
Chapter 368 Occurrence

The mountain that was known by everyone as the place that people went to die, actually revealed its top.

No one could remember a time when the top hadn’t been covered with clouds, and even though some found this a little bit strange, they let it go, thinking that it might just be an oddity in nature.

However, today, they saw that their suspicions were right.

As the clouds shimmered and disappeared, many could swear that they had gone crazy.

This was because, instead of a mountain, they saw...something else.

It was the kids who remembered the most, as many adults fainted as soon as they saw this sight.

Only the kids, who had limitless imagination and weren’t bounded by earthly belief, kept watching and branded the image into their minds.

If they were asked, they would have told people stuff from myths and legends, which no one would have believed.

It might have made a sensation across Angaria, because it wasn’t possible for multiple people to have the same delusion.

If...it had a chance.

The problem was that it didn’t.

For one thing, the phenomenon lasted only all of 5 seconds, after which the clouds returned.

For another, all of the villages in the surrounding area were visited by strange men who were carrying devices which they used to test everyone.

Of course, even this fact was somehow forgotten the next day, as the netizens only had the vague recollection that someone had visited.

All this was only later found out by Daneel, who didn’t know that he was causing such a large-scale disaster when he decided to vent and show his expertise.

After he was begged by the envoy whose name he didn’t remember, Daneel had half a mind to take advantage of the situation.

After all, they needed him, and it wasn’t like they would kill him after going to so much trouble to recruit him.

However, a notification from the system put an end to this thought.

[Backup Formation Activating in 5 seconds. Grade of Backup Formation exceeds what the system can handle. Please upgrade system/requisite tools if host wishes to find breakage points for backup formation.]

Well, he had no choice.

Hence, acting every bit like the arrogant master he was supposed to be, he decided to make full use of the 5 seconds.

"Humph. I already warned you once. You wanted to test me, right? Oh, please, I LOVE tests! Give me some more! How about I deactivate your core defensive formation next? Or how about I move on to something simpler, but more practical? How about the formation you use to keep running water supplied to all the houses here? Then, you can tell your staff that they can’t go to the bathroom because their leader wanted to put a test! And of course, because he uses someone else to apologize for him..."

Daneel was speaking quickly, so he hadn’t bothered to look up.

However, now that he did, he saw the other reptilian being in the room turn towards him.

As he did so, he wondered, for once, whether he had gone overboard.

This was because those eyes with vertical pupils had such an expression of panic in them, which was followed by a desire to kill.

It was brief, but Daneel detected it.

And during that moment, he knew that all his countermeasures wouldn’t have worked.

All his plans, all his capabilities would be NOTHING if this reptilian man decided to kill him at this moment.

Thankfully, the moment passed, and the bloodlust was replaced by an amiable expression.

"Sir, I do apologize. Please reactivate it."

"About time."

Right now, Daneel was just about ready to pee in his pants, as he couldn’t remember another time he had been this terrified.

Even that grey robed man hadn’t been this scary, but that was probably because he had Marcus to fall back on.

Now, he was alone, with no safety net.

Thankfully, the King of Lanthanor managed to take a firm grip of his emotions.

After all, this wasn’t the first time he had to deal with a moment of certain death and act normal.

And besides, if he didn’t do so, certain death might be around the corner anyway.

So, somehow, he continued the act, and made the needles disappear, making it look like they wouldn’t have disappeared anyway as soon as the backup formation turned on.

As they saw through the open window that the clouds were present again, both of the reptilians sighed with relief.

It was only now that Daneel was able to notice that the one who had just terrified him looked older, from the way his scales looked to be a different color, and also the hunched back.

Also, he had a certain...air about him, as if he was-sure about himself.

"System, Champion-level?", he asked, although he thought he already knew the answer.

[Unknown. System does not detect any power from target. Phenomenon Analysis Module has failed in analysis. Please upgra-]

This shocked Daneel, and he had to take a moment to gather his thoughts.

