
Chapter 352 - 339 It’s all over (asking for monthly ticket)

“People like you deserve to remain poor and your daughters deserve to lack such good fortune!”

“We don’t want this ‘good fortune’ that sends our daughters to their graves. I guess your family is capable of such, as other families don’t have hearts as dark as yours,” a tall, skinny middle-aged woman named Mrs. Zhao retorted with a sardonic smirk.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Mrs. Zhao, do you know something we don’t?”

Mrs. Zhao’s statement was like a pebble thrown into a pond, causing ripples of readers amidst the crowd. Even those who had been loudly condemning Mrs. Song now all turned to Mrs. Zhao with questioning eyes.

Even Mrs. Song was taken aback, “What do you mean by that? My daughter, Qinghe, is set to marry into the Kong family. Don’t you know about the Kong family? They are wealthy and influential, home to dozens of maids and extensive fertile lands. Once there, Qinghe will enjoy a life of rich food and luxury, with people waiting on her every need!”

“Yes, they will be ‘attending’ to her. But who can say just what that entails?”

Mrs. Zhao sneered, “You said it yourself – the Kong family is affluent enough to wed the daughters of high-ranking officials. Why on earth would they want to marry your Qinghe? Have you even looked at her properly? She’s plain, ill-mannered, illiterate. Why would the Kong family choose to marry a village girl like her?”

“Are they blind? Or has their judgment been impaired? Instead of all those young ladies from rich families, they want your misshapen tree?”

“Now that you mention it, it is indeed strange that the Kong family, who are so rich, would be interested in Qinghe. It doesn’t make sense,” someone from the crowd chimed in agreeing with Mrs. Zhao.

“Didn’t Zhuang Ruman say that Qinghe has a prosperous birth chart? He said that it would bring wealth and luck to the husband. That’s why the Kong family rejected all those other potential brides and chose Qinghe instead,” chimed another one in defense.

“But why would that prosperity and luck only benefit Qinghe and not others? Plus, birth charts can be manipulated, and one needs to understand the degree of prosperity. If it’s true that Qinghc’s birth chart is highly prosperous, wouldn’t her family already be thriving?”

“Isn’t it weird that they’re taking this marriage so seriously based on a birth chart?”

Mrs. Zhao, who was on a roll, noticed the crowd and even Mrs. Song were dazzled by her theories. She continued confidently, “Do you know why it’s strange?”

“It’s because the Kong family’s only descendant has been long dead. They kept it a secret. He’s still in his ice coffin!”

“Why would they want to marry Qinghe? It’s because her birth chart is particularly suited for a posthumous marriage. That’s why the Kongs arc going out of their way to marry Qinghe.”

A posthumous marriage?

The crowd gasped audibly, their jaws hanging open for a long time from the shock.

They had only heard of such things before: families would combine the burials of unmarried daughters and sons if their birth charts were compatible. They would perform a marriage ceremony in the underworld.

However, this was the first time they had heard of a living girl being used for a posthumous marriage!

Moreover, it was happening right here in their village, in Zhuang Ruman’s household!

“Ah, should have known it. That explains the size of the betrothal gift. They’re buying a life!”

“Zhuang Ruman must have a heart of stone to do this!”

“To orchestrate a living person’s death in such a wicked scheme, only Zhuang Ruman and Mrs. Song could think of something like this!”

“Not only could they think of it, but they could also carry it out! They’re indulging in grand expenditure, funded by the life of their own daughter. And they’re spreading the news around, without a shred of embarrassment or remorse!”

“They are just blinded by money! Do you think they know what guilt is? I tell you, as long as money is offered to them, they might just even dig up their ancestral tombs!”

The crowd at the entrance was abuzz with gossip, sending figurative daggers in Mrs. Song’s direction.

Mrs. Song turned pale with fear and collapsed onto the ground with a gasp.

Is the Kong family after Qinghe’s life?

No, she must report this to her husband!

Mrs. Song scrambled up and rushed indoors to find Zhuang Ruman.

Meanwhile, Zhuang Ruman was rummaging through his belongings, muttering to himself, “I remember leaving it here. Where did it go?”

“What are you looking for, dear?” asked Mrs. Song, seeing Zhuang Ruman in a sweat.

“The silver I kept here, where is it?” Zhuang Ruman muttered without looking up. “In a while, there’ll be too many people here and I worry about the safety of the silver. I don’t want anyone with wandering hands to take it… But now I can’t find it…”

“Why aren’t you out setting off firecrackers? What are you doing here?”

“Dear, we’re in trouble. The crowd outside, they say the Kong family’s only descent died a long time ago… They arc saying that Qinghe is being married off for a posthumous wedding…”

When Mrs. Song spoke, Zhuang Ruman felt like his head was about to explode.

This matter was supposed to be known only to the Kong family and him, aside from the matchmaker.

But, whether it was the Kong family or him, this was a secret that standing to gain from keeping it a secret, but would put them in jeopardy if leaked. Therefore, not a word was ever mentioned, even when Zhuang Ruman was out and about bragging about his family.

How did the people outside find out?

If this gets out, then isn’t everything ruined?

Zhuang Ruman didn’t care about his missing silver anymore. He rushed to the courtyard, and began yelling at the gossiping crowd, “What baseless nonsense are you all spouting out here? Which father in his right mind would send his own daughter to her death?”

“We are well aware of your moral character!”

“Right, with his eyes on the money and nothing else, we can’t really be sure of his intentions…”

“You all know nothing!” Zhuang Ruman stomped his foot, his eyes darting around furiously before yelling, “That’s a fabricated rumour! And even if it were true, such a scandalous affair would be conducted in absolute secrecy. Who would theatrically send betrothal gifts and conduct a grand wedding, asking to be the talk of the town?”

Upon hearing his words, the crowd paused in uncertainty.

Indeed, if it were a posthumous marriage, it should have been conducted in hushed whispers and not with such pomp and show.

“They’re conducting it extravagantly because they are guilty. They don’t want others to think about it!” Mrs Zhao rebutted, “The Kong family is simply trying to fulfil their duties to their deceased son by choosing a live bride for a deceased groom!”

Side note: Ahem, writing is not easy. Dear readers, please support the author by purchasing the book-

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