
Chapter 200 Finalization Of Plans

Chapter 200 Finalization Of Plans

Back then, the Summoners used [Summon], which was a C-Tier Skill—albeit rare.

The Monsters they could summon at a time were weaker, and their numbers weren't too impressive.

'Then, a few days ago, when Lucielle and Brutus were leaving for the battlefield, she used [Summoning Magic] to summon a giant flying creature that resembled a massive bird.'

Since Rey and his classmates saw them off, he was also able to mimic her Skill.

Afterward, he merged the both of them together to birth this new Skill of his.


Rey was grinning like an idiot under his mask as he stared at his enamored audience.

They were all stunned beyond compare that he had summoned such a small army of C-Tier Monsters that it took all of his willpower to stop himself from bursting out in laughter.

'Even though this is pretty much my limit, I made it sound like I could casually do more.'

As Ralyks, his repute would only skyrocket after this incident—he was sure.

'Let's just hope they don't get too greedy and ask me to make more…'

Judging from their expression alone, Rey was convinced that they would do no such thing.

300 Ogres were more than enough.

His Skill, [Greater Summoning Magic], allowed him to achieve this much, but he had reached his 'summon limit.'

That was fine, though.

'As long as I can use my [Absolute Mental Control] Skill on them, they'll do everything I say—even when I'm not around.'

[Absolute Mental Control] was a fusion of Belle's [Grand Charm], and a bunch of other lower-tier Skills.

It basically gave him a more heightened version of [Grand Charm], and he could control his targets without them having to look into his eyes or hear his voice.

The moment Rey summoned them, he had already placed them under his command by imbuing his Mana into them.

'These grunts will slave away until they're done mining this place.'

The issue was what to do with them after they were done.

'I doubt they'll give me any meaningful EXP, but it's still better than nothing… I guess.'

Not only were these C-Tier Monsters, but they were Summoned as well.

Summoned Monsters didn't have valuable Monster Cores, and they gave very little EXP.

Even though these things looked strong, they were practically fodder to him.

'Maybe it'll be better to give them to Adonis so he can get stronger.' Rey considered his options well.

Three hundred was a considerable number, so it was bound to make the Hero advance quite a bit.

'Well…' He glanced at his awe-stricken audience, still maintaining his smile.

'… I can decide that later.'

Right now, they still had to conclude their meeting.

"Let us return to the lounge."


After Ralyks returned the three to their initial meeting point, the meeting was pretty much over.

There was practically no need for further deliberations—especially after seeing all he could do.

They were certain he could handle the situation with their Otherworlders, and so they put their full trust on Ralyks and his decisions.

Of course, they also made sure to tell him how amazed they were at his power, to which he responded;

"It's not a big deal."

Thinking logically about his words, he wasn't wrong.

This was a man who had defeated a Dragon Commander before their very eyes. Compared to that feat, using a B-Tier Skill wasn't very compelling.


… Ralyks' power could only make one more amazed the more he displayed facets of it.

This reality caused everyone to have a single thought.

'Just how deep does his power run?'

No one could ever know!

"You can meet the Raid Team tomorrow, and we leave all the details to you—including when you want to begin the Raid and the model you want to utilize.'

In the end, Ralyks had to make the final call when it came to who was qualified to come with him on the raid.

He would test their performance and decide for himself.

"Agreed." He responded.

Afterwards, both sides rose to their feet and the Dark Adventurer shook the hand of Grandmaster Conrad, Lady Vida, and Hero Adonis.

They all exchanged goodwill, and afterwards.. Ralyks vanished into the depths of his dark portal.

No one knew where he went.


"Haaa! That went well!"

Rey plopped to his bed and smiled gleefully.

He had pulled off things on his side so seamlessly—almost to the point that he was impressed with himself.

'It's a lot more difficult acting when you're in front of so many familiar faces.'

There were a lot of times that he wondered if they could see through his disguise.

Fortunately, he was able to quickly dismiss it as paranoia.

Despite all this, though, there was one thing that couldn't escape his mind.

It was Adonis.

'I noticed it. He was acting a little off around me.'

Rey realized that Adonis probably felt too inadequate in the presence of Ralyks.

After all, he was the one supposed to be the Hero.

'But, if Adonis truly has the heart of a hero, then he should have no problems with me. As long as we can help the people here… that should be all that matters.'

He wasn't particularly interested in getting close to Adonis as Ralyks, but he hoped they could get along.

"Now that I've settled the whole arrangement with the Raid, I can focus on the KariBlanc situation.'

He had spent his past few days wisely, so he was a bit more confident in his ability to comprehend and appropriately act in the dealings of the Criminal Underworld.

'I'm happy I get to use my discretion in this Raid. It'll give me more flexibility to alternate between both sides.'

Leveling Up in the Royal Dungeon Raid, and helping out his business pals at the same time…

'I can't wait!'





Thanks for reading!

I honestly apologize for the slow pace. It's honestly my fault, as I like to get into the details of a story and that ends up taking space.

Also… I'm happy we finally reached 200 chapters! Thank you all so much for sticking with this story for this long.

I promise to do better.

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