However, if this man was a Champion, it would only make sense that he would have some method to conceal his power.

One thing was for sure: he was not someone to be crossed.

Yet, Daneel wasn’t someone to be crossed either.

He had begun the act, so he couldn’t abandon it halfway.

"So you make a deal with my disciple, call me to this place, and you have the gall to test me? I’m not letting that go, by the way."

As the two reptilians heard this, expressions of exasperation came on their faces, and they looked like they were distracted.

After a look from the older one, the envoy said, "Sir, we can discuss that in detail later. Right now, we have to take care not to have our headquarters leaked to everyone, because of this...mishap. The Sect Leader would like to change the appointment with you, if that’s all right."

An expert did not talk to pawns.

So, Daneel just folded his hands and said nothing.

However much he was scared that the older reptilian might get angry again, he did it.

Because he couldn’t risk the consequences of not doing so.

Thankfully, it seemed that he had already had his share of scares for the day.

With respect, the older reptilian said, "Sir, I understand that you do not wish to interact with nobodies. Skrrag is not a nobody. He’s my son, and he was also the one who acted as an Envoy to your disciple’s Kingdom. Please follow him. I need to take care of some things, after which I will join you in your mansion. We have readied the best house in the Central Base for you."

Seeing the slight tone of urgency in the Sect Leader’s words, Daneel decided that he had taken it far enough.

Hence, nodding, he turned around and exited through the door.

Outside, he found a regular set of stairs which he descended while being following by Skrrag, who still seemed to be panicking.

Curious, Daneel was about to ask the reason, but he controlled himself, as it might be because of the mess he had caused in the first place.

After getting to the bottom, Skrrag led the way, and the path to Daneel’s lodging location was short.

This was because it was that large mansion with waterfalls that Daneel had seen before, which made him realize that the Sect Leader had told the truth when he said that they had prepared the best room for him.

After reaching the door, Skrrag bowed and said, "Please rest. The day is old, and the Sect Leader will mostly be busy till late in the night. He has just informed me that he will meet you first thing in the morning, after which you can go to observe the Basilisk Heart Formation. Maids will soon be sent over with refreshments."

With another ’humph’, Daneel entered and banged the door shut in Skrrag’s face.

After he did so, he waited behind the door and asked the system to check whether the reptilian stayed or left.

After that, he was tempted to relax after the very stressful day, but he asked the system to scan the room for eavesdropping devices.

Surprisingly, there were none.

It was only then that Daneel slid to the door where he stood-against the door that he had just banged shut.

Sweat popped out from all his pores, as if he was having a delayed reaction to that mind-numbing fear from before.

Were all Sect Leaders so powerful?

Daneel had never fought against the Sect Leader of the other Sect he had gotten into a tussle with, but reports said that he was merely a Warrior.

Hence, this individual must be an exception.

He could still remember those eyes: the vertical slits, which were like two doors that led straight to a cold, frozen hell of endless suffering.

Shivering, Daneel had to shake his head to get rid of the image.

Indeed, he had had enough...fun for one day, so after checking up on Eloise once to make sure that she wasn’t burning down the Kingdom, Daneel went to sleep.

Meanwhile, in the room which he had left, the Sect Leader and Skrrag were talking to each other in low voices that seemed laced with tension.

"He’s asleep. There are no devices inside, as you requested, but we have an expert checking the movements of the earth underneath. There is none."

With a nod, the Sect Leader asked in a grave tone, "Double check with the teams we sent. They have to get all the witnesses. Especially the children."

"But I thought the adults were riskier? No one would believe children, right?"

"No, but children remember things the most. If one babbles after growing up...|Sigh|. I wish I never tested him in the first place. Well, he’s cost us this much already. Let’s hope he’s capable enough of extracting our treasures, otherwise, I. Will. Be. Very. Angry."

With those last words, that same glint which had terrified Daneel appeared again, this time making even Skrrag tense with fear.

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