
Chapter 215: Traitor In Our Midst

On the blood-stained cobblestones of the capital, traitors met their fiery end. The grim spectacle of the royal pyres served as a grisly testament to the price of treachery.

These were men who had once shared feast and fight, now consigned to the flames in a brutal purge that spared none of the guilty.

Even some of the elite officials of House Drake, once paragons of nobility, found themselves ensnared in this inquisition. Yet, the majority of those exposed bore the mark of those under House Thorne.

Lord Thorin however took responsibility and stood by the queen, his unwavering loyalty bared for all to see as he plucked out the traitors among his vassals, sacrificing them on the altar of justice.

Some of these vassals were quite valuable to Lord Thorin and yet he remained steadfast.

This made the people feel sympathetic and feel great respect for the commitment and loyalty of him and his House towards them despite suffering so many losses.

They very well knew how much face House Thorne lost since it was their duty to prevent such a war from happening, and now that the Kraken was no longer theirs but left behind as a mere symbol, it was no different than rubbing salt on their wounds.

Even if the royal consort was still part of the kingdom, it doesn\'t negate the political relationship and the power dynamic between the Great Houses.

Amidst this cleansing firestorm, an eerie sense of relief spread among the common folk. Their queen had promised to rid their land of the treacherous rot, and she was keeping her word.

The flames of the pyres served as brutal, purifying beacons of hope, restoring their faith in the crown, no matter how harsh the methods. At least this way, anyone would think twice before harming this kingdom and the loyal people within it.

Only House Valentine remained untouched by this storm of purges, its men and women holding their heads high, their reputations unblemished.

This fact sparked much speculation among the people. Some murmured that House Valentine\'s duties of border protection had shielded them from the tendrils of treason. They also didn\'t participate in the war since they were busy making sure nobody outside the kingdom would try to catch them off-guard.

Others, however, pointed to Lord Vernon Valentine and his lady, Naida, attributing their clean slate to their stringent governance.

The couple\'s scrupulous oversight over their vassals earned them a considerable degree of respect amidst the kingdom\'s crisis. As master diplomats they also probably knew how to handle people as well.

The Bloodburn kingdom was in a state of upheaval, yet it was a transformation necessary for its redemption. As the ashes of treachery scattered in the wind, so too did the seeds of newfound trust and resilience begin to take root now that the frightening Umbralfiends had been subdued.

As the morning light spilled over the hills, painting the Bloodburn Kingdom with hues of crimson and gold, Asher returned from a taxing quest.

With a sigh of relief, he decided to seek out Rowena, now that her relentless hunt for treachery had drawn to a close.

The intense investigation had caused a temporary halt in their usual painting classes that Rowena was deeply fond of.

This only went on to show how busy she had been these past few weeks. And so he had understood the gravity of the situation and refrained from disturbing her during the critical period.

Indeed, the purging of the traitors had been in his best interests too, ensuring that no dark threats lingered in the shadows, waiting to sabotage his plans.

For Asher knew all too well that those who lurk in the depths are far more dangerous than the ones who brandish their intentions openly. Loyal men, however predictable and mundane, were far more comfortable to handle, their actions clear as daylight.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Asher stepped into Rowena\'s private study.

The high, arched windows spanned the walls, allowing a cascade of morning light to drench the room, illuminating the polished mahogany surfaces, the towering bookshelves, and the exquisite paintings that adorned the walls.

However, as always, what caught his eyes was the stunning gothic beauty at the largest window, her silhouette defined against the dark radiance streaming in.

Dressed in her silvery gray nightgown, she stood motionless, her gaze lost in the vast expanse outside.

Her usually steady aura seemed a bit disordered, her cold crimson eyes revealing a depth of thought Asher had seldom seen before.

She only looked like that whenever there was something troubling her mind.

The tranquility of the room was gently disturbed as Rowena, sensing a familiar and warm presence, came out of her reverie. His presence made her suddenly realize how much she missed him over the past few weeks.

