
Chapter 110 - Charming and Artistic

Chapter 110: Charming and Artistic

This was the Wechat he received from Wu Tong at three pm.

“We just finished processing our documents.”

“Going to attend dinner with an alumni from the academy.”

“I’ve met so many famous alumni already!”

Later, she sent a few more messages in succession, sharing what she had seen on her first day in Hong Kong.

Meng Fan was overjoyed Wu Tong had chosen to share these things with him. Seeing she was excited as well, it seemed much more pronounced than when they had gone to the Shan Jin brother concert together. In fact, he was more excited than when he had met Shan Jin bro in person.

“Wu Tong.”

Hu Hang, the director of the Chinese Painting Department of Huaxia Academy of Fine Arts, Wu Tong’s master, and her uncle waved at her.

Wu Tong put away her phone and walked over, seeing the graceful and elegant middle-aged lady standing next to him from afar. Immediately, she became nervous and excited like a young fangirl.

Approaching the lady, she suppressed her excitement. “Hello, Professor Liang.”

“It seems like I don’t have to introduce you.” Hu Hang smiled as he spoke, then turned to the lady on his side. “I’ll leave you guys to talk.”

Liang Qing nodded then smiled at Wu Tong for a whole three seconds before speaking. “I’ve seen your work; it’s very impressive. You could be considered one of the best students from our academy in the last ten years.” She paused for a moment then smiled. “You’re pretty as well. Aside from me, our Chinese Painting department finally spawned another female painter who is at their height in both charm and art.”

Wu Tong was speechless.

She never would have guessed that her own idol, Ms. Liang Qing, would say something like this. Was she still the friendly and humorous but selfishly confident Liang Qing, who was an enemy to Chinese Painting?

Also, the term ‘height of charm and art’… The meaning was there, but why did it sound so weird? Couldn’t she just say she was endowed with both beauty and talent?

Liang Qing did not see any issues with the idiom, looking Wu Tong up and down before continuing, “I already told Hu; the next few days you will be following me.”

Wu Tong was baffled again.

Liang Qing continued, “I have a tough life. I don’t even have half a student. At such a big art show, I’m always by myself; it’s so lonely and hard. So I borrowed you from Hu to support the scene. You won’t deny me face, right? I have a personal exhibit tomorrow. You have to help me.”

Wu Tong was dumbstruck as she vigorously nodded her head. She couldn’t speak!

The two people who had been standing behind Liang Qing looked like they were about to cry. ‘How are we not your students!’

“Let’s go sit over there. You can ask me anything you want; my skills are much more developed than Hu.” Liang Qing took Wu Tong’s hand, forgetting about the two students she brought with her.

“What about us?”

“Don’t ask me. I’m very desperate and upset.”

“Is being pretty that important?”

“We’re from different worlds okay!”

Meng Fan left the arcade at three o’clock in the afternoon. Before leaving, he handed over the tickets he had collected to the front desk. Like yesterday, he deposited them into Xiao Yang’s card.

He rushed back to school for a class but did not run in the morning. He headed to the cafeteria. He ate his lunch then took another cab to the arcade.

This time, he didn’t go to the one near the academy but a different one.

High-frequency hoop shooting was very suitable to use as a workout, and after running for so long, Meng Fan thought it would be good to change up the exercises.

Of course, it also switched up the flavor for his fickle netizens in the stream channel. There was no problem with streaming his art, running, and night tours, but to be honest, it was difficult to gain viewers. After all, drawing only had a small audience, and running and night touring were even more niche.

In the past, Meng Fan didn’t think streaming arcade basketball was doable, nor was it very interesting. But now that he had completed the [God Tiered Pitcher] task, he was worth watching.

It was important for Meng Fan to attract more fickle netizens and increase his views. After all, the reward for completing [Famous Streamer] was a charming attribute!

At the doors of the arcade, Meng Fan opened his stream. In about a minute, there were 1000 viewers.

“You’re not running tonight and went off to play?”

“This doesn’t look like a scenic spot!”

