
Chapter 339: Hot Spring Town

Chapter 339: Hot Spring Town

After a few persuasions, Agatha eventually lets Ray come home. But of course, this didn't come without any price.

Ray needed to promise Agatha that he would always answer all her calls and would go to Agatha's place at least three times a week.

If his girls back in his original timeline were to know this, they would definitely laugh at Ray. The Ray, who would always do anything he wanted back then, now surrendered to the hand of a woman.

Nonetheless, it's not like Ray had any other choice. The current him was still one step away from contending with Agatha's sister without fully unleashing Xiansheng. And Ray didn't want to take any risk.

Who knew how far that crazy sister would go when she knew that Ray had taken Agatha's virginity but still slept with other women.

Ray arrived back at home and returned to his own room.

His body didn't really feel that tired from all that fucking, but his mind was.

He slumped down on the bed and proceeded to contact Aina.

' Aina, please show me the reward for taking Agatha's virginity.'

[ DING!!! For taking Agatha's virginity, the host was able to get one special item and a few SP, making the host's current SP balance become a full 10,000 SP.]

Fuck, Ray wanted to curse when he heard Aina's voice. All that risk he took and only one special item?

However, complaining now was useless. So Ray could only rush to open the special item and hope it wouldn't be a bust.

Aina showed Ray the special item he got, and at this moment, Ray's eyes widened a lot.

[ Special ability: Fusion-Armed. ]

No way, wasn't this special ability the special ability of Alan, the protagonist of this world?

Alan was able to do all he wanted because of this Special ability, and now Aina giving Ray this special ability. Wasn't this just like giving a wing to a tiger?

' Aina, am I dreaming?'

[ DING!!! No, host. The host's current progress in completing this world was already at 60%. Five of the heroines have fallen for the host. One has been threatened by the host to be your lover, only leaving one in Alan's side. This progress is enough for Aina to grant the host the same special ability as Alan.]

Immediately, Ray's eyes brightened a lot. Didn't this mean he could no longer care about Agatha's sister threat? Well, it was still better that Ray still took some precautions, but this still gave him a lot of room for movement.

His mood instantly improved, and Ray was now thinking of some plans to play with Alan.

. . . . . . . . .

- A few days later, Friday Night -

Ray went into Mia sensei's residence. For today, his plan was to have a date with Mia sensei and slowly get Mia Sensei to love him.

Of course, he knew it was an arduous task, but Ray noticed that he still had enough time, so why not try to make Mia Sensei love him first. If all came to it, he would still have enough time to be forceful and take Mia-Sensei by pleasure.

He arrived at Mia sensei's residence and knocked.

Inside, Mia-sensei has already dressed up and looked very beautiful. However, there was no trace of happiness on her face.

Ray got in, pulled Mia-Sensei into his embrace, and said:

" So, why is my princess so upset today? You know you look a lot more beautiful when you smile, right?" A bit corny, but somehow Ray really likes to use those kinds of words.

" Humph, what do you think? What kind of woman will be happy if she is being threatened to be lovers?" Said Mia-sensei as she didn't want to give Ray any face.

However, for a veteran player like Ray, the more the woman resisted, the more he felt challenged.

He stopped caring about Mia-sensei's words and just brought her inside his car, where the two would go to a place to enjoy their date.

A few hours later, Mia-sensei and Ray got down from the car.

In front of them was the beautiful scenery of hot spring town and the views of mountains alongside it.

Even after 100 years, humanities could still not let go of refreshment facilities, and this hot springy town was one of the most popular tourist spots in arrears.

Ray had spent a lot of money to be able to book a room in the most famous hot-spring in here, but when he saw the smile on Mia-sensei's face, he felt all of this was worth it.

Ray and Mia-sensei didn't stay idle very long. After Ray parked the car, Ray took Mia-sensei's hand, and the two began to explore around the hot spring town.

