
Chapter 420 An Adventurer Called Sherlock [Pt 4]

Chapter 420 An Adventurer Called Sherlock [Pt 4]

He knew that well.

However, he had to make it seem like he was having a very good time. He wasn't forcing things, though, just adding a bit more effort.

In order to get on Jet's good graces, he thoroughly explained a lot of things about the Adventurers City to the two of them—as much as he knew, anyway.

Noah had only been here for about three weeks, and he became a Heroic Rank Adventurer just two weeks ago.

The circumstances behind his promotion was a bit different from the standard, but he also killed an A-Tier Monster and got recognized for his accomplishments.

"I'm sorry about Miss Britta, by the way." Noah smiled widely, vividly remembering his own experience with the stern woman. "She's really very difficult, isn't she?"

"Well, somewhat. She was pretty insufferable." Jet responded with a slight chuckle.

"Haha! Don't hold it against her. She's pretty reliable once you get to know her, though many would consider her rude."

Either way, being nice wasn't a required quality for an Adventurer. The most important thing was their competence in their duties.

"She gets the job done, so she's a pretty competent Adventurer." Noah found Jet and Lux nodding too, so he was relieved to see that they agreed.

'Since there is such a short supply of 6 Star Adventurers, and even very few 5 Stars care to be supervisors, she ends up being the only one who supervises the very difficult Tests.'

It was a heavy load to be placed on one person, so Noah understood why she acted the way she did.

'Most Adventurers would rather explore Dungeons and get stronger than to watch a bunch of newbies try to pass an exam.'

Even he felt the same way.

'I'm pretty sure they'll want me to begin supervising at some point, but since I'm still somewhat fresh, I'll be excused for now.'

Noah felt like he wouldn't mind doing it once in a while, but if it became a regular thing—like it was for Britta—he might have to dip.

"How many A-Tier Monsters did you kill in your Test?" Jet suddenly asked, instantly changing the tone of the conversation.

There was some kind of a serious vibe that Noah didn't fully understand. Still, he made sure to answer as honestly as possible.

"One. I was a lot weaker back then than I am now." He smiled and shrugged. "How about you, Sir Je—?"

"Just call me Jet."

"Fair enough. And is it alright for me to call you Lux, instead of Lady Lux?" Noah asked the lady who sat adjacent him.

"It's fine. You can address the both of us normally."

Noah nearly pulled his hair out when he heard Jet respond instead of the damsel he was addressing.

'Come on, man! I've been nice enough. Even if you don't want to help me out, you can't do me this dirty.' Of course, these complaints were only heard by Noah in the far recesses of his mind.

Lux nodded at his question, though, which at least made him smile a little.

"A-anyway, Jet… how many A-Tier Monsters did you kill?"

Since Noah had been waiting for Jet within the Inn, he couldn't go and confirm from the Guild. As a result, he didn't know the exact number.

'Judging from the faces of the other Adventurers who trailed behind him, it must have been quite a lot.' Noah reasoned.

One of his Party Members, who was watching the two of them from a considerable distance, even told him about their triumphant entry into the city, and just how heavy the sack both Jet and Britta carried.

Of course, he was also informed of the captured Monster.

'My spy wasn't sure if it was an A-Tier Monster or not, but… it probably was.' The fact that they bothered to capture a Monster meant it had to be special.

That was his own theory, though.

'Lux was the one who captured it, so I know she's displayed power that is least stronger than an A-Tier. What about him?'

"I killed about forty."

"E-eh? Did you say… four?"

Four was already an absurd number. Noah wasn't sure he could handle so many at once if they charged at him head-on.

"No. Forty." Once Jet confirmed the figure, Noah felt like it was a joke.

He waited for the punch line, but it never came. "Y-you really… killed forty?"

Jet nodded.

'The hell? How is that even possible?' Noah felt his eyes widening as he felt stupefied.

There was no reason to doubt Jet's words. If they were false, he could easily confirm that from the Guild. It would soon be made public knowledge, anyway.

'I doubt he would want to smear his reputation like that.' Noah smiled to himself. 'Besides, there's no real reason to lie.'

Even if Jet wanted to make a false account, he wouldn't have gone for such an absurd.

'It's common sense to make your lie as believable as possible, right?'

"I-I could probably handle three A-Tier Monsters on my own now…" Noah didn't even know why he was saying this.

Compared to Jet's numbers, his was not impressive in the slightest.

"That's interesting. Britta gave the same response." Jet responded. "You're pretty impressive."

Noah felt like Jet was making fun of him, but his serious tone and honest face made it difficult for him to truly accept that.

"Haha! Not as impressive as you. I even heard you captured and brought back an A-Tier Monster."

What kind of people were these two? Where did they pop out from?

Noah had no idea.

'I've lived here long enough to know that this kind of strength is not normal.'

The only reason he was so strong, despite being so young, was due to being an Otherworlder. These two weren't.

'There can't be any Otherworlders besides us. And if there were, they wouldn't look so young… right?'

Since Noah couldn't know for sure, he decided to keep the thought to himself.

"By the way, Sherlock… I've been meaning to ask this question for a while now." Jet's voice served as the perfect distraction from his thoughts, so he decided to hop into the next line of conversation.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Why did you become an Adventurer?"





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