
Chapter 25 – The beginning of all this (censored ver)

Chapter 25 – The beginning of all this (censored ver)

TL: Eevee

Ed: Eevee

Umm, yeah. Censored version. Instead of leaving out scenes, author decided to replace the relevant words with XX or XXX or just Xes in general. I don’t have access to the uncensored version (no account and no ability to make one since I don’t have any KR residence papers), so I don’t quite know what they refer to either. Hence the translation might be a lot slacker than normal (not that it was that great normally, lol) in the censored sections.

Self-edited this time because I think my editor gave up on waiting for me during the weeks I went awol. My fault entirely if he did.

Karina. Age 21. Personal maid to Fifth Princess Clarice and fervent member of the Clarice fanclub ‘Citizens that Love Clarice’. Living proof of an instance where work and hobby were one and the same, a careerwoman who found success at a young age, and she was currently in the middle of the greatest dilemma of her life.

‘Me as a CLC member? Or as the princess’s personal maid?’

She was stationed outside Clarice’s door when she heard sounds. Moans. At that moment, to borrow a phrase from the Mitohi faith, she turned on her pupils.(1) Lest she missed out on even a bit of the noises that came from ‘Princess_and_Holy_Maidens_lewd_sex_ed.txt,\'(2) Karina was standing with her ear flat against the door. Drawing a picture of the garden of lilies that was no doubt unfolding in that room, her chest heaved up and down and her breaths were steaming ‘foooo’ out of her nose-

Please just this once, I’m sorry, so please stop, Karina heard the princess crying from the other side of the door. Kigigigigigigik- Karina unconsciously scratched the door. The CLC Karina bolted up.

‘Threesome! In for a penny, in for three!’

Okay! That’s what CLC member should be!! Just as Karina was about to turn the door handle.

‘Action stop. Do you want to get fired?’

The personal maid Karina countered. And so Karina’s head turned into a warzone.

‘You were here in case something like this happened. But let alone helping the princess in peril you’re jumping in for a threesome? Before you get fired as a maid, do you want neck cut off by the princess personally?’

‘Lol cool story. Nutcase.’

‘Didn’t you learn from Ericia that living life entirely by your own desires ends in seeing blood?’

‘And why is the almighty personal maid rattling on so long for? You wimping out?’

‘Wimp? Alright then. If we go in now, I bet my head and my neck on us getting completely and utterly fucked over!’

Karina screwed her eyes shut and grabbed the door handle. A moment, an instant for the world, but to Karina it may as well have been an eternity. Karina, slowly let go of the door handle. At the end of a bitter struggle that would have put an all-out firefight to shame, the personal maid won out. Now all that was left was to rescue the princess from the Priestess’s lewd hands. However Karina bolted away from the place. Her instincts toned by many ero-doujins were telling her this.

If she went in right then, it would have turned into ‘Princess_and_Maid_and_Holy_Maidens_lewd_sex_ed.txt.’

‘Hero. Hero-nim was needed here. The Hero that could lead away the pupil…’


“Is it because of Hero-nim?”

Just before her body, caught by a command and subsequently hanging like a marionette was about to do XX, Clarice yelled that in a fit of ‘fuck it!’ Her body stopped. It was a critical hit. Since she still couldn’t struggle or move, Clarice could only look at Orleia dead-on.

Orleia was… Glaring at her savagely enough that she was about to leak. Wordlessly. Which made Clarice feel like she was going to leak even more.

“You wouldn’t do something like this without a reason. I heard from Senyun and Eri. That you adore Hero-nim, calling him ‘darling.’

Orleia… Glared at her with a look that said ‘so?’ that made Clarice want to leak. Wordlessly. So she felt like she really was going to leak.

“To you, I am a thorn in your side, or a thieving cat. To interfere with the upcoming marriage, that’s what you’re doing this for, right?”

Orleia… Glared at her with a look that said ‘carry on.’ that made Clarice want to leak. Wordlessly. And maybe she did, just a tiny bit, leak just a tiiiny bit…

“Cough, ehem! So, maybe, you were probably trying to call off the marriage by damaging my purity…”

Pfft. Orleia laughed. A mocking laughter that dug straight into the mind. Clarice too, thought it ridiculous with purity and whatnot. She really wanted to find a deep hole and bury herself in it…

“Clitoris. You really are pure.”

“……Clarice is fine.”

I don’t care if you don’t speak formally so please just call me Clarice.

“Clitoris. Something like your virginity is none of my concern.”


“Who cares about something as petty as that? I, want something far greater than that.”

Orleia strutted up right up and close before she grabbed Clarice’s chin and looked dead in her eyes. Her red eyes blazed with lust. As if she was about to be eaten.

“That’s right. Clitoris. You, yourself.”

“No, my name is Clarice..”

“I know I can’t stop the wedding between Clee and darling. But even so it doesn’t mean I just have to suck my thumb and watch, right? Isn’t that right, Clitoris?”

“Clee is good. Call me Clee.”

“So I’m going to make you mine, Clee. And I am going to get darling using you as a pretext.”