Ray and Mia-sensei's relationship could be said as a bit better now. During the time in the car, Ray has used that chance to get closer to Mia-sensei.

At first, Mia-sensei was acting very cold and didn't want to respond, but in the end, she responded to Ray, and Ray felt the barrier between the two had slowly melted. The turning point was when Ray apologized to Mia-sensei. he told Mia-sensei that he actually developed a lot of crush on Mia-sensei, and he coming to Mia-sensei's place at that time was only a coincidence.

Seeing that he had the opportunity, Ray said he wanted to try the chance to get a relationship with Mia-sensei. He also promised that if Mia-sensei didn't want to, then after this hot spring trip, Mia-sensei could act as nothing had happened, and Ray would delete all the photos.

This was a big bet. If Mia-sensei said yes, then Ray only had two choices. Either delete the photos or act like a scumbag and let go of all the chance of making Mia-sensei fall for him without making her crazy for his dick.

Fortunately for Ray, the bet paid off, and Mia-sensei said that it was her mistake, and she was ready to face all the consequences. The deal would still be there, and Mia-sensei only asked Ray to not act beyond the line.

Ray obviously was very happy with this result. He smiled and promised Mia-sensei that he would not demand too much, and the two would only play pretend lovers for two months.

But of course, Ray's heart didn't think the same.

As long as Mia-sensei wanted to compromise, then his goal was achieved. A compromise was the most taboo for things like this. The moment Mia-sensei starts to compromise, there would be a second, third or fourth, and it wouldn't be long until Mia-sensei fell completely into Ray's grasp.

As Ray took Mia-sensei's hand, the two visited many places of the hot-spring town.

Ray began with a small food stall. The two walked alongside the streets with one hand holding each other hand and the other holding the food from the food stall.

Ray sometimes used this chance to feed Mia-sensei, and the two looked exactly like a newly-wed couple.

After that, the two visited the other tourist spot in the hot spring town, like the big lake in the middle of the hot spring town where the two took a photo together.

Under the Sakura tree which Ray blushingly asked to have a kiss with Mia-sensei. Mia-sensei at first was hesitating, but when she remembered the kiss a few days prior and how Ray had a very big crush on her, she eventually agreed.

The two shared a very hot kiss under the Sakura tree, only stopping when they were discovered by some local children.

Mia-sensei blushed and quickly took Ray away, but the heart-throbbing feeling was there, and Mia-sensei's barrier for Ray had further broken down.

The two continued their date and only stopped when the sun was almost set, where Ray brought Mia-Sensei to the hot spring inn he had prepared.

If Ray wanted to, he could continue the date for a bit longer. But he didn't want to rush things. The trip to this hot spring town would last until Sunday, and he wanted to use this day to slowly weaken Mia-sensei's resistance.

After Ray brought their belonging to the room, he told Mia-sensei that she could take a bath first, which Mia-sensei gladly obliged because she also felt very tired from today's date.

Nonetheless, it was obviously not because Ray was a gentleman.

The hot spring inn he booked this time would have a mixed bath private hot spring, and that's what Ray's plan for today.

He would say that he mistakenly took a bath because he thought the man and woman would be separated, and from there, it would be like in the plot of hentai.

Don't ask Ray, but from the time he stepped his foot into this world, he felt like the woman's mindset in this world was very similar to all the hentai he had read before.

Maybe it was because of the game developer who wanted this one to be an eroge, but still, Ray could only be thankful about this and promised he would use it to his advantage.

Ray was about to go outside and buy some drink when he suddenly noticed a familiar face here.

' Alan, what the heck is he doing here!?'

A hundred meters away from Ray was Alan, the protagonist of this world.

From the look of it, he should also be about to stay the night here, but now the question is…

With whom does Alan stay here?

It was obviously not Haruka or Agatha, but it also couldn't be Mia-sensei.

Then if Ray were to use elimination to eliminate the list of the possible candidate, only one person was left on the list.

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