
Chapter 778: Stabilized (3)

“Yeah," Ju Yeong-Gi nonchalantly replied in stark contrast to Park Yu-Min. It was as if he couldn\'t see a problem when all he did was state the obvious.

“B-but, considering your age, isn’t it too early to talk about marriage?”

“What’s wrong with my age?”

“I mean, uh, aren’t you too young to get married?”

“Hah? Is there a law that says you can only get married after reaching a certain age?”

“No, but... Uh, it’s not, but…”

When Park Yu-Min mumbled and fidgeted, Ju Yeong-Gi began smiling brightly.

He then asked, “You think it\'s too early?”

“Yeah. I think so. It is a little too early.”

“Well, if that\'s what you think, I guess it really is too early for me. I might not trust Mister Kang Jin-Ho\'s judgment, but when it comes to my dear friend Park Yu-Min? I\'m gonna believe you, even if you tell me you can turn copper into gold.”

Kang Jin-Ho frowned unhappily. “I\'d appreciate it if you could choose between praising Yu-Min or making fun of me.”

“I’ll go with making fun of you, thanks. Will that be fine with you, good sir?”

“...Let\'s not be hasty about this, okay?”

Ju Yeong-Gi snorted before resuming from where he left off. While observing Ju Yeong-Gi\'s expression warming up as he addressed Park Yu-Min, Kang Jin-Ho began seriously pondering when the relationships he had built started going wrong.

“Yeah, I also think it’s kinda early for me, but… I won’t lie, I am genuinely thinking about it.”

Park Yu-Min blinked his eyes. “But… Why?”

“It\'s because me alone isn\'t enough for me to become a man, you know what I mean?”

The jaws of Kang Jin-Ho and Park Yu-Min fell to the floor. To think Ju Yeong-Gi would willingly say something so... mature!

Correctly evaluating oneself was difficult enough, yet Ju Yeong-Gi seemed to have done it. He had done something other \'normal\' people would struggle to do during their lifetime!

“I know I’m good at some things. Take those away, though, and I become a total klutz, you know? I don’t even know how to wash my own bloody socks. Living alone is totally impossible for me.”

Park Yu-Min frowned slightly. “I don’t think you should consider marriage because you need someone to do stuff for you.”


“If you think you lack something, you gotta do something about it with your own strength. If you rely on other people to help you out, what you’re bad at will come back to bite you eventually.”

“Oh…?” Ju Yeong-Gi nodded, obviously impressed. “As expected of you, Yu-Min.”

Park Yu-Min turned his attention to Kang Jin-Ho. “Jin-Ho… Just what did you do that this dude is acting this way?”

Kang Jin-Ho shrugged his shoulders. “It was something bad.”

Something really bad, apparently!

Ju Yeong-Gi chuckled while glancing at Kang Jin-Ho. “At least you know.”

“...Can\'t you just let it go?"

“Very well. I will let you off the hook this time. However, there won\'t be next time. Remember that.”

“Thank you kindly, sir.” Kang Jin-Ho bowed his head.

Ju Yeong-Gi smirked haughtily before resuming from where the discussion left off. “It\'s a little different from that, though. It\'s kinda… You all know my life\'s not been the easiest one, right? That kinda explains why I still haven\'t gotten rid of all this goddamn hot air in my gut yet.”

“...Huh. I thought you\'d hold onto it for the rest of your life, though?”

“Zip it, you punks. In any case! The thing is, I\'m never full of nonsense in front of her. It\'s like when I\'m with her, I can think more clearly. She turns me into a better version of myself, know what I mean? That\'s why I\'m thinking about proposing to her.

“People say there are plenty of good women in the world, but I don\'t think I\'ll be able to find anyone that I like more than her. And I don\'t think anyone can help me as much as her, too. In that case... I don\'t see why I should waste time and do nothing about it.”

Kang Jin-Ho quietly nodded as he listened to Ju Yeong-Gi.

‘He’s not wrong.’

Without a doubt, Ju Yeong-Gi had changed after meeting Jeong Su-Yeon. And their business was booming, too. It hadn\'t been all that long since they opened the second store, yet the third one was already in the pipeline.

Kang Jin-Ho was worried since this expansion seemed a little too fast, but the sight of the packed first branch helped him figure out why they wanted to open the second branch so soon.

Ju Yeong-Gi always had a knack for running a business, but his short temper and ‘macho’ style had been holding him back. But Jeong Su-Yeon was now here to restrict those undesirable qualities.

However… Kang Jin-Ho was acknowledging Ju Yeong-Gi\'s thoughts for a separate reason.

