
Chapter 64: Sage of Water, Tardal

Chapter 64: Sage of Water, Tardal

"Good work!"

"Haha, thank you all for cheering me on."

It was Greemz, who had hunted with all his efforts that his robe was soaked in sweat. He thanked the players who cheered him on, feeling relieved.

This would be my last time coming here now.

This was his last challenge. He had reached level 86 after completing the challenge. This meant he had graduated from this dungeon, which also meant he could no longer compete for the record unless he leveled down.

Dragging his tired body to a nearby rock, he sat down.

I\'ve done the best that I could.

Greemz was an extremely eager beaver. Everyone around him called him that.

Whenever he learned a new skill, he would practice on the spot until his Mana ran out. He would contemplate how to use the skill, its range, power, and even what changes could be made with different controls. He even wondered what the developer thought while creating the skill and what they were eating at the time.

With such dedicated effort, he was able to become a better wizard than others.

"Phew, this is refreshing."

Greemz, feeling the cool breeze drying his sweat, checked his watch.

It\'s almost on the hour...

Every in-game hour, the instance dungeon rankings were updated.

This made Greemz\'s heart flutter.

I really have a good feeling this time.

It wasn\'t just a hunch or a whim. He had significantly shortened his clear time and reduced the number of times he was hit.

Today is finally the day...

He had the nickname of Forever Second Place because he could never surpass Raktasha. But now, it was time to clear that name and finish strong!

Greemz had no doubt about it.

"It\'s been updated!"

"What place is Greemz?"

"Wow, why am I so nervous even though it\'s not my record?"

Greemz\'s final record attempt gained considerable attention from the players. They all wanted to see if effort could surpass talent. And this record would clearly provide the answer.




Greemz slowly stood up and approached the ranking board. At the same time, his head tilted to the side.

Why are they reacting like that?

The first thing that came to mind was anxiety.

Did I... not surpass it?

With overwhelming anxiety about the giant obstacle that was known as talent, he bit his lip and shook his head.

It’s a despair I’ve faced hundreds of times already. Once more... won\'t change anything.

But it was different. All the past hundreds of challenges had been seeds he planted for today\'s final attempt.

Greemz knew this better than anyone else, and he approached the leaderboard with a trembling heart.


"Uh, ahem."

"Um... it’s okay."

"You were just a bit unlucky."

Players looked at him with expressions that screamed pity, bitterness, and even disbelief.

Greemz\'s lips curled into a bitter smile as he observed the reactions of those around him.

Did I... ultimately fail to surpass it?

Any glimmer of hope melted away like snow as he received encouragement. If he had overtaken Raktasha and became first, he would\'ve received congratulatory remarks instead.

I was just unlucky? No, it\'s simply because I wasn’t good enough. I don\'t rely on such excuses.

Based on his calculations, he should\'ve surpassed Raktasha. But if he didn\'t, it must have been by the thinnest of margins.

Greemz swallowed his disappointment forcefully and checked the leaderboard.

[Rat Kingdom - Solo Party Rankings]


2. Greemz LV.85 3h 41m 54s. Total score: A+

3. Raktasha LV.85 3h 42m 16s. Total score A+

"Oh!" The moment Greemz noticed Raktasha\'s name below his, a loud exclamation burst out of his mouth. "I... I won!"

He had thought he hadn\'t surpassed Raktasha due to the sympathetic cheers he received from the other players.

But I did it! I finally escaped second place! I won!

The efforts and time he dedicated to this one moment flashed through his mind.

Greemz, who felt something surge up inside him, smiled as the area around his eyes became red.

These folks, they must have prepared a lot to surprise me.

Finding the idea amusing, Greemz chuckled and said to the players around him, "Your acting skills are amazing! Are you all secret actors or something? I almost fell for it..."

Everyone stayed silent.

Greemz looked around as he noticed the expressions of the players around him.

What is this vibe?

The atmosphere showed no signs of returning to normal!

Moreover, the pitiful looks directed at him persisted.


He couldn\'t understand. He overcame Raktasha after tremendous effort and shed the title of the Forever Second Place...

Wait, hold on.

Greemz\'s head turned as fast as lightning.

If he had surpassed Raktasha, who had been first place, he should now be in first place, but...

With a confused expression, he checked the leaderboard again.

1. Unknown LV.68 1h 12m 34s. Total Score S-

2. Greemz LV.85 3h 41m 54s. Total Score A+

3. Raktasha LV.85 3h 42m 16s. Total Score A+

Greemz\'s composure shattered.

I\'m... I\'m second... I\'m in second place...! I beat Raktasha, but I\'m still in second place...!

Greemz cried, the other players cried, and even the rats in the sewers cried.


“Wow,” Kai said in surprise as he looked at the newly registered title in the book.

[Instance Dungeon Champion]

Rank: Special

Description: A title given to a player who has achieved first place in an instance dungeon.

Effect: +5 to all stats per dungeon in which player ranks first.

(This effect remains even when title is unequipped.)

"So this is how titles are given."

Instance dungeon rankings changed every day and in the case of competitive ones, every hour.

