
Chapter 51

Chapter 51

“Let us get back on topic. Yes, your crossbow certainly needs repairs. It is a complicated and expensive design, but I can help you with it.”

Since it’s made for a noble?

Assuming that I kept up with maintenance... it still seems like it’d be expensive to fix.

If he can make it so it’s easier for me to fix the crossbow’s gimmick, that’d be nice too.

“The rest of your stuff seems expensive too. I’ll repair all of it. Of course, Arleaf’s and the mushroom’s too. I’ll throw you a bone and give you a little somethin’ extra.”

“Thank you so much!”

“However! While I tinker with your equipment, bring me the materials. If you have anything you don’t need, give it to me too and I’ll trade with you.”

‘Unwanted materials? How opportune. Have at my mountain of refuse!’

For some reason, Veno is being unnecessarily belligerent by spawning the mountain of rat pelts collected from the sewer.

He really is literally just instantly making it all appear.

“The hell, boy? You some sort of hoarder?”

“Uhh... they’re all from the monsters in the sewers.”

“... y’know they call you the Ratbusters, right?”

It seems like the whole town has heard of our name already.

“You’ve properly treated then pelts though... I was about to buy some training pelts that apprentices use, but it would be pricey... with this, I can give you more than a little extra.”

Ah, I’m glad he has a use for them.

I think I can get a bit more out of him too if I gave him more materials.

“The giant rat and crocodile skins seem usable too. By the way, would you like your equipment to cause abnormal statuses, Mr. Poison?”

‘Aye... that would not be such a poor idea.’

Hey, at least make a jab about how he called me Mr. Poison. Don’t just ignore it.

“Umm... who is this Mr. Poison?”

“Well, ain’t it a lot easier to say than “guy who can stomach Arleaf’s cooking”?”

... ah, right. Even all her relatives know about it.

Too bad I don’t have a weird nickname for him.

“About your equipment though, I’ll make it so that it won’t break on you like this. It’ll be quick and simple.”

That might not be such a bad idea.

I’m thinking there’s no way to make my equipment grant me the same buff as being in the swamp water would, is there?

“Perhaps I’ll use this piece of skin to make it into armor,” Wayne points at Elbatoxin’s hide.

Oh, Elbatoxin?

I thought it was all about using bacteria, but it used poison too?

‘The bastard was able to replenish its toxins, so thou mayst be able to abuse it. Nothing wrong with doing so.’

I can do that too, huh?

I’m not sure how we can utilize it though.

‘Hmm? Is it not obvious? With magic, we can meddle with its skin and have it produce toxins.’

So, we can meddle with its toxin glands and have it produce toxins as if it were still alive? Dang, magic is almighty, eh?

‘It may not have existed in thy world, but magic is prevalent in this one. Thou must get used to it.’

Yeah, alright.

But the problem is that we still don’t know how much poison my system can take.

“Please bear in mind that I’m only good with and against poison.”

“Ah. Well, I can only do so much with my skills anyway, so bear with that too.”

In the middle of our conversation, the doorbell rings with a clank.

Every time I hear it, I think of how weird that bell sounds.


Rurika, who was quietly watching over us, goes to answer the door.

They’re not nobility, hey? The helper could’ve gone and got the door, but the granddaughter went instead.

Their family is surprisingly well-mannered too.

“Grandpaaa! It’s Celes!” Rurika calls out as soon as I was about to continue our discussion.

“... hmpf.”

Wayne glances over to the entrance and then back over to me with a puzzled look on his face.

It seems to be quite an important guest, so we can leave our talk ‘til later.

But even then, his hesitance showed that I’m pretty important too.

I smile at the gloomy Wayne to reassure him.


I know he’s got a strong sense of duty, but if he’s so troubled, there must be something special about Celes’ visit.

I wouldn’t feel right making them wait.

When I was still working in that sweatshop, we gave clients three days to respond to contact. After that, we’d give our attention to another client. This isn’t quite as bad as that.

“You pretty much know everything I want anyway, so we can leave it until your guest leaves.”

“... can we? Sorry.”

Wayne gives me a curt reply before standing up and walking out of the room.

Even the helper is happy to see him so much better than a week ago.

“We’ll get lots of new equipment. How wonderful!”

“Right you are. We can leave the rest to Wayne, so why don’t we go out and kill a few monsters now?”

The problem is that I don’t have my crossbow anymore. I’ll be forced to use weapons I’m not as good with... maybe I can just rely on Arleaf and Muu.

Veno, do you have anything good on you?

‘I have a few swords that thee couldst use for the time being. Perhaps it would be good for thee to gain some experience in close-quarter combat.’

“You have a point.”

There’s lots going on right now, but it’s not exactly bad timing either.

We can make some money while we get Wayne to fix our equipment.

I’d like to get a good few levels too.


Muu seems to have been a little cooped up lately, so it’d be nice to give him the chance to let loose.

“—what?! Please introduce me to this person who cured you!”

I hear them chatting towards the entrance.

And now, I hear footsteps drawing near.

Maybe he’s coming back.

Before I could even finish that thought, Wayne opens the door to reveal a lady knight with him.

Her hair is tied up in a ponytail.

She’s quite the beauty. If Arleaf is a cute-type, then she’s a cool-type of girl.

She gives off an aura of a warrior, but also very proper.

And as for her age... if not the same as me, maybe a little younger?

“Are you Master Wayne’s relative’s fiancé who cured him?”

Who’s a fiancé now?

I look over to Wayne and see his shit-eating grin.

“My name is Celes Arnold, a warrior graced with Master Wayne’s friendship.”

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