‘He’s… so unwavering.’

Ju Yeong-Gi had accurately assessed his current situation and was trying to find the right path for himself. Wasn\'t that... good enough?

In the end, life was all about making decisions for oneself and then, living through those decisions. As everyone was a human being, they could make catastrophic decisions. They might sincerely regret what they had done.

However, what if such decisions were made only after a lengthy deliberation? Wouldn\'t that be good enough? It wasn\'t as if people made the right decisions every single time, anyway.

Marriage was probably not the only thing on Ju Yeong-Gi\'s mind as he thought about proposing to Jeong Su-Yeon. To stay on the path he had envisioned for himself, Ju Yeong-Gi most likely realized marriage was something he should seriously contemplate.

“Well, I guess it’s not really that important, after all.” Ju Yeong-Gi shrugged his shoulders.

Park Yu-Min frowned unhappily. “What are you even talking about? How can it not be important? Don\'t you know how important marriage is in life?”

“Well, yeah, I know it is important. But I know I can delay it till later. Besides, nothing is more important than our Yu-Min making appearances on TV, anyway. Keuh~! Seeing you on screen just fills me with fatherly pride, dude.”

“I told you, I’ve been on TV before…”

Until recently, Ju Yeong-Gi had zero interest in the esports scene. Which meant he didn\'t know that Park Yu-Min was a famous pro gamer. His understanding of the situation was on the level of, ‘Since everyone said so, it must be true, then?’ But he coincidentally saw Park Yu-Min\'s reappearance on TV recently and now, he was even more excited about it than the person in question!

Ju Yeong-Gi tutted. “Don’t you get how cool it is to appear on TV?”

“I-I’m telling you, it’s not as amazing as you think, Yeong-Gi.”

“Nope, wrong. It is freaking amazing. Only those who have made it in life are allowed to appear on TV, you know?”

“Hah? What year are you still living in, dude?”

Park Yu-Min kept making biting comebacks, but Ju Yeong-Gi didn\'t seem to be in any mood to hear them. He acted totally like a father whose son had enrolled in a top university in the country. Just look at his endlessly beaming, proud face!

“TV appearances aren\'t the only thing that got me going here, dude! Didn\'t you see all those online articles about you? They all say you\'re freaking killing it! I know nothing about this scene, so if they say you\'re at the top right now, you must be!”

Kang Jin-Ho reflexively scanned his surroundings. They were still in a pub located in Seoul.

‘Gee whiz. I thought we were in a countryside joint…’

This conversation was eerily reminiscent of things distant relatives might say after the family had come together for a year-end holiday gathering, and that was making things very awkward for Kang Jin-Ho right now. However, Ju Yeong-Gi’s proud expression stopped Kang Jin-Ho from saying something to break up this happy atmosphere.

“And, and! You are so good in interviews, too!” Ju Yeong-Gi excitedly cried out.

“Stop! Please! That’s enough!” Park Yu-Min helplessly yelled. He was verging on tears at this point.

Kang Jin-Ho chuckled gently and decided to lend a hand. “It seems like you’ve been getting good results, though?”

“Yeah. Mm… It\'s okay, I guess, but it\'s still tough going.” Park Yu-Min frowned while scratching his head. “I still get nervous before matches, you know? All jittery and stuff. And, in the middle of matches, I\'m not even sure what I\'m doing anymore. So, I just stop thinking and play and play until I either win or lose… That\'s why I still have a long way to go.”

“But, weren’t you always like that?” Kang Jin-Ho asked while tilting his head.


“Mm? What’s wrong?”

“...Sure. I’ve always been like that. How could I forget?” Park Yu-Min snarkily replied. He was clearly sulking, which didn’t suit his character.

“Well, in that case, it should be fine, no?”

“What do you mean, it should be fine? I gotta do better than before, you know? How old am I already? In my profession, someone at my age is seen as an old veteran. I\'ll go nowhere if I try to compete like my old self.”

Park Yu-Min resolutely stated his opinion.

“I gotta work even harder. And I gotta produce even better results. Only then will I barely catch up to the best of the best.”

Kang Jin-Ho sheepishly scratched his cheek.

‘Everyone is trying to live their lives to the fullest.’

As expected, Park Yu-Min also chased after a clear goal with everything he had. Without a doubt, he also must have a vision of how his life should unfold. And he was working his butt off to make that vision become reality.

‘A clear vision, is it…?\'

Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t have such a thing, although he did have a destination in mind. Unfortunately, he had no idea how to get there. His brain still hadn\'t pictured the clear path he must take to reach that goal.

