked perfectly.

When Lin Xian came back to Donghai, the real Yu Xi quickly found him and started a chase. Remembering Yellow Finch’s fate, and seeing her similar appearance—blue eyes and short black hair—Lin Xian mistakenly thought this real Yu Xi was the fake one who had killed Yellow Finch, now seen as a merciless time-space assassin. This misunderstanding deepened the rift between them.

The fake Yu Xi’s cunning didn’t stop there.

In Princeton, USA, during a dramatic moment when the real Yu Xi nearly captured Lin Xian in her Mercedes, the fake Yu Xi swooped in to save him. She tied her hair into a short ponytail and introduced herself, “My name is Yu Xi.”

At that critical moment, Lin Xian had no reason to doubt her. Trapped and almost caught, a girl claiming to be Yu Xi rescued him. Considering Yellow Finch’s recent advice not to leave Yu Xi, how could he suspect that this brave savior was an imposter?

Following her daring rescue, the fake Yu Xi played it cool, suggesting they split up temporarily but promising to return if he faced danger. Looking back, Lin Xian realized this was all part of her strategy. She had hinted she could detect the time-space assassin, subtly convincing him that staying with her was the safest choice. Her act as the daring heroine had won his complete trust.

Her deception continued in Texas. She followed Lin Xian to find Angelica but stayed outside, excusing herself to avoid meeting her. After Angelica disappeared, they went to Mississippi to confront Kevin Walker.

Lin Xian wasn’t sure if attacking Kevin Walker was planned by the fake Yu Xi, but her performance remained convincing throughout their journey. Especially when Lin Xian decided to take action against Kevin Walker, she didn’t object. Instead, she stood by him, even fighting the real Yu Xi and getting hurt, which only solidified her image as a devoted protector in Lin Xian’s eyes.

After dealing with Kevin Walker, the fake Yu Xi proposed a bold move—eliminating Elon Musk to end the time-space assassin crisis. Lin Xian agreed, convinced by his own deep-seated reasons: Musk was allegedly behind harming VV, Yellow Finch, and possibly endangering Angelica. These accusations made Lin Xian eager for vengeance, yet he knew attacking Elon Musk in the US was too dangerous.

So, they returned to Donghai, planning their next steps.

Back in Donghai, one of their first actions was to arrange a paternity test with Zhao Ying Jun. Lin Xian suspected Yu Xi might be his future daughter with Zhao Ying Jun, or perhaps even Yellow Finch’s. This test, he hoped, would clarify many mysteries.

During this period, Lin Xian’s trust in the fake Yu Xi seemed unshakeable. How could he doubt a charming, brave girl who had risked her life for him?

Despite her ongoing deceit, she played her part flawlessly. She was with Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun at the hospital, even sharing a meal with them, acting all innocent and likable.

When the paternity test results showed no biological relation, it didn’t affect Lin Xian’s trust in her. After all, her actions spoke louder than any DNA test—she had consistently put her life on the line for him.

The next day, they went to meet Elon Musk at the Donghai University Affiliated Hospital. The fake Yu Xi again suggested acting alone, likely planning to acquire a gun for Lin Xian on the black market.

But remembering Yellow Finch’s last words to stay with Yu Xi, Lin Xian kept her close, waiting at the 17th-floor stairwell.

She stayed cautious, avoiding Elon Musk. From Musk’s point of view, the blue-eyed girl pursuing Lin Xian made it impossible for him to clear the air; Lin Xian wouldn’t believe anything Musk said. And indeed, Lin Xian, fueled by resentment against Musk, trusted him least of all.

That afternoon, however, when the fake Yu Xi pulled out a Taser, Lin Xian experienced a flicker of doubt for the first time…

Although a Taser isn’t a lethal weapon, it’s still regulated in X Country, not something one could just pick up and carry around. Lin Xian struggled to believe that the fake Yu Xi could have easily taken it from Musk’s guards.

Still, with Elon Musk as his foe, Lin Xian couldn’t be certain about the security measures of Musk’s guards. And despite his doubts, the Taser symbolized Yu Xi’s intention to protect him, perhaps even from Musk himself.

This marked the culmination of the fake Yu Xi’s meticulously woven web of deceit.

The imposter Yu Xi was a master of manipulation, fully aware that Elon Musk held no real grudge against Lin Xian. Her deception was carefully crafted, and her tactics were subtly brilliant.

She calmly reassured Lin Xian with a lie: “Don’t worry, the time-space assassin is still far away, in Shandong. You can safely meet with Elon Musk tonight; she won’t be here in time.”

In reality, the assassin was already in Donghai. But if Lin Xian knew the truth, he wouldn’t have gone to the meeting. Using her unique ability to detect the assassin’s location, she manipulated Lin Xian, who had no way to verify her claims. He had to trust her word.

As a result, Lin Xian and the imposter Yu Xi set up an ambush at an abandoned factory.

But then, at a critical moment, the imposter Yu Xi shifted the narrative: “This is bad, the time-space assassin is coming. It looks like Elon Musk is going back on his word!”

In a calculated move, she continued to manipulate the situation: “However, Lin Xian… you don’t need to worry. If Elon Musk has just called back the time-space assassin out of caution, you only need to talk to him; ignore her. But, if the assassin comes straight for us… then Lin Xian, don’t hesitate. Use the Taser and take Elon Musk down.”

She knew that Elon Musk and the time-space assassin were never allies; they hadn’t even met. The assassin, driven solely by her mission, would attack immediately upon arrival. According to the imposter Yu Xi’s plan, Lin Xian would undoubtedly use the Taser on Elon Musk.

