
Chapter 443 Meeting With The Capital Delegates [Pt 2]

Chapter 443 Meeting With The Capital Delegates [Pt 2]

'I'm sure Adonis feels the same way…' After all, they were both present for the previous meeting.

However, unlike Adonis, he couldn't afford to zone out or look uninterested. These were all pretty important and epic things that the Guildmaster was talking about—enough to elucidate reactions from anyone present.

And so, to play his part… he had to react.

'Even if I plan on revealing my Ralyks persona eventually, the same doesn't apply to the Jet one.' He couldn't afford to act anything less than surprised.

It was also the major reason why he chose to participate in this meeting instead of just sending a duplicate.

'Alicia complained about my weird behavior when I swapped back early this morning. I'm guessing the duplicate isn't very good at replicating my behavior.'

At least, he could make up excuses and get away with acting unnaturally during casual moments, but in a serious event like this… he couldn't afford to slack off.

"Are you sure the Miasma Poisoning issue will be properly taken care of during the Conquest?" Alicia asked a valid question.

If she was present during the Heroic Rank Meeting, she wouldn't have needed clarification. But, her ignorance on the issue forced the Guildmaster to reiterate some things.

'Urgh! This is so frustrating…'

It sucked to listen to the same boring thing twice, especially when he could have been hanging out with Esme as a better alternative.

"How about checking their equipment before allowing them to participate in the Dungeon? That way we can ensure that only those who won't be susceptible to the Poisoning make it inside."

Once again… a brilliant question.

But, Rey felt tempted to shake his head at the sheer level of ignorance she was displaying.

'I know it's not her fault, but it's pretty obvious she doesn't really know a lot about Adventuring and Adventurers.'

He felt bad for thinking that way about Alicia, especially given his high regard for her. He would have probably been the same way if he didn't experience a lot of things as Jet—including having Noah explain a lot of the Adventuring stuff to him.

'Not to talk of my conversation with Rebal before coming here…' All of those really helped him in adjusting to life here.

'Ahh, now I feel worse.'

To drown out his thoughts, he forced himself to listen to the rest of Richard's response.

"… Besides, it's impossible to fully inspect nearly ten thousand Adventurers before we begin the Conquest. I understand your concerns, but they know what they're getting into."

Alicia finally gave up and nodded, causing Rey to sigh in relief.

"In any case, from what you have told me… you plan on joining Parties in the Conquest, is that right? Have you decided on the ones to join, or do you need me to recommend some to you?"

Much to the Guildmaster' surprise, though, they refused his offer.

"We were already approached by Adventurers and we've joined Parties. Thank you for the offer, though."

"Ahh, I see…" The man chuckled as he smiled slyly. "You're very thorough, aren't you?"

He seemed impressed that they had already embedded themselves into the Adventurers City without any of his assistance in the slightest.

"I have a question, Guildmaster." Someone raised her hand, and the moment Rey heard the voice he had a bad feeling.

It was Belle—going by Fiona in her disguised form.

"Yes, Miss Fiona. What is your question?"

Rey didn't know why, but his heart began to race in dark foreboding. He sensed something deadly about to erupt, but he didn't know what it was.

This feeling was different from [Danger Sense]. It felt more intuitive… more natural.

It was—

"Do you know who Sir Ralyks is? Where can I find him? Is he around? Do you have any idea about the investigation he went on?"

As she blabbed on, several groans echoed from the audience.

Belle hadn't properly spoken since the night that they lodged into the Inn, and since then she had been acting all mopey and glum.

To think the first coherent words she would make after so long would be on the same issue! Many people were fed up, Rey most of all.

'This girl should just let it rest.' He thought to himself, feeling a surge of anger towards the main culprit behind all of this drama.

'Ater… just you wait.'

He gritted his teeth and held his breath while waiting for the Guildmaster, who cocked his head to the side, to ask the most obvious question.

"Who… is Sir Ralyks?"

Everyone and their mother already knew that Ralyks was an alias that was being used by an anonymous person. The only thing they knew about him was that he was an Adventurer, and that was because he said that.

If his identity was so easy to decipher, then the Royal Council would have done so already.

'Belle is even aware of this, so why is she asking?!'

Perhaps the girl was just that desperate to talk to Ralyks, making her too hopeful—almost to the point of being delusional

—that somehow the Dark Adventurer's identity would be revealed to her if she just asked.

Well, she was in for a rude awakening.

"W-well, I mean… he is… erm… ah… never mind."

Thankfully, this episode of Belle didn't last very long, and while the atmosphere was a little tainted by the weirdness for a while… it didn't last very long.

"A-anyway, thank you all so much for answering our call." The Guildmaster rose to his feet, a subtle sign that told everyone present that they had overstayed their welcome.

Much to Rey's relief, everyone was able to take the hint, and they all rose up to leave.

"It's fine." Adonis responded with his usual charm, his aura finally killing off the last vestige of awkwardness in the air.

"Save the thanks for after the Conquest is successful."





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