
Chapter 52 - 49 Meng River Battlefield

“The latter four realms have martial artists who have transcended the mortal world.”

Su Yehua spoke, “Each realm is not divided into ten stages. For instance, why is it called the ‘Fifteen Li’ realm? Because the cultivation in the Fifteen Li realm is based on the Object Manipulating Qi Circulation Skill, which not only allows one to roam the heavens and earth with the mind but also to control the body with the mind, soaring through the heavens and earth!”

“One breath can take you one li, with the fastest speed reaching fifteen li—hence the name.”

“One breath for fifteen li?”

Many people were shocked. Such speed could be described as swift as lightning—traveling out of the city in a blink, and even crossing over mountains and into other states!

“In the Fifteen Li realm, one can control flying swords to kill enemies fifteen li away. They die before even seeing the sword’s blood—decapitated without notice!”

“Therefore, those who reach the Fifteen Li realm are truly fearsome beings to be dreaded, who kill without a trace,” Su Yehua said calmly.

“And what about the Heavenly Human Realm?”

“To be called a Grandmaster in the Heavenly Human Realm, one needs to comprehend the Grandmaster’s heart to enter,” said Su Yehua. “This realm is also where measuring bone potential is ineffective—it mainly depends on one’s mind and enlightenment. Many prodigies with ninth-rank battle physiques in history have fallen at this realm. The Fifteen Li realm becomes the end of a person’s life, thus it is also referred to as ‘life’s spring breeze for fifteen li’.”

After the spring breeze comes the withering of autumn.

And then entering the silent winter of all things.

She looked around and spoke indifferently, “Moving forward, the Three Immortals allow the inheritance of one’s bloodline force. The Three Immortals consist of three realms, each with its own heaven. It is extraordinary for one to surpass a realm in sixty years, and this is something you all need not concern yourselves with at this time.”

The crowd listened with longing and also felt the distant gap.

The Three Immortals were already among the top Divine Generals in Dayu, while those in the Four Stands Realm were considered saints—figures even their parents had to worship with the utmost respect.

Li Hao saw that the speaker briefly glossed over these topics and felt slightly disappointed, still wanting to hear something novel.

However, he was already aware of the nuanced differences between these realms when he was ten years old and had researched them in Listening Rain Tower.

Additionally, during his frequent fishing sessions with Feng, he had heard quite a bit about them and was somewhat familiar.

Life’s spring breeze for fifteen li was not the limit.

For example, the peerless Object Manipulating Qi Circulation Skill in the possession of the Li Family could reach twenty li.

Feng used to say that the royal family’s “Nine Heavens Ascension Skill” could achieve twenty-five li of object manipulation—one could traverse a small city in one breath, and cross rivers in two breaths, incredibly formidable.

And that royal family’s treasured Object Manipulating Qi Circulation Skill, Feng had naturally helped him steal a copy, though it was a replica—daring not to touch the original.

After all, the royal family was too close to Gan Tao Palace, and within that palace was the person hailed as Dayu’s number one true master.

Li Hao, blending two supreme cultivation techniques and under the enlightenment of the Sixth Stage of the Control Path, was currently able to travel forty li in one breath. He sensed that this was still not the limit; with more peerless techniques of object manipulation combined, he could further increase this.

As for his current realm, it was at the peak of the Fifteen Li Realm.

Only one step away from the Grandmaster Realm.

Under the enlightenment of the Sixth Stage of the Physical Body Path, he could step into the Grandmaster Realm at any moment, but he had not done so yet because he lacked the heart of a Grandmaster.

However, Li Hao felt he could touch upon that opportunity at any time.

How to condense the heart of a Grandmaster?

First, one must touch the heavenly gate; second, find one’s own path.

The enlightenment given by the Physical Body Path had already led him to touch the ethereal heavenly gate, allowing him to step half a foot into the Grandmaster Realm.

But because he had been sequestered in his residence, immersing himself daily in various arts to increase his skill points, his mind had not stayed on the Martial Arts, and naturally, he had not found his own heart of a Grandmaster.

Now that he had come out to clear his mind, Li Hao felt that the opportunity to step into the Grandmaster Realm could come at any moment.

On the platform, having finished discussing the Eight Realms of Martial Arts, Su Yehua then told the audience, “Being able to enter Alpha Academy indicates that you all have excellent potential, but do not be arrogant. The true peerless techniques of Tan Palace Academy reside within the Black and White Hall. Only those who enter the Black and White Hall are the true chosen ones!”

Li Hao’s gaze shifted slightly as he looked at her.

“There are two ways to enter Black and White Hall,” she said.

“First, our Alpha Academy has a Martial Arts ranking. Those who stay in the top five for six consecutive months without dropping out can enter Black and White Hall.”

“The second is through the trials of the Mo River Battlefield.”

When she mentioned “Mo River,” there was a slight stir among the audience.

Li Hao’s eyes narrowed.

