
Chapter 397 Knockouts IX

Chapter 397 Knockouts IX

Though not out of pity, he decided to stick by his side and try to console him.

"We all make mistakes now and then. But, if we let it bother us then we won\'t be able to advance. So, learn from your mistakes, Sato. Don\'t let it hinder you," Hiro said, trying to alleviate his worries and guilt.

He wasn\'t good with words. So, it was the best he could come up with at the moment. Now, it was all up to Sato how he wished to interpret it.

Hiro hardly knew anything about him. And, he wasn\'t anyone special either. From what he had found, he was a player who could barely make it to the professional stage. So, why would he bother trying to cheer him up? There were a lot of players who could replace him.

His stats were mediocre. And, he didn\'t possess anything special either. One could also say that he was an average player with no specialty.

So, why was he going out of his way to cheer him?

The reason behind it was quite selfish. He was trying to cheer him because he was their best option at the moment.

Then while trying to cheer him, he noticed some movement in the substitution box. Akutsu was leaving his seat. It meant that he was now going to warm up.

That sight relieved him. Since Akutsu was going to come in, now why should he bother trying to cheer up Sato?

"Cheer up, you\'ll get more opportunities" Saying so, he was about to walk away.

But as he prepared to walk away, Sato\'s gloomy expression triggered a dormant memory. That look on his face was exactly the same as his when he was told by everyone that he\'d do better in the next game and he shouldn\'t overthink his mistakes.

Had the fame got to his head? Or had he started becoming arrogant now that he could play better? If not for the system, would he even be standing here?

Sato who had made it this far without the help of any cheat, how could he compare to someone like him? Previously he hadn\'t made it to the team. But, Sato might have made it.

Since he couldn\'t recall his name, he couldn\'t tell. But there\'s a possibility that he might have made it to the team even in his previous life.

Recalling those memories of the past, he turned around.

Seeing him turn around, Sato felt as if his expression wasn\'t convincing enough. So, he spoke hurriedly, trying to get on his good side, "I get it. I\'ll play more cautiously from now on."

Hiro could vividly see the nervousness that Sato had tried so hard to mask. Sato was trying his hardest to make him believe that he was all alright now. But, despite his best efforts, he could tell that it still troubled him.

So, unlike the previous times when Hiro\'s attempts at consolation had been tinged with selfish motives, this time he genuinely wanted to lift Sato\'s spirits.

He then gently placed his hands atop his shoulder. Softening his tone, he spoke with genuine empathy. "I know it\'s not easy to shake this feeling, Sato. And you might even be doubting yourself right now."

For a while, he had been trying to avoid locking eyes with Hiro. But upon hearing those words of comfort, he jolted his eye toward Hiro.

Locking eyes with Hiro, he noticed how gentle and caring he appeared at the moment. Those gazes of Hiro were full of concern. Why was he trying so hard to avoid those gentle gazes all along?

A feeling of guilt washed over him as he realized how idiotic he had been up till now. Previously when Hiro had tried to console him, he had even belittled him by thinking that it was easy for him to say because he was talented.

But now that he met gazes with him, he could feel his genuine intentions. He was truly concerned about him. His eyes sparkled as a flicker of hope and forgiveness mingled within them.

At the same time, an intense feeling of apology rose within him. But before he could bring himself to speak, Hiro cut him short.

He wasn\'t done yet.

Hiro continued, his voice steady and reassuring as before, "But remember, every player goes through this. The important thing is to learn and grow from it. Mistakes don\'t define you—how you respond to them does."

Indeed as mentioned by him, everyone makes mistakes. Even the best players aren\'t spared. But unlike others, they learn from their mistakes. And, that\'s what makes them the best.

Realization struck him.

Sato then nodded slowly, "Thanks, Hiro. I just don\'t want to let the team down."

"You won\'t," Hiro assured him, tightening the grip on his shoulder. "We\'re all in this together. Trust in your abilities and in your teammates. Play your game, and everything else will follow."

Right now, he wasn\'t only saying those words to Sato but to himself as well. Instead of You\'ll do better in another game or some words without feelings, he wanted someone to say those words to him in the past. He wanted someone to believe in him.

When there\'s someone to believe in you, you can overcome any obstacles. Such is the power of belief. It can transform a common man into someone special.

Probably his belief in the system had brought him this far as well. It wasn\'t that he lacked potential but sometimes even the mightiest of the mountains crumbles under the pressure of the storm.

Even a mentally strong person can develop self-doubt if put under pressure for long. And, at that time, having someone to believe in them can give them the much-needed strength.

A tentative smile appeared on Sato\'s face, a sign that Hiro\'s words had struck the chord.

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