
Chapter 890 - The Little Heracrosses

As soon as the agents inside the league were informed about Ghetsis being outside the league, all of them rushed out with guns and pokemons behind them.

They noticed that Ghetsis was already tied up and unconscious, the agents surrounded him pointing their guns at him, two agents got behind his back and picked him up, and looked around the surroundings to see if anyone else is present in the vicinity. ​​

"What happened here?"

One of the agents asked the guard that was guarding at the front gate.

"I don\'t know, suddenly a black hole like thing appeared out of nowhere and suddenly Ghetsis was thrown out of it"

The guard said.

"I see"

The agent said confused, he didn\'t know what happened and he doesn\'t want to know, they have Ghetsis, and its enough, he doesn\'t want to be bothered with interdimensional portals and stuff.


Gengar who was watching from the side giggled and made his way out of there, now he has other things to do, find the Minccino or Cinccino or whatever it is and give it the shiny stone.

He learned that the one he is looking for is in Lostlorn forest, it is halfway through the whole region but Gengar has nothing to worry about, he can travel faster than any of Julian pokemon, but he never told Julian about this because he doesn\'t want Julian inside his dimension.

If Julian sees what Gengar keeps inside his dimension he might get in more trouble.

He looked in one direction and opened and portal and went inside, he used the dimensional and traveled through space very fast, inside his dimension he can travel from one place to another ten times faster than on land.

Just within a few minutes, he was in the Lostlorn forest.

Gengar got out of the dimension and looked around, as soon as he walked out of the portal, he noticed a lot of pokemons run away from him because of his sudden appearance.

Gengar "Gegege, I scared them"

Gengar said and continued down the forest, he did take a signature scent from Cinccino in order to trace the other sister but right now he cannot find anything, the scent doesn\'t stay in a place for quite a long time and he needs to find a trace of this scent before he can track this pokemon he is looking for.

He made his way towards the center of the forest because it\'s the best place to start because he can always find someone who can inform him about things he wants to know.

The pokemon that knows most about the forest is the king of the forest and this king of the forest can be very helpful for Gengar\'s little mission.

Gengar found himself in the middle of the jungle and looked around but he was surprised to see not many pokemon here.

Gengar \'Hm, I wonder where all the pokemons are?\'

He questioned and looked around the center of the jungle before finally finding a group of young Heracross playing around tossing massive rock around using their horns.

Gengar was not much surprised by the strength these Heracross displayed, they are known for their ridiculous strength, even though they are not big they are known to lift more than a ton and throw them around with no effort.

The Heracrosses was quite young, but they were very big for their age as well, but it is to be expected because they live in the densest and the most resourceful part of the forest.

One Heracross suddenly tossed the rock a little further and landed right in front of Gengar, the Heracrosses noticed Gengar and were suddenly frightened.

They used their powerful legs and jumped back to make some distance between them and this new unknown pokemon.

Gengar "Gegege, don\'t worry, I am not someone you should be afraid of"

He said and laughed creepily.

"Dad said not to talk with creepy strange pokemons"

One of the Heracross said while looking at the creepy Gengar.

Gengar "Gegegege, don\'t worry, I am no stranger, I just want to meet the king of this jungle"

He said with his creepy smile.

"What do you want without day, do you work for the Pinsirs, if you are, we are going to beat you up"

The other little Heracross said while swinging its horn.

Gengar "Oh my, don\'t be so aggressive, I just want to meet the king who also seems to be your father"

He said.

"You can\'t meet him, he is resting after the fight"

Gengar "Oh, there is a fight going on?"

He asked.

"Yes, the Pinsirs are challenging dad for the position of the king but they are never gonna win, dad is too strong"

The other Heracross said.

Gengar "Gegege, good for you, believing in your dad, can you inform him about me and that I want to meet him, I can even help him with this Pinsir problem"

He said.

"Are you telling the truth?"

One of the Heracross asked as it was a little worried about its dad, that last fight was pretty bad, even though its dad won, it was still badly injured from it.

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