
Chapter 819 Back in the Kenyth Empire

Chapter 819 Back in the Kenyth Empire?

Before moving on to the city of Julian, where he intended to begin his plans for this de facto state, Vicente went to this outpost of the order, near the border of the Seidel Kingdom.

Although he had conquered this place years ago, this altar was still empty, as he hadn\'t had time to come to the area to rebuild it and make it operational.

When he passed through this coastal area of the empire, he seized the opportunity and quickly built a small metal village at this outpost. By building two robots with the materials in the area and those he brought with him, he made the place ready for human use.

All he had to do was hand over the location of this outpost to the forces of the Kenyth Empire, and soon young people would be flocking there to awaken their powers.

With that settled, he continued his plans, traveling to the north of the empire, where the city of Julian was located, near the capital of the empire, which had become home to vampires and monsters!


Over the next five days, Vicente would learn much about the state of the empire, and along the way, he would come across several abandoned or destroyed places.

Among the places he passed, he saw the ancient sect he had attacked years ago in his quest for revenge, a power that had fallen with the calamity.

Today, no humans lived in this area, and monsters had taken over the headquarters of this force.

But that wasn\'t all he had seen on his journey through the state. In some situations, he had seen both humans and monsters.

In one, survivors hiding in the ruins of a city fought the monsters that had found them. In another situation, he saw monsters carrying humans in cages or even chains, for who knew what purpose or where they were going.

In both cases, he acted to deal with the monsters, saving those who could be saved and freeing those who were imprisoned.

The monsters didn\'t just terrorize the magical community with their attacks, their killing, and the terror of their cruelty. Some of them were interested in having slaves. After all, there were things that humans were superb at, and monsters needed third parties to create those things for them.

From what he had heard from the group he had rescued from captivity, there was a city of monsters where humans, like them, were enslaved and held hostage by the creatures. Unfortunately, they didn\'t know the location of this city and hadn\'t had the displeasure of entering it.

Considering what he had heard from Julian earlier, Vicente imagined this must be the same city where the superior vampires were stationed.

But he didn\'t turn around to find out if his thoughts were right. As he continued towards Redvein, he would reach his destination on his sixth day of traveling through the realm!


At the sight of the calamity-resistant human city before him, Vicente paused in mid-air to observe the outskirts of Redvein.

In the northeast of the Kenyth Empire, close to the coast, Redvein was in a privileged position. Considering the territory it bordered a few dozen kilometers to the north, a kingdom with over 80% of its borders on the sea, i.e. with a small area bordering land on the continent, this was a relatively safe area of the empire.

Here, 600,000 inhabitants had held out against the disaster with the help of their many high-ranking warriors, half a dozen Paragons, and hundreds of Sovereigns.

With the deal Julian had made with Vicente months ago, the area currently had 30 5th stage armors, 130 4th stage armors, and 540 4th grade weapons. It wasn\'t much compared to what Snow and Scott Provinces had, but for a single city, it was enough to deal with the crisis for the time being.

As a result, the place wasn\'t too bad, even though it was further north than Vicente\'s territory and also close to areas completely dominated by monstrous creatures.

There was a small natural border area on one side of the city where it would be difficult for any creature to approach this urban area. The most vulnerable side of the city was where most of the local forces were stationed, with several watchtowers and traps.

They didn\'t have Vicente\'s fences, but there were many ways to protect an area and ward off enemies!

Seeing that this place wasn\'t as bad as others he\'d passed through on his way back from the north of the continent, Vicente headed straight for the entrance to Redvein.

He presented himself with his pentagrams, and the guards in the area identified him as the ally responsible for their armaments.

Unknown magicians were dangerous individuals on the continent these days; some of them had betrayed the community and were acting on behalf of the vampires.

But Vicente\'s configuration of pentagrams was unmistakable. With just a presentation of what he could do, he gained access to the city and was escorted to Julian\'s current position.

Julian was in the city along with three other Low-level Paragons, when the four of them sensed Vicente\'s aura and didn\'t need to be alerted to the young man\'s arrival.

He was the only one there who knew Vicente, so he told his fellow companions in the city this was their ally.

"Venerable Fuller, welcome to Redvein!" said the four Paragons in position in the city as they made gestures of greeting to the person above them.

Regardless of whether Vicente made the local forces\' armor and weapons, was their ally, or anything else that owed him respect, his powerful Mid-level Paragon aura alone was enough to make these four bow their heads in his presence!

Vicente looked at the four, three men and a woman, and greeted them, hearing the names of these three local experts from Julian.

Apart from them, there were two other Paragons from the city, but they were both traveling around the realm at the moment, carrying out missions that these individuals couldn\'t do.

Even though they were the strongest in the empire, their primary duty was to maintain their positions in cities like this, not to venture out into the territory!

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