“Thank you… Thank you very much…”

But thanks were short-lived, as Clarice snapped to attention and argued.

“Do you think that this will make me yours! Forget it! For Hero-nim’s sake I will never submit to you.”


Orleia’s eyes flashed. Even worse. To the point where all Clarice’s hairs stood up on end. Clarice clicked her teeth internally. Damn it. She should have just shut up.

“Alright then. Shall we give it a shot? How much can Clee endure for her Hero-nim.”

Snap- Orleia elegantly snapped her fingers. As if her strings were cut, Clarice was freed from the bindings of the command. She didn’t know what was going to happen. But this was her chance. Clarice quickly bundled up her clothes and made to flee.

“Tag (Borrowing the voice of God I command)”

Before she said those words.

‘Now what?!’

“Female:Tentacles(May the Pupil’s hands and feet offer guidance of a female’s pleasure.)”

Clarice was completely and utterly terrified. Mysterious formations appeared in mid-air before assorted thick cephalopod limbs sprang from them. In one word, tentacles. With their sleek surfaces while wriggling busily, tentacles. Those movements really were filthy. If a pervert’s desires were solidified, they would probably look like that.

Since the kingdom was land-locked, it had few opportunities to interact with cephalopods. Most of the kingdom probably didn’t know what they even were. But Clarice knew what they were. No, more accurately, she knew ‘what they were used for.’

Because she’d seen them digging into countless young boys at the demon king castle!!

“N, no! Don’t get near me! Don’t get near me!!!”

Leaving desperate last words, Clarice was captured by the tentacles. Entangling themselves around her hands and legs, she was lifted up in the shameful sight of her thighs spread wide open. Naked.


She really wanted to bite her tongue off and die.

“Pft, kuku.(3) ah, sorry. It’s just such a pleasant sight…”

Orleia snickered with the corners of her mouth curled upwards. Clarice was going to kill her. She was going to kill that motherfucking bitch! Her eyes lit up with killing intent. But even that deadset determination didn’t last long.


As Orleia playfully stroked her XXed XX, a XX XX came out. She couldn’t refuse the XXing XX and Clarice’s XX was XX to the point it was XX. Annoyingly enough…

“Dunno if it’s because it’s XX but even your XX is pretty. Kinda like XX. Does XX even get XX here?”

She kept on XXing with her XX XX and she XXed. A XX feeling like she was being poked with a XX passed over her. XX just kept on bursting out of her.

“I, I don’t do… That kind of thing…!”

Clarice XX XX her XX and glared at Orleia. Smirk. Orleia snickered.

“My, even if you XX like a XX, it only brings up more XX, you know?”

“To do something like this… Aren’t you ashamed to face the hero?!”

“Hmm? Still mouthing off in this situation? It seems like Clee hasn’t caught on yet.”

Orleia gripped Clarice’s chin with a lithe hand. Yet her eyes were still blazing like a spider tearing apart its prey. She whispered quietly in her ear.

“That should be me asking that. Isn’t Clee ashamed to face darling?”


XX! Clarice barely swallowed a XX. As Orleia nibbled at her XX it started to XX. It hurt. It hurt so much she teared up a little. That XX-like XX hungrily violated her XX. A hot XX turned her XX into a sopping XX. Clarice’s vision swam.

“XX. So bright red. It’s cute.”


“Why don’t you go ahead and try out that Womb Power again? Ah, not that you can escape from the tentacles anyway.”

Playing with Clarice’s reddened XX she teased her mercilessly.

“Should we try waiting? Who knows. Maybe even this time, darling, your Hero-nim will appear with a ‘tada’ and rescue our crybaby princess.”

“What, what are you…”

“I’ve heard a lot about Clee. You were nearly imprisoned after becoming a woman, weren’t you? And after that, was assaulted by both the knights and Eri, and recently you only narrowly avoided a terrible fate against the mob, no?”


Clarice shut her mouth. She had no choice but to. Because by now she could tell what she wanted to say.

“And every time, didn’t darling rescue you like a prince on his white horse? Clee. Isn’t the captured princess role enough with that one time with the demon king? Just because your body is female, has your entire mind turned into a woman’s? A pretty, helpless princess that can do nothing without her prince on his white horse.”

“Th, that’s not my fault…”

“Ah. Right. It’s all everyone else’s fault. Because you’re just a victim. But think about it. Just why all this is happening.”

The start was when Father tried to marry herself and the hero out of nowhere. And from that, she became a woman, and because of her gender change, the imprisonment incident occurred. To cheer herself up over the that incident she went to the training grounds, and because she went to the training grounds, she was assaulted by Eri and the knights, and because of that Senyun, in her shock spread the rumour around. And the protests arose as a result. Because of that-

“The marriage ended up being a done deal. Now, another problem.”

Orleia raised her index finger and smiled.

“The beginning of all this, namely, the reason for why the king wanted to marry off the darling and Clee together, no what would that be?”

Clarice, barely, managed to speak up.