This chilling realization dawned on Lin Xian.

He began to question everything: Was this Taser just a normal Taser? Had it been modified? Was the electric current enhanced to be lethal?

[What if… if I really shot Elon Musk, would it kill him?]

The imposter Yu Xi’s plot was indeed sophisticated.

But she hadn’t accounted for Elon Musk’s cunning. Known for his caution, he sent a decoy—a fake Elon Musk, expertly disguised by Angelica, making it hard for anyone to spot the difference.

However, what Elon Musk didn’t know was that the visually enhanced time travelers, like the imposter Yu Xi, could easily see through such disguises.

She quickly realized the person before them was not the real Elon Musk. When the real time-space assassin appeared, the imposter’s plan began to unravel.

As the battle between the real and fake Yu Xi escalated, and as her short ponytail slipped to her neck, Lin Xian’s suspicions were confirmed.

He unraveled the entire scheme:

He identified the real and fake Yu Xi.

He uncovered the truth behind Yellow Finch’s murder.

He exposed the imposter Yu Xi’s entire plot.

Ultimately, the imposter Yu Xi was defeated by a more skilled third-level agent from the Time-Space Police, who ended her existence, causing her to dissolve into blue star dust.

With the imposter gone, Lin Xian faced a new dilemma concerning Lin Yu Xi.

He couldn’t dismiss the possibility that Yu Xi might be his daughter. He had long suspected that the name “Yu Xi” was given by either Yellow Finch or Zhao Ying Jun. If that was true, she might indeed be his daughter.

The paternity test had shown no match because they had tested the imposter, not the real Yu Xi.

Now, standing before him was the true Yu Xi, sharing his surname—Lin.

Reflecting on the last look Yellow Finch gave him—a look of gentleness, longing, and sorrow—he realized it might have been a mother’s farewell to her daughter.

Was it possible that at some point in the future, under unknown circumstances, he had been forced to leave young Lin Yu Xi? Had she fallen into the wrong hands, trained by the mysterious old man to become a time-space assassin?

Or perhaps, he and Yellow Finch had left young Lin Yu Xi as an orphan, leading to her training as a time-space operative?

It was conceivable.

Considering that long-term hibernation could cause memory loss, it was possible that when Lin Yu Xi awoke, she was brainwashed with false memories.

Lin Xian didn’t know the specifics of Lin Yu Xi’s recent years, but he was fairly certain she was his and Zhao Ying Jun’s daughter from another time.

Confirming this wouldn’t be difficult; another DNA test could prove it.

But the real question lingered: Would he ever have the chance to confirm it? Would Lin Yu Xi believe the words of a man accused of heinous crimes?

“Have you considered that I might be your father?” Unable to lift his head, he pleaded, “Put down the knife, let’s talk.”

“Shut up,” Lin Yu Xi retorted sharply, pressing the blade harder against his neck.

“Even though I’m an orphan, you could never be my father.” Her voice was filled with scorn and bitterness.

“You committed terrible crimes—destroying Earth, messing up the timeline. How many people have died because of you? How many families have you destroyed? You’re the worst criminal in human history!”

“If you have anything to say, save it for the Time-Space Court.”

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed as a speeding Tesla slammed into the back of the black Tesla parked in front.

Lin Yu Xi reacted instantly, pulling Lin Xian aside. Though the car didn’t hit them, she kept her vigilance high, clutching Lin Xian’s throat with one hand and the knife with the other, eyeing the opening doors of the Tesla.

“Lin Xian!”

The driver’s and passenger’s doors swung open, and Elon Musk along with Angelica hurried out.

Elon Musk, carrying a small refrigerator, ran to join Angelica, glancing over at Lin Xian and the blue-eyed stranger gripping him.

“So that’s what’s happening…”

He tapped the refrigerator’s keypad, murmuring:

“So that’s how you use this tangled time-space particle! No wonder it can defy the laws of time and space… You’re like a self-contained loop… Your existence isn’t really here in the present but in the future, where that particle is! You’ve flipped cause and effect!”

With a click, the small refrigerator opened.

Lin Xian and Lin Yu Xi saw inside—

Two time-space particles spinning around each other, glowing blue and pulsating with energy. They were separate yet somehow united, a complex tangle of energies beyond ordinary understanding.

“I had my doubts when I saw how Lin Xian defied the time-space laws…” Elon Musk sighed, then added:

“But I couldn’t bring myself to destroy such a unique time-space particle. However, if Copernicus’s loop hasn’t vanished, it means this particle isn’t meant for me in the future. It’ll still end up stolen by Copernicus.”

“If that’s the case… then no one should have it! Lin Xian, we’re square now!”

With that declaration, Elon Musk plunged his hand into the refrigerator, stirring the entangled time-space particles.


Lin Yu Xi’s eyes widened in shock, her body tensing before she dropped the knife.

She clenched her teeth, leaped to the nearby wall, scaled it quickly, and dived out the broken window!

“Lin Xian!” Angelica cried out as she saw the time-space assassin flee. She dashed to Lin Xian’s side. “Are you okay?”

“Angelica, forget about Lin Xian for now, help me!” Elon Musk yelled, slamming the refrigerator to the ground and rushing to a pile of rocks. He grabbed several stones and threw them into the refrigerator.

“Darn, I should’ve put in a switch! These time-space particles are calming down too slowly! And the more they’re touched by living things, the slower they deactivate!”

“Angelica, quick! Throw anything you can find into it! Fill the refrigerator!”

“Hurry!” Elon Musk urged frantically. “Let’s destroy this time-space particle… and end Copernicus’s loop with it!”

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