
Chapter 56 - It’s Ouyang Huihui Again

Luo Ziling took Yang Qingyin adding him on WeChat as a sign of her trying to make up for what happened earlier. As such, he was so excited that he didn’t sleep particularly well that night.

This resulted in him messing up a few parts in the never-ending drills the next day, which earned him the full brunt of the drill instructor’s fury.

Halfway back to their room after the drills had ended, Cao Jianhui tapped on his shoulder. “Boss, you seemed pretty tired just now. What happened? Was it because of yesterday’s incident? Don’t tell me you were up all night thinking about her?” he asked, flashing a shameless smile at his roommate.

“Ugh, p*ss off, will you?” Luo Ziling swung his foot angrily at his friend. “I’m not like you, whose mind is preoccupied with girls all day long!”

“Of course you’re not like me! Girls approach you by themselves after all. Say, have you fallen in love with her?” Cao Jianhui ground to a halt. Then, he leaned forwards and whispered into Luo Ziling’s ear, “That’s a top-grade girl man. I’ll murder your ass if all you’re gonna do is turn her down.”

Peering in the direction which Cao Jianhui’s finger was pointing towards, Luo Ziling found the dreaded Ouyang Huihui in her army uniform. Upon seeing her face, he immediately turned and left with knitted brows.

Realizing that Luo Ziling was trying to avoid her, Ouyang Huihui, who was already in a bad mood, became infuriated. She started running, and upon catching up with him, she jumped in front of his path, preventing him from escaping like the coward he was. “Luo Ziling! I need to talk to you about something.”

“Are you bored out of your mind or something? Why do you pop up in front of me every 2-3 days? I’m a busy man you know.”

After bluntly turning her down, Luo Ziling pulled Cao Jianhui’s arm and attempted to power-walk back to their dormitory.

“Why you little b*stard!” cursed Ouyang Huihui, before blocking his path once more. “I really have something important to discuss with you.”

The beautiful girl’s unexpected appearance here had garnered the attention of many passersby. There were even a handful that started snapping away with their phone cameras to capture the scene of Ouyang Huihui blocking Luo Ziling’s path.

The second time she blocked him, Luo Ziling’s face turned as red as a tomato from frustration. Though, with so many other students around them, he had no choice but to stop and listen to her with a heavy sigh.

“What’s the matter? Be quick,” he said in an unfriendly tone. “I’m starving so I have to go grab dinner now.”

“Then come with me. I’ll buy you dinner,” replied Ouyang Huihui, starting to lead the way.

Luo Ziling remained where he stood. “If you’re not gonna tell me what you’re up to, I’m leaving.” He proceeded to walk in the opposite direction, back to his dormitory.

Seeing how Luo Ziling was humiliating her in public, Ouyang Huihui felt a rising urge to tear his throat out. ‘This man is no ordinary b*stard’, she thought.

However, an idea popped up in her mind instantaneously. “I was planning to tell you about a woman called Ms. Ling,” she said. “If you’re uninterested, then you can continue walking that way.”

Luo Ziling made a u-turn the moment his brain registered her words. Something within him pulled on the hand-brakes the moment he heard that name being uttered. Taking in two deep breaths and suppressing the rising emotions in his heart, he caught up with Ouyang Huihui.

The bystanders, including Cao Jianhui, all looked at the duo with their jaws agape. They had absolutely no idea what was happening.

As soon as Ouyang Huihui and Luo Ziling disappeared around a corner, Cao Jianhui said, “That boy’s got a story behind him. I just know it.”

Ouyang Huihui couldn’t hold back her mischievous smile upon seeing how quickly Luo Ziling’s attitude changed. Despite him agreeing to her proposition, she did not slow down and continued walking briskly towards the entrance of their university.

In order to avoid being recognized, she deliberately pulled her field cap down over her face. As if that wasn’t enough, she also made sure to put on a pair of glasses to further disguise her identity.

“What were you going to discuss with me again?” asked Luo Ziling when he finally caught up with Ouyang Huihui.

“This girl’s as hungry as a wolf. I’ll only open my mouth after you agree to buy me dinner.”

“Didn’t you offer to take me out to dinner first?” asked Luo Ziling disappointedly. How could a girl possibly be so slimy?

“Forgot my wallet.” replied Ouyang Huihui, looking back at Luo Ziling condescendingly. “Also, isn’t it the golden rule that boys must always pay for a girl’s dinner?”

In the end, Luo Ziling had no other choice but to agree. “Alright fine, I admit defeat.”

This greatly boosted Ouyang Huihui’s mood. It felt like she had finally triumphed over Luo Ziling.

And so, the both of them made their way to a decent restaurant situated close to the campus. They even asked for a private booth to dine in. Dropping the courteous act, Ouyang Huihui picked up the menu and started ordering the most expensive dishes without even asking for Luo Ziling’s opinion.

Luo Ziling, who didn’t really care about food that much, decided to let this slide.

While waiting for the dishes to arrive, it was his turn to crack down on Ouyang Huihui. “So, tell me what you wanted to discuss with me earlier.”

“Luo Ziling. I am extremely angered by you and your crappy attitude. Why do you like humiliating me in public so much?” Ouyang Huihui was, of course, not prepared to reveal her trump card so easily. At least, not before she was done toying with him. “I want to make this clear. I am very pissed off at the fact that I still have to deal with you and your bullcr*p.”

“What do you want?” Luo Ziling started acting wary around the girl, especially after remembering her assasination attempt yesterday. He then warned, “I won’t hold back this time if you’re up to no good. Tell me, how many times have you tried to exact your stupid revenge on me? The fact that you’re “just a girl” doesn’t faze me one bit, as I whole-heartedly believe in gender equality. Try something weird and I won’t hesitate to drop kick you.”

“Aren’t you still alive and kicking?” she snapped.

Ouyang Huihui recalled the time when Jin Qicai ordered his men to attack Luo Ziling. After what happened yesterday, she now believed the story of how Luo Ziling managed to throw a team of martial arts students into the pool, all by himself.

‘This guy’s a freaking nut job. How was he able to do that? Where did he pick up such skills?’

Although she felt a little sorry for Jin Qicai, after what she went through last night, Ouyang Huihui did not feel the same way towards Luo Ziling. In fact, she faced him with the most unpleasant attitude she could conjure up.

While she truly did despise the fella, she was, at the same time, extremely curious about him. If this wasn’t the case, she wouldn’t have even considered stopping him like she did just now.

Luo Ziling’s anger flared up. “You’re saying that I should forget about the whole thing unless I’m hurt, or worse, dead? Don’t you know that I almost lost my life?”

“Wasn’t there someone who already delivered justice on your behalf?” asked Ouyang Huihui with a dissatisfied look on her face.

Mistaking the “someone” Ouyang Huihui was referring to as her sister, Ouyang Feifei, Luo Ziling said, “What justice? If I wasn’t as well-trained in martial arts, I would’ve been long dead by the time your sister arrived.”

“Your mom spoke to us last night. Bet you didn’t know that we were scolded like dogs. If I recall correctly, she even threatened to feed us to the fishes.”


Luo Ziling’s hand, which held a teacup, trembled, spilling drops of tea over the fancy tablecloth.

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