
Chapter 417 - In Love Again

Julian "What was up with that stupid question, why did he even ask me that?"

Julian said and walked out of his room and walked towards the elevator, once he got in the elevator he pressed the button to the roof, once he got on top of the roof, he pulled out a flute. ​​

Its the Eon flute he was given to by Latios.

Julian "It\'s worth giving a shot"

He said and blew the flute. After he finished blowing the flute he looked around to see Latios but he found no sign of Latios.

Julian "Looks like I was taking a very long shot"

He said and sighed.

Julian "And why am I trying to go to Sunnyshore city, the Chief said she will be fine"

Julian said and turned back to go back to his room when he suddenly heard a shockwave which would be ear-shattering to people if they could hear it but they can\'t as its above human capacity, Julian turned around and saw a blue jet-like pokemon bolting towards him, it was Latios.

Latios stopped right in front of him causing another shockwave causing the air around him to split with a loud bang.

Latios got close to Julian and snuggled his head on Julian\'s chest.

Julian "Look at you, you have become a lot stronger from the last time I saw you"

Julian said and rubbed Latios head, Latios purred happily, its been a long time since he saw Julian, as soon as he felt the flute being blown he rushed towards Sinnoh at full speed, just under 2 minutes he came to Sinnoh from Hoenn.

Julian "Did you come from Hoenn?"

He asked and Latios nodded his head.

Julian "Wow, that\'s really fast"

Julian was surprised by this, to travel such long distances under 2 minutes showed how much Latios has grown on his own.

Julian "Then let\'s go"

Julian said and climbed up on Latios and pointed at the direction of Sunnyshore city, Latios didn\'t rip through the air like before, if he did even Julian won\'t be able to hold on, the air would just blast him off of Latios.

On his way Julian wondered why he cared about Cynthia, he was not too much familiar with her but then he realized that he had spent a lot of time with her, every second of the week they spent together was with each other, they talked about everything, he felt a familiar feeling when he was with Cynthia.

It was the same feeling when he was with Daisy as well.

Julian \'Fuck don\'t tell me I am in love again, this new body is a total piece of crap when it comes to containing feelings, I even have a hard time controlling my anger which was not a problem in my old life, this body multiplies everything, even emotion, if this continues I might have hundreds of lovers\'

Julian thought and started to sweat.

Then he remembered about Daisy and Chloe as well, he couldn\'t betray them. If he had to, he has to give up his feelings so that it won\'t hurt them.

He closed his eyes and started to meditate as it was the only thing that would be able to calm his mind, even he wonders sometimes how is he able to keep calm and not kill those cult people after all the horrible things they do.

As he thought about what he did to that admin he realized that the cult admin has caused maybe hundreds and thousand people to go through mental torture, the loss of family is still worse than any physical pain, the loss of a family can break you from inside slowly and if you don\'t have someone to take care of you during these times it is a no-escape zone.

He thought about his actions and knew they were harsh but what the admin was going to do was even worse, he was about to sacrifice people and pokemons just to perform some prayer to a god that doesn\'t even give a fuck about them.

By crippling the admin, Julian saved the lives of the people who would have died from his hands in the future, maybe what he did was bad but what he did might have saved a lot of lives and he will continue doing this, in the previous life he took life of thousand of people in the battlefield, he didn\'t know why the war began, he didn\'t know why it lasted for such a long time, what he did learn during the war is that every life is precious and the more he saved the better he felt.

Julian felt better as he came to a realization, he knows he went far but he did it for the people that would have died from the hands of that man, now he doesn\'t have to worry about that man ever hurting or killing someone ever again.

As he came in peace with his inner self he felt relief and lightweight, and suddenly he heard a *ding* in his head.

System \'Host broke through the first barrier, the host can now grow stronger\'

Hearing this Julian smiled, he had stopped growing stronger from a very long time, it would have been over a year in his previous world, but now he freed himself from another shackle from his previous life, guilt.

Julian \'Just the first barrier, looks like I also have a long way to go\'.

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