
Chapter 430 Shift Change (3)

Chapter 430 Shift Change (3)

They were going to use them against three soldiers during the infiltration of the provincial prison, so Molly had given Vice three such artifacts.

\'Wretch! He has excellent contacts! Probably a traitor to the kingdom!\' Oscar thought as he put on the bracelet, knowing it would absorb his mana and disguise the enemy later.

Meanwhile, he and Sophia gave their codes to Vicente and Sarah, telling them some important points about themselves, but without going into too much detail, since Shelby had already given Vice the detailed information about them.

He had told Sarah everything he knew about Sophia in the past few hours. The information they had gathered now was things they could only find out by talking to the soldiers.

There wasn\'t much to talk about, so after 15 minutes of chatting, Vicente and Sarah knew all the secrets and important information these two had, things that could prove their identity as soldiers once inside the prison.

"Even with our auras, you\'ll fail..." Oscar was about to say when Vicente threw a device in Sarah\'s direction and then turned away from them, quickly removing his mask and pulling what looked like a skin-colored cloth over his face.

It covered his entire head and neck, while his hair slowly passed through small holes in the fabric, showing through as if it were nothing.

In the blink of an eye, Vicente turned to these people, now looking older, with hair and facial shapes identical to Oscar\'s.

The same thing happened with Sarah. She gained Sophia\'s appearance without any difficulty. If an acquaintance of such a soldier saw Sarah at this moment, there would be no indication that this wasn\'t Sophia!

"Shit! How did you get this?" Evan asked because this kind of device only worked if you got the face mold of your targets.

"Evan, don\'t ask what you shouldn\'t," Vicente commented as he motioned for Oscar to give him back the bracelet that was on one of his wrists.

Evan clenched his fists as he saw his two colleagues pale with fear. He asked. "What about me?"

"You\'re coming with us," Vicente replied as he put on the bracelet that had absorbed all of Oscar\'s mana. "You will assist my companion and me in our goals within the Long Bay Correctional Facility. Your job will also be to help us make our identities as Oscar and Sophia more believable."

That was the hardest job! It was much easier to be replaced by these two and let them solve their own problems in this prison!

However, Vicente needed someone like Evan, who knew how to get past some security measures he would have to deal with once inside the prison.

Oscar and Sophia looked at their colleague sympathetically since he was the one most likely to be considered a traitor to the kingdom.

"What about us?" Sophia asked.

Before she could say anything, Vicente smiled as he attacked them, hitting them so hard that they didn\'t even have a chance to scream in pain before they passed out.

"You two will wait here for us," Vicente said after knocking them out, planning to keep them alive for now.

He wouldn\'t let them get away with all the information they had, but killing them now might be a waste. After taking them down, he sealed their powers with the Seal of Spirits he still had in his possession before binding their wrists and heels.

After tying their mouths so they wouldn\'t scream for help when they woke up, Vicente hid the two unconscious bodies in a place he had prepared beforehand.

With that done, he looked at Sarah and then at Evan. "We\'re going to Long Bay Correctional Facility."

Evan hesitated for a moment, but without much choice since Vicente had shown great preparation for this moment, he went ahead, returning to the path he and his companions had taken earlier.

\'Damn it! What am I going to do? Those two will probably dump me the first chance they get after I\'ve finished my work.\' He thought, afraid to act and have his loved ones harmed, but also afraid to die without even trying to escape.

He definitely couldn\'t try to undermine their plans or even talk to army members about them. He was sure his loved ones were in Vicente\'s people\'s hands because this guy had prepared too well to bluff about it.

But there was a big difference between getting in their way and running away after helping them!

\'I must find a way to escape once they\'ve achieved their goals. That\'s the only way I can stay alive without exposing my family.\' He thought halfway to the entrance of the prison.

They were already very close to the military facility, so after a few minutes, they arrived at the main entrance of Long Bay Correctional Facility, where more than 350 soldiers, divided into small groups like Vicente\'s, were already on the outskirts.

Most of them were people who already had experience working in the kingdom\'s prisons, but there were also soldiers who had recently graduated from the kingdom\'s military academies and would be doing simpler jobs in this prison on the shift that would start that day.

Although many people were already crowded around the main entrance, there wasn\'t much of a rush, with most people just chatting among their acquaintances.

Most of them didn\'t know 99% of their colleagues who would share the same habitat with them for the next decade, so they weren\'t trying to meet new people now. With plenty of time ahead of them, they would wait to do so until they were in place.

In the relative silence of this prison, a large group of about the same size as the newcomers stood on the other side of the unit\'s bars, ready to change shifts.

Among them were Acolytes, the weakest, who usually did mundane things like cleaning and preparing the prison\'s food, and Mages, who were in charge of the unit\'s general security.

That was also the composition of the newly arrived group, which consisted of 12 High-level Mages who would be responsible for running the prison.

As the two groups looked at each other, waiting for the time to change shifts, both sides felt a powerful aura coming from the sky.

Looking up, Vicente and Sarah saw one of the few Sovereigns of the royal family, the person who would take care of this shift!

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