
Chapter 255 Dealing with the Academy

Chapter 255 Dealing with the Academy?

As he entered the office of the academy director where Nina had been studying, Vicente ignored the man with black and white hair who smiled at him as he showed one of his hands.

His men and Eve stood at the entrance, looking at the director, while Vicente walked slowly through the room, which was excessively decorated with books, paintings, and trophies.

Although it wasn\'t a harmonious place, it had a beautiful view of the academy\'s central courtyard, where children usually played day and night.

"Director Milo Burt, I never thought I would meet you. I graduated from the Academy of Stars of Martell Village without ever seeing the director. But my sister, one of the top students at your academy, had her safety threatened inside your facility after only a few months here. How can you justify this? How do you plan to solve this problem?"

Hearing Vicente\'s forceful tone, Milo looked at the young man with his smile frozen and cursed him with a thousand different names in his mind.

\'Fucking brat. Who do you think you are to question me like that?\' Milo thought to himself, but he didn\'t dare say it to Vicente\'s face.

Even if the young Fuller wasn\'t a nobleman or someone of great local prestige, he couldn\'t treat Vicente as if he were a nobody.

What had happened to Nina had drawn the attention of all the families with young people studying at the academy. If he treated Vice the wrong way, it could become a problem for his academy.

Ordinary academies in the Seidel Kingdom were mostly private institutions. As the academy\'s director, Milo was one of the majority shareholders of this entity and could naturally be severely hurt if the academy suffered losses due to ill-considered words.

But even so, Vicente wasn\'t a nobleman to speak to him in that tone!

"Vicente Fuller, don\'t be so arrogant as to come into my office and act as if you were my boss," Milo said, looking Vice in the eye as if he were an adult correcting a child. "What happened to your sister was a tragedy for which I\'m very sorry. But this is a unique case in our history. Don\'t act like it\'s the academy\'s fault. There\'s nothing I can do.

Besides, as far as I know, your actions may have caused the incident with Nina. I heard that the kidnappers didn\'t ask for anything in return for her freedom." He said, looking at Vicente suggestively.

There were usually two kinds of kidnappings—the simplest, aimed at an exchange, and the most complex, used as a threat.

Nina\'s kidnapping looked more like the second type, usually involving problems before the kidnapping.

Vicente knew it better than Milo, but that man was too bold to tell him.

"If you don\'t want to take responsibility for what happens inside your academy, allow families to protect their members inside the study area.

My sister was only kidnapped because of your stupid rules..."

"Stupid rules? These rules are meant to protect our students from aggressive young people who are incapable of thinking rationally." Milo commented in a harsh tone, glaring at Vice. "Did you know, Vicente Fuller, that some of your younger sister\'s rivals occasionally turn up injured after disagreements with Nina?"

"Oh? You seem to be accusing me of something, Milo. That\'s a very serious accusation. I hope you have proof." Vicente\'s eyes narrowed as he sat down in front of the man.

"No, I\'m just speaking casually." Milo laughed sarcastically. "It\'s funny how often that happens. Some students even call sweet Nina the Shadow Tyrant."

"Kids are mean by nature," Vicente said, aware that some of his men had actually had to deal with a few kids who had disagreements with Nina.

Nina didn\'t look for trouble at the academy. She had few friends, and when she wasn\'t with them, she usually kept her distance from the other students.

Being deaf and having limited mobility, Nina was ostracized by many young people her age or older.

She didn\'t have a problem with being ostracized herself, and Vicente didn\'t want to interfere. Dealing with it would be essential for Nina to mature. But some kids who excluded her mistreated her, and some even made threats or tried to hurt her.

That was something Vicente couldn\'t accept!

If Nina had \'normal\' physical abilities, he would teach her how to defend herself. But since that wasn\'t the case, he wouldn\'t let his sister get beaten up at school!

So, his men had taken care of Nina\'s problems personally for the past few weeks.

"But it doesn\'t matter what happens to these kids. If they\'re in trouble, that\'s up to them. It has nothing to do with what happened to Nina, Director Milo. So I hope you\'ll make an exception and allow my men to accompany her from now on. I guarantee they won\'t disturb the order of your academy."

Milo looked at Vicente silently, seeing his threats had failed to frighten the \'immature\' young man before him.

"If you don\'t like how we do things, you can take your sister to another academy, Vicente Fuller. I\'m not going to change my rules for one student." Milo said with a teasing smile on his face.

"Is that it?" Vice closed his eyes. "I hope you\'re right. Regret is a tough thing to deal with."

"Are you threatening me?" Milo stood up, releasing his level 4 Acolyte aura.

But Vicente felt nothing, got up from where he had been sitting without difficulty, and walked slowly towards the office\'s exit.

"Have a good day, Director Milo. I hope you have nothing to do with what happened to my sister. If you did, may God have mercy on your soul." He left, leaving the man looking at him in disbelief, a little scared.

Meanwhile, Vice muttered to Eve and his men. "I want you to take care of him. Use our influence to expose him and remove him from his position. In the meantime, contact those who can replace him. We\'ll have someone we trust in the director\'s position."

With that, the group soon split up, with one of the men staying behind to wait for Nina outside the academy while Vice and Eve went in different directions.

Thinking of his priority, his younger sister, Vicente set off in the direction of Nova\'s residence while Eve went to send some orders to the Mazzanti family!

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