“An arcade! Hahaha, Meng fatty are you taking us to watch pretty girls dance?”

Meng Fan entered the arcade and bought a card. He stopped in front of the DDR machines, allowing his fickle netizens to watch a hoard of sisters use the machines.


“I love this kind of stream!”

“Hahaha, I remember Meng fatty’s thumbs up dance. Are you going to dance for us?”

The fickle netizens continued to poke fun when suddenly the camera turned. Meng Fan walked into the frame and stopped in front of a row of basketball machines.

There were more shooting machines here than the previous arcade, a total of sixteen in this row. He assumed it was because of the CGL basketball championship that so many skilled people were playing.

“Didn’t a bunch of you say that my hand speed was fast, and I should stream some games?”

Meng Fan looked at his channel to see 5000 viewers had tuned in. “Today, I’ll take you guys along to shoot some hoops on the basketball machine.”

Conveniently, there was an empty machine. Meng Fan walked over to it and swiped his card, but he didn’t press start. He searched around and clipped his go-pro like live aid onto the wall facing the machine. The angle of the shot was just enough to show Meng Fan’s backside and the entirety of the machine.

The record on this machine was 478, and the machine had five balls.

Meng Fan pointed out the high score display to his stream and said, “Records are meant to be broken.”

Before the fickle netizens could react, Meng Fan pressed start. He picked up a ball and began to throw.

“What the f*ck is that!?”

“Meng Fatty actually knows how to shoot!”

“Are you sure Meng Fatty is still himself? From behind, he looks so much skinnier!”

“F*ck this accuracy; it can’t be anyone else!”

“Can’t you miss one?”

“He’s too fast!”

“Hahaha, why do I feel like there are not enough basketballs to use!”

As the fickle netizens said, five balls were not enough for Meng Fan. After a round of shooting, he realized that the ball hadn’t rolled down yet. He felt a little awkward. Well, it was also kind of bullsh*t.

Originally a very artistic scene, it had become ridiculous as he had to pause after each shot to wait for the ball to roll down.

He could only slow down his speed. His final score was 559.

“F*ck he’s so badass!”

This comment wasn’t from the live comments spewing out from the stream, but from the player at the shooting machine next to him. When Meng Fan started, he had been playing too, but as it continued, he was drawn to Meng Fan. holding the basketball, he forgot to shoot it, turning to watch Meng Fan with a stunned look on his face.

Hearing this, Meng Fan smiled at him, then politely asked, Can we change machines? I want to break the record.”

“Yes, yes, of course.”

The player immediately nodded even helping Meng Fan swipe his card before standing to the side. Of course, he didn’t go to play. Isn’t it great to continue spectating?


Meng Fan started to score again.

The record on this machine was 475, so he refreshed it without any pressure.

After the round, he saw another player watching him, so he went and asked them to switch machines.

Not long after, the players from the whole row became infatuated with Meng Fan. As a result, Meng Fan was able to play on whichever machine he chose, going from one end of the row to the other.

Every three machines, he would shift the stream assistant. As a result, the surrounding spectators realized that Meng Fan was a streamer.

They had seen several streamers of course, but not someone that came out to film themselves playing arcade basketball.

It took Meng Fan two hours to reset the record on sixteen machines.

Aside from the first machine, he had borrowed two balls for the rest to make seven, achieving 700 or more on all 15 machines.

By the time he reached the fifth machine, a circle of spectators had formed around him.

“I’m done, time to go home. Today’s stream will end here, see you tomorrow.”

Meng Fan logged off from his stream then happily said goodbye to the onlookers.

This arcade was next to Xizi lake scenic spot, so that was where he headed for after leaving. He could gain some experience on the way.

“We finished dinner. I saw my idol, Ms. Liang Qing!”

“Ms. Liang Qing invited me to help her during her solo exhibition. I’m too lucky, too happy!”

“Ms. Liang Jing is such a great person…”

At about 10 o’clock that evening, Meng Fan received the follow-up news from Wu Tong. Seeing the name Liang Qing, his whole person turned ill!

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