“Because… Father… Was wary of Hero-nim…”



“You’re not completely wrong. About, 50 points? Think about it Clee. Just a bit further. Just why the king had to be wary of the hero. Just why did he have to be wary.”

Clarice’s face paled beyond what words could describe. Orleia felt her greatest satisfaction so far in this face-off with Clarice as she taunted.

“The answer is, because even though the hero beat the demon king he didn’t go back to his original world and stayed in the kingdom?”

Clarice couldn’t say anything.

She realised.

That, if she hadn’t selfishly asked Hero-nim to stay in the kingdom, to repay her saviour, none of this would have happened to begin with.


She had, dimly, been somewhat aware of this. Just that she had been turning a blind eye to it all this time.

“Darling even beat the demon king for Clee. And yet, because of Clee, let alone what he had to suffer, now he’s stuck in an unwanted marriage. All because of you, Clee, and your selfishness.”


She asked.

“Clee. Do you have any trace of a conscience? Aren’t you ashamed to face darling? Even though you don’t even like him? You don’t even want to be a woman? You didn’t even want this marriage?”


“I would have thought it couldn’t be helped if Clee liked darling like I did. Even if you went as far as changing your sex I would have accepted it if you really wanted to be with darling that much.”


“But it’s not? Clee is just ‘I don’t know anything, I’m just a victim.’ and is always waiting for darling to rescue you? None the wiser that’s pushing darling even further into a corner.”

Clarice couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t. Because it was all correct. She could only hang her head and feel her foolishness weigh down on her. Orleia looked on Clarice and smiled, satisfied. And once again she started XXing her XX. As she XX XX with her XX, she enjoyed Clarice’s XX.

Even in her ragged state the XX was XX in XX. But she no longer had any strength to XX.

“Mm. That’s a good girl. Now you get it. Clarice is a bad girl who got her respected hero in trouble, isn’t she? Bad girls should be punished, right?”

Clarice choked in a breath. A XX that that was leaking a XX XX from the XX wriggled as it approached. Orleia stroked the XX with her finger and put it inside Clarice’s mouth. It tasted sweet. Gradually her mind started fading and her face started reddening. Meanwhile, the XX was raised as if to pierce Clarice’s XX. Hard, rigid, thick… Completely unlike her puny XX when she was a man, a XX that could be called a weapon…

“Fufu? Don’t be scared. It’ll all be over as you count the stains on the ceiling.”

You trust me? She spread open Clarice’s XX and smiled.

At the same time the door was smashed off its hinges and struck Orleia.


A bright light. The tentacles that had been restricting Clarice’s limbs were neatly cut. Someone hurriedly caught the falling Clarice. Clarice lifted her head. There was no mistaking the outline in her blurry vision. Needless to say…

“Ha. Haha. Ow my head… Clee. Look at this. Saved again? Is this the fourth time now? Or the fifth if you want to include the demon king?”


Minwoo cut her off with a frigid voice. Vision was so blurry, Clarice couldn’t tell what kind of expression Minwoo was making. Only then did she realise it was because of her tears.

“Darling. It’s been a while. I really wanted to see you. To the point where I missed even that contemptuous gaze of yours.”


“Mm. I’m here. Darling.”

“You wanna die?”

Pfft. Orleia let out a cheerful laugh.

“I don’t mind dying here. If it’s by darling’s hands. But darling, don’t you have to take responsibility for the holy sword?”


“Fufu. Really, that face really suits you, darling. While I want to just embrace you right now, I’ll hold back today. I’m a girl who can read that mood at least that much.”

Then see you later. Orleia left with those words. They could sense the presence of people beginning to gather. Clarice barely opened her mouth.


“Mm. I’m here. Are you alright?”

“I want to be alone… Please go away…”

After a moment of silence, Minwoo said he understood. After everyone left, even sending Karina away, Clarice thought, alone, until the sun began to set. The entire night, she thought over the daggers that the Holy Maiden had dug into her. And after a long, hard night of thinking, Clarice came to a conclusion.

This marriage should never have happened.

Author’s Notes

It’s raining X! If you want to know what’s behind the X then I’ve posted the uncensored version on Nobless so you can head there ???(TLN: Joara’s P2R/R18 section. Account needed. Do not have. Cannot translate.)

It was said in Chapter 1 that Minwoo stayed because of Clarice. But since it was in a really quick pass-over I dunno if all of you remember;;;

(1) Korean internet slang: ‘Turn on hitomi’ for ecchi/nsfw situations ? rough english equivalent would be something like ‘*unzips* here we go (again)’ or other variations of the like. You guys… Did find out what hitomi meant in the Korean context, right?

(2) Why.txt? I get it, but wouldn’t.mp3,.flv or.mp4 be better?

(3) Laughing/snickering SFX

So… How many of you could just read through the censored sections knowing exactly what to substitute? Unfortunately I don’t read enough JP ? KR hentai to get a proper understanding of what to expect so hence, I had to make do. I have to say, in my admittedly short TL career, this is the first time I ever thought to myself, ‘I should read some more hentai to improve my language skills.’

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.