
Chapter 566 Catching The Leader Of The Noble Guild

Chapter 566 Catching The Leader Of The Noble Guild

Sabrina had gone ahead to explain the details of what had occurred a few days ago. She had changed her story a bit. For one, she didn\'t want to involve Raze, so she had never mentioned his name or the fact that this was originally connected to the Central Academy.

Instead, Sabrina explained that she had already found suspicious activities coming from the facility that they worked with. A member of the Noble Guild was the one supplying the products to a seller, and these were going into all sorts of places, including the Academy.

Of course, she as a person would have hated it if she was wrong, and there was a high chance that this was just done by someone working in the factory or someone in the Noble Guild who was looking to earn some money, so she investigated further and that\'s when she was stopped by Idore herself.

Thankfully, she knew something was wrong, and had used a healing spell on herself allowing her to regain her memories.

Sitting at his desk, Gizin had a look of deep concern on his face, his wrinkles in his forehead deepening.

"No, you were right to come to me," Gizin said. "I know what you\'re thinking, and if what you are saying is true, then this is something that could be spread even further. Perhaps one of the biggest scandals in all of Alterian. To think that someone so important was involved in the matter."

Gizin soon started to rumble in his desk drawer, scrambling away at the papers underneath. Sabrina was unsure if he had found what he was looking for as he had pulled nothing out, but instead just placed both of his hands on the table and looked directly at her.

"Have you told anyone about this matter yet? You haven\'t gone to the police or anything like that?" Gizin asked.

"No," Sabrina shook her head. "This is why I\'m sorry, I didn\'t think they could do something like that, but I know in your position, they might listen to you more."

"Yes, yes," Gizin nodded. "What I need to do myself before I go, is gather evidence. Since we\'re doing business with the warehouse in question it shouldn\'t be hard. It\'s good that you haven\'t told anyone."

"If you had, it\'s possible that the news could have spread to someone that Idore or the Noble Guild knew. Right now, while he thinks your memory has been removed, it\'s best to make our move."

Sabrina was happy to hear this, giving small nods moving the conversation along. What Gizin said was similar to what Raze had said, which was giving her more confidence.

"Just continue as you have been doing for now," Gizin ordered. "Let me deal with the rest, and I\'ll update you along the way."

Before leaving the room, Sabrina bowed one more time saying her thanks, and left with a smile on her face. She had been having a fight in her own mind, whether or not she had done the right thing by getting Gizin involved, and she didn\'t feel good about going behind Raze\'s back, but she now felt like she had done the right thing.

"I know Raze would leave things as they were, he always did, that mage is the one that has no backbone. As usual, I\'m the one that needs to look after him, sometimes he\'s like a kid, other times he\'s like a wise old man, but maybe that\'s why I like him," she smiled to herself.

The next few days things had been going as normal for Sabrina and Raze. She turned up at her work and did as she usually would. Once in a while, she would make eye contact with Gizin, and give him a small nod.

She was wondering if he had any more news but the fact that he didn\'t call her in for a meeting meant that she wouldn\'t push it, and as for Raze, he was becoming more adjusted to his current way of life.

He no longer went out on long crusades at night looking for the enemy, and he didn\'t stay secluded in the apartment. He was going out more during the day.

While at home one day, though, Raze was looking at his calendar, and that\'s when he saw that a specific day had been circled.

"I… almost forgot… that day I should do something, and get something."


One day at work, though, Sabrina had finally been called up into the office. She knew she had no big meetings, so she could only guess that this was to do with her meeting.

Heading into the room, there was the deep look and wrinkled forehead that Sabrina had seen last time.

"Is everything okay?" Sabrina asked.

"Ah, yes of course, of course!" Gizin answered with a smile. "I just wanted to update you on the situation. I investigated the matter with a team of trusty employees and it looks like what you have found is true."

"Right now, we\'re working with the police forces to obtain strong evidence to be used in court, and to bring him down. This is like you imagined, and it goes far bigger than we thought. However, I\'m still worried about something."

"Still worried about something, worried about what?" Sabrina asked.

"I\'m worried about you," Gizin replied. "As we\'re in the investigation stage, it\'s possible that Idore might figure out that you were the one that reported all of this. Of course, I doubt he has any idea, but just in case, I want no harm to come to you. I think for now it\'s best that you stay at home for the next few days. Take time off work, while we wrap up everything, just stay at home, understand?"

This was a normal reaction from Gizin, during her almost year now she had worked for the company she had always seen him act this way. His nice manners, and his caring nature for his employees.

It was the same person that had offered her this title in the first place. He had done a lot for her, and she didn\'t want to bother him anymore.

"Understood," she answered.

Staying at home, Sabrina had come up with an excuse that some holiday was given to her employees. She still hadn\'t dared tell Raze the truth of the matter, she wanted it to be a big surprise for him when it was all over and done.

Maybe she could just turn on the TV one day and she could see the tears down his eyes, and she could claim she was the one that had done it all and was behind it.

Regardless, the two of them could spend some good time together again at home. A couple of days had passed by, and that\'s when something had occurred that had surprised her.

"I need to go out and collect something," Raze said. "I won\'t be out long, do you mind just staying in for a bit?"

The phrase of words was a bit strange. Usually, Raze would ask Sabrina to come out with him, but instead, it was almost he was insisting on her staying behind, because of this, Sabrina, used to what had happened in the past, decided to give him some space.

"I didn\'t realize you were getting so sick of staying with me already," Sabrina folded her arms and pouted.

Raze didn\'t say anything else but headed to the door and left. Sabrina\'s pout had changed into a smile after that.

"That guy, he\'s not good at keeping secrets at all," Sabrina thought as she looked at the calendar. "I guess he didn\'t forget."


Raze had gone to a few shops. After all, it was a special event for them. He had picked up what he needed from each of them, placing them in a box after.

"I think she\'ll be happy with this, I don\'t want to keep her waiting," Raze said as he headed back to the apartment room.

He wandered up the stairs, and eventually reached the outside of the room, his hands holding onto the special box shaking slightly.

\'I don\'t know why I\'m so nervous,\' Raze thought as he went ahead and pushed the door open.

In doing so, as the door swung open, his eyes were locked onto the ground. His grip around the box loosened and it dropped to the floor, crashing to the ground and dropping everything within.

Staring at the ground, Raze watched as the red substance crawling like a dragon was inching its way forward to him. The red substance being blood, and the person lying on the ground next to it.

"Sabrina!" Raze shouted, but she wasn\'t alone, a man stood right by her side.

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