
Chapter 505 - Zoroark?

While riding up the mountain road Julian noticed something weird. he saw no pokemons around the area, The last time when he was here he encountered a lot of them but now there seems to be none around, even the system couldn\'t detect any pokemon hiding inside their holes and dens.

Julian "Something is wrong" ​​

He said warning Cynthia, she looked around trying to find out what but she couldn\'t see anything.

Cynthia "What is it, I don\'t see anything"

Julian "That\'s what\'s wrong, this path should be brimming with pokemons of high level but I can\'t even see one of them"

He said.

Cynthia "Maybe they are hiding?

Julian "No, they are not around, something must have happened"

He said concerned.

Cynthia "What could it be?"

Julian "Maybe we will find out about it once we reach the top, I guess"

He said and increased the speed, as they got closer to the maze that leads to the spear pillar the road became very hard to ride on, Julian had to put it away and walk from there onward.

Cynthia "How do we get to the spear pillar?"

She asked, not many knew the exact location of the spear pillar, legends told that the spear pillar is on top of Mt. Coronet but no one could confirm it, the peak of the mountain was covered with thick fog and clouds, the peak couldn\'t be seen even from the top using planes and helicopters, if someone tried to go past the fog would never come back.

So people gave up on finding the Spear Pillar.

Julian "Through the maze, I have been there once before"

He said.

Cynthia "You have been there? how is it like?"

She asked curiously.

From a very young age, Cynthia has been curious about the legends behind the legendary pokemons that control the universe and the ruler of space, time, and matter, she wanted to learn about them, she wanted to know more about them and anything related to them.

It was one of her wish to find out the real truth behind these pokemons, of course, there is a lot of information about these pokemons in ancient writings and scripts but most of them have never been seen or proven, only 10% of it has been confirmed to be true, and the remaining 90% of the writings still needs to be proven.

The Spear Pillar belongs to the remaining 90% as well, no one has ever seen it in person or how it looks like, it is only known in legends that the Spear Pillar is used to open the gate to the world of the legendary pokemons.

When she heard that Julian has seen Spear Pillar she became excited.

Julian "Yes, it was months ago, I found some abnormalities around and decided to check, that is when I saw Cyrus with the Griseous Orb and took it away from him without him noticing"

He explained what happened during the time he was at the Spear Pillar"

Cynthia "How does the Spear Pillar look?"

Julian "It is very tall, it\'s hard to see the top of the spear, it is as if the whole place is in another dimension separate from this"

He said fascinating Cynthia.

Suddenly Julian stopped and looked around, he felt something weird around here, he felt a presence but he couldn\'t see it, and it looks like this thing was able to pass through his defense and affected him in some way, as he was talking to Cynthia he didn\'t expect this to happen.

He looked around but he couldn\'t find this thing, he felt it was near but couldn\'t pinpoint it.

Julian \'System, scan the surroundings, what is happening?\'

He ordered the System, in this type of scenario the system was very helpful.

System \'Host and host\'s partner along with his pokemons are inside an illusion created by a powerful pokemon\'

It gave the answer, hearing this Julian was surprised. If it was an illusion Gengar should have noticed it by now but even he didn\'t find anything weird about it, meaning that the source of illusion was something that is stronger than him or is of a dark element which makes it harder for him to realize what is happening.

Julian thinks that its the latter reason because not many can come close to Gengar in power.

Julian \'What pokemon is it?\'

He asked.

System \'This scale of illusion can only be created by a Zoroark, they can create illusions strong enough to put 100 people inside the same illusion making them think that it is reality, and a stronger one can exceed the limit and can even make people think that they are touching things or feeling pain without any injuries\'

Hearing that the possible culprit might be a Zoroark Julian nodded. If Zoroark is really behind this that it is possible, they are said to be the master of illusions and can full anyone, and from the looks of it, the one who has put them under this illusion is a strong one, even effecting Gengar.

Julian \'Cynthia hasn\'t noticed it yet\'

He thought and looked around, when Cynthia saw Julian looking around weirdly she got curious.

Cynthia "What happened?"

Julian "We are in an illusion"

He said startling Cynthia, she looked around and saw no difference in the surroundings, she wouldn\'t have even realized it if Julian had not told her about it.

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