He had come across many pieces of information related to the Mo River Battlefield in Listening Rain Tower, a place of extreme mystery and danger but not under the jurisdiction of the Li Family.

Su Yehua scanned the crowd, observing that some disciples from prominent families were tense while others from various families appeared to be oblivious.

She continued, “We all know that among the five Divine Generals, four are stationed at the Frontier Passes to suppress the border-transgressing demons for us, each sitting in the east, south, west, and north directions!”

“As for the first Divine General Mansion, Tianzhao Divine General Mansion, they preside over the Mo River Authority and oppress the Mo River across the world!”

As she spoke, her gaze swept over several individuals in the crowd, including Li Hao.

“Divine Generals guard the frontier passes, and the Mo River Authority oppresses the Mo River, both crucial to the survival of all the people under heaven,”

“We can sit comfortably here, attend classes, teach, study Martial Arts, and even pursue so-called Demon-slaying honors, all because of the existence of the five great Divine General Mansions bearing the weight and pushing forward!”


Li Yuanzhao whispered beside Li Hao, clenching his fists under the table, his plump face full of excitement.

“Issues of the border battlefields are beyond our reach, but the Meng River Battlefield, like the veins of the earth, has permeated every part of Dayu’s nineteen provinces. Solving the situation with the Mo River is our responsibility as Martial Artists!”

Su Yehua spoke with a resolute expression and an undeniable tone.

Then, she looked at the disciples, pointing at one of them: “You are from the Wang Family of the Tianzhao Divine General Mansion, aren’t you? Tell everyone what the Mo River is.”

The person she pointed at was a teenager in black, fourteen or fifteen years old, with eyes sharp and cold, seemingly more mature than his peers.

He didn’t panic when called upon, simply rising to his feet calmly:

“Teacher, my name is Wang Han.”

Tianzhao Divine General Mansion, the Wang Family.

As the first Divine General Mansion, its status was slightly higher than that of the Li Family.

The boy in front of them, obviously, was not among the most outstanding of the Wang Family’s third generation, and his status within the clan was about the same as those of Li Yun and Li Yuanzhao, whose talents were just a notch below that of the true Dragon and true Phoenix offspring.

Coming to Tan Palace Academy to study was more about gilding his credentials and taking advantage of the connections and the Peerless Technique of the Black and White Hall gathered at the Academy.

“Wang Han, please tell us,” Su Yehua said approvingly.

The others turned their attention to Wang Han, recognizing him as someone from the Tianzhao Divine General Mansion, their eyes showing a mixture of awe and respect.

His dress was simple, and with Tianzhao Divine General Mansion tens of thousands of miles away, if not for Su Yehua pointing him out, they wouldn’t have guessed his background.

“The origin of the Meng River Battlefield is long and indiscernible, with no way to trace back, and it has been growing year by year. Now, it has started appearing in the remote towns within our borders,”

Wang Han explained calmly: “The Meng River Battlefield is like a separate world, like a mirage or a dreamland, but if you die there, you truly die.”

“The Mo River is hard to eradicate completely. Even if it’s destroyed, it will reach out again.”

“That’s why the Mo River Authority recruits people every year but is still short-staffed.”

“Historically, very few Mo Rivers have been thoroughly resolved. It requires completely clearing the Mo River, and the specific difficulty… you will all know once you enter the Mo River later.”

Someone couldn’t help but ask, “What’s inside the Mo River?”

Wang Han glanced at the person who had spoken, his voice chilling: “According to rumors, that is the river that leads to hell, and naturally… it’s filled with spirits of the deceased.”

The temperature in the room seemed to drop a dozen degrees all at once, many shivered slightly.

“Please, take a seat.”

Su Yehua signaled Wang Han to sit down and then addressed everyone: “In short, over this year, you must all strive to study diligently. Everything you need can be found in Tan Palace Academy, it’s up to you to have the capability to fight for it. Your future belongs to you, so press on!”

The motivational words at the end brought many back from the chilling details Wang Han had shared, their eyes shining.

“Moreover, while you’re at the Academy, no matter what your status is outside, here, everyone is treated equally. Mistakes will be punished equally, and merits will be rewarded!” Su Yehua announced.

Hearing this, many glanced frequently towards Li Hao and Wang Han, as well as the two other young men of noble identity.

Could equal treatment really be achieved?

Li Hao smiled nonchalantly, unconcerned.

After Su Yehua left, the courtyard also livened up.

Soon, people approached Li Hao and Li Yuanzhao eager to strike up conversations.

At such a young age, under the care of their parents, they had already learned to network, accumulating capital for the future.

Li Hao wasn’t dismissive, but he conversed only with those of similar interests.

“Young master Li, hello, I come from Zhao Family of Cangzhou…”

“Do you play chess?”

“Uh, no.”

“What about painting?”

“Not that either…”

Li Hao lost interest.

Time flew swiftly, and half a month passed.

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