It\'s true that first place in an instance dungeon is a significant achievement, but giving such powerful effects to everyone who ranks first would be troublesome.

Doing that would diminish the meaning of a special title.

"So, this is the type of title they came up with."

It was a special title that lost all benefits the moment they lost their first place position!

"Wait, then..."

Kai recalled his own record.

Isn’t my record unbreakable? It would be tough even if I tried to break it.

It was a record that could never be achieved by someone who didn’t have the ability to remodel the dungeon like Kai did!

"I see..."

That meant all his stats would be permanently boosted by 5.

That\'s like leveling up five times.

Kai nodded with a satisfied smile.

If I get the chance, I should visit instance dungeons from time to time.

If there were other places like the Rat Kingdom where he could set records, he would challenge them.

And if I set another unbeatable record again...

The name Unknown would be forever fixed at the top of the leaderboard.

Pleased with that thought, Kai approached the soldiers that came into sight.

"Huh? Back again?"

"Tsk... Why are you back already when it’s only been a few hours?"

"I didn\'t expect you to be so persistent."

Naturally, the soldiers shook their heads!

However, Kai, relying on the Friendly Brother skill, warmly said to them, "Come on, don\'t be like that when we have a bond."

"We? Bond? What are you talking about?"

"What do we have with you?"

"Haha you guys are funny."

But Kai was quickly taken aback when he felt their cold stares glaring at him through their helmets.

Wh-what’s happening?

He quickly checked but found that the Friendly Brother skill was still active.

Then why are they reacting so coldly?

Not being able to know why, Kai stepped back.

"I\'ll, um, come back later."

After hurriedly returning to the city\'s streets, Kai had a serious expression. There was only one hypothesis that made sense to him.

Is this skill... a one-time use?

If he was correct, he would need to be more careful when using the skill in the future.

"I’m curious, so let\'s find out."

Kai used the skill while visiting a bakery and bought bread and milk at a discounted price. He quickly devoured the bread filled with sweet red bean paste and topped with sesame seeds, and gulped down the cold milk!

Then after about thirty minutes, he revisited the bakery. The Friendly Brother skill was still active.

"Could you give me a discount on the bread and milk again? You gave me one a bit ago."

"What? A discount? After I gave you one already? Get out of here!" the bakery owner scowled and yelled at him.

Seeing this reaction, Kai quietly left the bakery.

The Friendly Brother skill is definitely one-time use.

Of course, there was a chance it had a cooldown time, but checking that would take too much time and effort. Since he had many things to do, he didn\'t feel the need to check right away.

I should just be more careful from now on.

He never knew when or which NPC\'s favor he might need. So from now on, he had to be careful each time he used it.

Even a Mythic-rank class isn\'t all-powerful.

He had gained the Friendly Brother skill as a bonus reward in the first place, so considering the type of bonus reward it was, he should be grateful!

"Oh, right... I have to win over the soldiers first."

Then Kai returned to the bakery with a long face.




The soldiers guarding the Sage of Water Tardal\'s mansion furrowed their brows. Seeing the same person three times a day, especially after sending them away twice already, would inevitably be irritating.

"Do you need to be taught a lesson?"

"I’m warning you, we’re not holding back because we’re weak."

"Of course, who would dare think such a thing? Please, sirs, don’t be mad." Unlike before, Kai smiled warmly and pulled out some freshly baked bread and a bottle of ice-cold milk from his inventory. "Oh, you must be having a hard time working in this heat. You must be hungry. How about a snack to keep you going?"

"We don\'t accept food. How do we know you haven’t done something to it?"

"Besides, these could be considered a form of bribery."


Even the soldiers in MID Online followed anti-graft laws so strictly!

Kai, with no other choice, put the food back and bowed his head. "Please, I\'m begging you. Give me a chance to prove my skills."


"Are you mocking us? It was just a few hours ago you left, saying you’d prove your skills..." The soldier\'s voice, which had been raised, began to trail off.

"Wait a minute." The soldier quickly scanned Kai\'s body, then their eyes widened.

From the moment he saw the soldier\'s reaction, Kai had already started smiling.

NPCs are pretty convenient in this regard.

They could check a player\'s status without having to say a word. In other words, he didn\'t have to go into detail about what he had accomplished.

"Then, do I have permission to enter?" he asked politely, but with confidence in his voice.

I doubt they\'d turn me away after seeing my accomplishments.

And that expectation soon became reality.

The soldiers, with awkward expressions, looked at each other and nodded.

"We didn\'t realize you were such a skilled adventurer."

"And in such a short time... That’s surprising."

"We\'ll inform Lord Tardal right away."

[Affinity with Aquaria Soldier Yurik increased.]

[Affinity with Aquaria Soldier Hessen increased.]

[Affinity with Aquaria Soldier Redin increased.]

Indeed, people tended to favor those with skill and good manners!

As he continued his friendly conversation with the soldiers, whose affinity had just increased, a servant from the mansion approached.

"Lord Tardal has granted a meeting. Please follow me."


The tightly shut doors of Tardal\'s mansion opened, revealing its interior.

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