Ju Yeong-Gi suddenly tutted away. “Meanwhile, what’s wrong with you? Why the long face, dude?”

Kang Jin-Ho blinked his eyes in confusion. “Mm?”

“Your face says you’re saddled with all the dissatisfaction and discontent in the world.”


Kang Jin-Ho began massaging his face.

He found Ju Yeong-Gi\'s observation rather strange. Kang Jin-Ho never really let his emotions show on his face, so someone reacting this way from his expressions alone was an unfamiliar event for him. The only person who could accurately guess Kang Jin-Ho\'s mood from the subtle shifts in his facial expressions had been Azure Demon.

But now…

“Look at this guy busy rubbing his face. Come on, man. It’s not just your expression, okay? It’s your whole vibe.”

Kang Jin-Ho awkwardly stopped massaging his face.

“Tsk…” Ju Yeong-Gi tutted as if he didn’t like it and stared at Kang Jin-Ho before continuing on with his interrogation. “Spit it out, will ya? This big bro will listen to the troubles and dilemmas of a friend who goes on overseas vacations and ghosts his acquaintances for fun.”

Kang Jin-Ho faltered slightly. “No, well, it’s not exactly…”

Ju Yeong-Gi suddenly turned his head to stare at Park Yu-Min. “Hey, Yu-Min?”


“It seems our dear friend is not so keen to share his troubles with us. I guess we\'re not dependable enough.”

“Mm. But that kinda makes sense, no?” Park Yu-Min sagely nodded. “Jin-Ho always takes care of his business, right? He doesn’t need our help to do a good job, so why should he tell us what’s troubling him? It’s not like we can realistically assist him, anyway.”

“You think so, too? I guess I was worried for nooooothing, then. You’re so right. What advice can I offer to someone who knows everything? Aigoo, I overstepped my boundaries, eh? I didn’t know my place!”

“Yeah, Yeong-Gi. That was uncalled for.”

Kang Jin-Ho dazedly stared at Park Yu-Min. Ju Yeong-Gi clowning around was one thing, but to think Park Yu-Min would bust his chops like this, too! Where did the pure and kind Park Yu-Min from the past disappear, only to be replaced by this sly snake!

“Wait, guys. It’s really not…”

Before Kang Jin-Ho could defend himself, his friends cut him off.

“It’s fine. It’s fine, I say!”

“Eheiii~! It\'s all good, Jin-Ho. All good! Don\'t say anything again. You\'re gonna spoil the mood, dude.”

“Come on, it’s not…”

“I’m telling you, it’s fine!” Ju Yeong-Gi theatrically patted Kang Jin-Ho on the shoulder. “It’s not like we’re small-minded idiots ticked off by stuff like this, you know? You don’t have to say anything anymore. We get it.”

Park Yu-Min nodded. “He’s right, Jin-Ho. It’s really okay.”

“I’m telling you, it’s not like that!”

Ju Yeong-Gi and Park Yu-Min flinched and pretended to stumble back when Kang Jin-Ho inadvertently raised his voice.

“Wowsers. I might really get murdered here if I run my mouth again,” Ju Yeong-Gi muttered in fake shock.

“Yeong-Gi, I think Jin-Ho\'s really angry this time. Why did you keep pushing his buttons like that, you dummy?”

“Well, that’s because I’m worried about him, you know?”

Veins popped up near Kang Jin-Ho\'s forehead. During the time he didn\'t bother to contact them, it seemed Park Yu-Min and Ju Yeong-Gi managed to develop an even better repertoire with each other. Their rhythm was perfectly in tune, now wasn\'t it!

Kang Jin-Ho groaned loudly. “Guys, it’s not… Urgh. It’s just that my problem is difficult to explain, okay?”

Park Yu-Min immediately sat upright when he heard that. Although this exchange began as a joke, he had to get serious after realizing that Kang Jin-Ho was troubled by something.

“Jin-Ho, is it something serious? Something bad?”

“I… I’m not sure,” Kang Jin-Ho sighed deeply. “It’s about the direction of my life, but I’m not sure how or what.”

“What? I don’t get it, dude.”

“Like I said, it’s hard to explain.”

The atmosphere grew a little heavier just then.

“I’m not sure where to even begin, but… When you dig a little deeper, it’s that kind of a thing, you know what I mean?”

Kang Jin-Ho stopped there and didn’t elaborate. That was because he needed time to sort out his thoughts first. To their credit, his friends didn’t urge him to continue.

A short while later, Kang Jin-Ho finally said something else. “There is something I can\'t do as myself. In that case, should I change?”

His explanation began with a question that seemingly chased after the distant floating clouds.

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