
Chapter 214 - 214 Interrogation

Chapter 214 - 214 Interrogation

But within those deeply sunken eye sockets, a pair of eyes were still shining with a fierce light.

The moment the cloth that gagged his mouth was removed, Qi He began to curse, “Incompetent officer! You have no regard for human life, treating the lives of the common people like grass underfoot. Such indifference to people’s lives and deaths makes you unworthy of your position!”

“If we do not offer a bride to the Water Ghost tonight, the entire village could face calamity!”


Those who were already terrified went pale, trembling, unable to stay on their feet.

“My lord…”

Someone started to weep, ready to plead with Ding Gaochang.

Seeing this, Qi He had a mocking smile on his face.

No matter if you are a county official or view him as an ant, when an ant bites, it hurts just as much.

Ding Gaochang didn’t pay attention to the sobbing and pleading. Instead, he turned to Qi He, “Are you saying the only way to stop the Water Ghost from harming humans is to marry a bride to it?”

“Of course.” Qi He raised his chin, “And it’s not just about marrying once. We need to marry a bride to the Water Ghost every three years, so as to dissipate its resentments, ensuring peace from then on.”


Ding Gaochang laughed, “Then why don’t you explain why it requires a bride, and not children, or gold and silver treasures? Did the Water Ghost tell you?” “This…” Qi He was speechless at Ding Gaochang’s unexpected questioning. “Now, let me ask you this, how do you know what kind of eight characters of birth date can match the bride the Water Ghost wants to marry? People with the same birth date and time exist, how do you assure this one over that one?” “Did the Water Ghost tell you?”

“What if the bride’s size, appearance, and other preferences do not match up to the Water Ghost’s preferences and it wants to refuse the marriage then what?”

“Also, what if this Water Ghost is a bit unusual, rather than favoring young maiden, it might have unconventional tastes? Isn’t that a counterproductive move?”

At this, Qi He was dumbfounded.

Despite his countless calculations, he had never anticipated these questions from Ding Gaochang.

“That must be because a real person has worked it out…” a villager hesitated to say.

“Yes.” Qi He’s face lit up as if grasping a lifeline, he nodded rapidly, “Exactly, I’ve calculated this myself. I can’t be wrong.”

“Even gods doze off sometimes, let alone you mortals. There’s always a chance that your prediction might not be accurate.”

Ding Gaochang squinted his eyes, “Besides, your calculations are only assumptions. What the Water Ghost really wants still remains uncertain. If you are wrong and it gets angry, won’t that create an even bigger problem?”

“In my opinion, it’s best to ask the Water Ghost to confirm its requirements. There’s no harm in being cautious.”

“Isn’t there some truth behind official’s words.”

After hearing this, many villagers nodded their approval.

“That’s right, what the county official said is true. Calculations could be wrong. It’s better to confirm. If it’s something the Water Ghost really wants, we can deliver it later.”

“I also think, if we hastily give the bride, and the Water Ghost doesn’t like her, wouldn’t it worsen the situation? At that point, not only will we risk the bride’s life but could also jeopardize our own.”

“That’s the truth…”

The villagers were chattering and most of them thought Ding Gaochang’s argument to be reasonable.

“It seems that your thoughts align with mine.”

Ding Gaochang glanced at Qi He, “If that is the case, please go and confirm the requirements of the Water Ghost so we can make the necessary preparations.” Ask? How to ask?

Qi He rolled his eyes.

This matter was made up by him, who was he supposed to ask?

However, on the surface, Qi He didn’t dare to reveal his doubts, and he hesitated to respond, “About this…”

“This matter is urgent, so there’s no need for hesitation. Go now and inquire so we can get an answer sooner,” Ding Gaochang said, then he called someone over, “You guys, hurry up and take him to question.”

The words Qi He wanted to say, ‘I need to think this through,’ were swallowed back. The instruction from Ding Gaochang to ‘question’ left him dumbfounded. By the time he was lifted by several bailiffs, his heart was in turmoil.

Where was he being taken to? Who’s words was he supposed to question? Water Ghost?

Isn’t that a joke?

Before Qi He could think more, he was already led onto a boat by Shen Quan and others. The paddles swung, the boat was heading towards the center of the lake. “What is going on here?” Qi He saw Shen Quan and Shi Bao preparing a bamboo cage and tying a thick hemp rope to the cage, he was shocked, “What are you guys doing?”

“Didn’t you hear what the lord said earlier?”

Shen Quan blinked, “Right now, you should go and ask the Water Ghost what it wants. Once you find out, this matter could be settled sooner, and everyone else can carry on with their duties.”

“Then what are you guys preparing this bamboo cage for?” Qi He’s voice quavered.

“Obviously, to send you down to meet the Water Ghost.” Shen Quan feigned surprise, “Isn’t the Water Ghost living in Cuiwei Lake? Once you go down, you can ask it carefully.”

“But don’t worry. The lord cares about your safety. We’ve been instructed to tie the hemp rope tightly; once you pull the rope, we can pull you up immediately, to prevent the Water Ghost from dragging you into the lake out of anger.” “By the way, we’ve specially found a few people who are good swimmers. Even if the bamboo cage is damaged or the rope is broken, we can ensure that we get you out of water. So just go ahead, worry-free.”

Qi He was utterly shocked, this meant drowning him!

Instinctively, Qi He wanted to flee, but he was on a boat, in the middle of a lake, and he couldn’t swim. There was nowhere to escape.

While he was in panic, Shen Quan and Shi Bao efficiently shoved Qi He into the bamboo cage, closed the lid, and with a kick, sent the cage into the lake.

The bamboo cage sank rapidly, causing tiny bubbles to emerge from the lake’s surface.

Seeing it was almost to an appropriate depth, several men tightened the rope in their hands, preventing it from sinking all the way down.

“Now that you are at the bottom, be sure to ask properly: what does the Water Ghost want? Is it gold and silver treasures, farm properties, or a beautiful maiden?”

“Right, also ask how old it is, what it likes. That’s the way we can cater to its preferences…”

Shen Quan shouted a few times. Seeing that the time was almost right, he gestured to Shi Bao and others to help him pull the bamboo cage back up.

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