
Chapter 219 - A Prospective Publicity Secretary

"That I know," Zachary said, sighing. "I\'m sure we\'ll be able to score goals during the match. We have Nicki, Borek, Tarik, and John Chibuike upfront. They\'ve all been on form and can score at any time."

"Please don\'t forget to put yourself on that list," Kristin chipped in. "For the past few matches, you\'ve always been the playmaker on the team. That\'s why we\'ve managed to go seven matches unbeaten over the past month."

"Okay, okay, and myself, Zachary Bemba," he said, deepening his voice and grinning.

Kristin chuckled at that.

"So, as I was saying," Zachary continued, "We have very high chances of scoring during the game against Str?msgodset. But what I\'m not sure about is whether we can avoid conceding."

"You do have a point there. Over the past few months, you guys have been conceding many goals despite winning matches. I wonder what\'s wrong!"

"You didn\'t hear this from me, and you shouldn\'t repeat it to another soul," Zachary said, leaning forward and lowering his voice. "I think our defenders are usually fatigued since they play in every match — whether on the weekend or during midweek. That\'s why they usually lose their stamina by the 50th minute. And that\'s when we start conceding goals."

"Oh, that might be the case, indeed," Kristin said, nodding pensively. "It seems there\'s a shortage of fit defenders on the first team. But the question is: what is Coach Johansen doing about it?"

"I\'m not sure," Zachary said, sighing. "But maybe, he\'ll bring in another defender during the upcoming mid-season transfer window. As long as two more central defenders arrive, our line-up will become stronger and more balanced."

"Let\'s hope the management will be cooperative and let him sign the defenders," Kristin said, sighing. "They\'re usually very reluctant to spend money, especially in the middle of the season. But that aside, how did DR Congo perform during the qualifiers?"

Zachary sighed on hearing the question. "They drew 0:0 against Libya. They\'ll face Cameroon on Sunday evening — that\'s tomorrow but one. By then, we should already be back in Trondheim."

"I\'m still surprised, though, that they didn\'t call you for national duty," Kristin remarked after sipping on her coffee. "With you on the squad, they would, at the very least, have gotten a goal. And that would have won them the match."

"I can\'t totally blame them," Zachary said. "I\'ve only been playing for a month. Not many people in Africa and even the rest of Europe know about me."

"Oh, that\'s too bad," Kristin said, shaking her head. "Maybe, you should hire me as your publicity secretary to help you raise your popularity. I\'m sure a lot of people around the world will get to know about Zachary Bemba by the end of this year if I\'m managing your publicity."

"Are you serious?" Zachary asked, raising a brow. "Or are you simply joking? You should know that being a publicity secretary can be quite taxing at times. You\'ve got to manage my social media accounts, edit and post my match videos online, and organize my interviews, among other things. So, let me ask again: are you serious, Kristin?"

"Why would I joke about something so serious, Zachary?" She countered with her own question, matching his gaze. "If you need someone to manage your publicity for some time, I can help you out until you get a professional. It\'ll be good practice for me since I intend to work in the sports industry."

"Moreover, I\'m good with social media, photography, and video editing," she continued in a confident tone. "So, I\'ll be able to update your neglected Twitter account with amazing posts such as well-edited videos and photographs — to get you more followers. I\'ll also try to manage your media presence on several other platforms so that I can raise your popularity within a short time."

"Oh," Zachary said, surprised. "You can even edit videos?"

"Yes, I\'m quite good with Blender. I\'ll be able to edit out some good clips from your match videos to come up with video posts."

"You\'re quite skilled, Kristin," Zachary said, sighing. "How much would you be willing to work for every month? That\'s, of course, if I decide to hire you after discussing with my agent."

"I would say 2000 NOK," she said, watching his reaction very intently. "But that\'s too little. Isn\'t it? I\'ll charge 4000, no 5000 Norwegian Kroner to manage your publicity per month. I hope that isn\'t too costly, Zachary?" She held his gaze like she was searching for the correct answer within his eyes.

Zachary almost laughed on seeing her fidget with setting the price. But he controlled himself and deliberated about the issue for a few moments before giving a reply.

"Let\'s do it like this," he said. "I will get my agent to draw up a three-month contract for you as my publicity secretary. For those three months, you\'ll be under probation. But you\'ll still earn 5000 NOK per month for the entire duration of the contract."

"If you perform your duties well within that period, and also manage to convince my agent, I\'ll get her to draw up another contract for you — covering a period of one year. We can even think of doubling your wage then. Can that work for you, Kristin?"

"Yes, that\'s excellent," Kristin replied excitedly. "You won\'t be disappointed."

"Then that\'s good," Zachary said, observing her from across the table. "I\'ll call my agent today evening. We should have a contract for you ready by next week."

"That\'s perfect," Kristin said, beaming. "In the meantime, should I start working on that Twitter account of yours? You\'ve abandoned it for quite a long time!"

"No need to rush, Kristin," he replied. "For now, you need to prepare for our trip back tomorrow. We\'re departing at 8:00 PM from Lubumbashi Airport tomorrow and should be in Trondheim the day after — on Sunday morning."

"Okay, then," Kristin said, still smiling. "I\'ll try to complete all my shopping today so that I\'m ready to travel by tomorrow evening."

"Good, then I\'ll meet you tomorrow in the afternoon," Zachary said, standing up from his seat. "We can then set off to the airport together."

"That sounds like a plan," Kristin replied, creasing a brow. "But why are you in such a hurry to leave? At least have some coffee before you set off. I\'m buying, so you shouldn\'t say no."

"We need to take a rain check on that, Kristin," Zachary said, shaking his head. "I\'ve got to visit a lot of people in Lubumbashi before I depart. So, I need to run and start moving all over the place. But don\'t worry. I\'ll make it up to you by taking you for Pizza at Tyholt when we\'re back in Trondheim. Okay?"

"That\'s okay," Kristin said, beaming once again. "But, I\'ll constantly be on your case if you dare forget."

"I won\'t forget."

"You better not."

"I won\'t, Kristin. See you tomorrow."


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