Turning from the large window, she looked over to find Asher gracing her study with his presence. A soft smile touched her lips as she studied him, her gaze tinged with relief, "Ash," she began, her voice a soothing melody in the expansive room, "Did everything go well?" She knew he always completed quests during this time of the day.

With an affable smile that belied the coldness in his heart, Asher approached her, "Of course. It can\'t go any other way," he reassured, his eyes scrutinizing the troubled expression on her face, "What about here? You seem a bit... distracted."

Rowena hesitated, her gaze wandering back to the sprawling kingdom beyond the window, her thoughts once again drifting into an unseen abyss.

Seeing her reluctance to speak, Asher slowly closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her slender waist in a seemingly caring embrace while enjoying the softness of her toned stomach.

And then, there was her scent. The fragrance that lingered around her was intoxicating. It was a subtle yet compelling blend of the softest lavender, combined with the crisp freshness of a dew-kissed morning.

Guiding her to face him, his gaze bore into hers, a veneer of concern.

"Rona," he said, his voice low and coaxing, "it\'s no good keeping it all inside. You can tell me what\'s troubling you now that I am here and you are done with the investigation. We haven\'t been able to spend much time all these weeks."

Overwhelmed by his persuasive charisma, Rowena gave in, her hands gently wrapping around his in a silent plea for understanding. Her voice was barely a whisper as she revealed, "Things... aren\'t exactly over, Ash."

His brows furrowed, a shadow of concern crossing his features, "Did the investigation not go as planned?" he inquired and added, "The people surely think it did."

Rowena\'s sigh filled the quiet room, a heavy echo of disappointment, "The investigation was successful in unearthing traitors who exploited my blindspots in the management of certain matters in our kingdom," she admitted, her gaze melancholic, "But the true puppeteer... The one who set all this into motion remains concealed. All I came upon were dead ends."

An eyebrow quirked in intrigue as Asher considered her words. Was his initial conjecture about this situation correct?

He had planned to indirectly ask her if Rebecca could be the culprit but he didn\'t all these days to not mislead her investigation in the off chance he was wrong.

However, before he could say anything, her next words stopped him in his tracks.

"The extreme steps taken to preserve their identity suggest that whoever is behind this values their secrecy. And the reason for that is because this traitor is living and breathing the same air of our lands," Rowena continued, her voice steady despite the despair creeping into her eyes.

He studied her, the flicker of resolve in her gaze not escaping his attention. He ventured further, asking, "Do you have a suspect in mind? It appears you\'ve already formed an idea."

Rowena\'s gaze hardened as it met the expansive vista through the window, "Before I initiated the investigation, certain doubts already plagued me," she began, her voice somber yet steady.

Turning slowly to face Asher, she continued, "The only plausible way for the Umbralfiends to infiltrate our kingdom unbeknownst to us would be with assistance from someone intimately acquainted with the northern lands. A knowledge garnered over centuries, perhaps millennia. And the only house with such deep-rooted familiarity of those terrains is House Thorne."

Asher nodded slowly, maintaining a composed face despite the complex web of intrigue unfolding. He had anticipated this revelation, yet hearing it spoken aloud lent the situation a palpable gravity.

However, Rowena wasn\'t finished, "Yet it is inconceivable for House Thorne to betray us in such a manner. They would stand to lose more than gain from inciting this chaos, not to mention their well-known animosity towards the Umbralfiends, stemming from ancestral disputes. It leads me to believe the traitor would need to possess House Thorne\'s knowledge, but..."

Asher, understanding her line of thought, picked up the thread of the conversation, "But not necessarily belong to House Thorne?"

Rowena\'s eyes met his, the silent affirmation in their depths crystallizing their shared suspicion, "Rebecca..." Rowena uttered with a hardened expression.

Inwardly, Asher felt a stir of gratification. The direction of Rowena\'s suspicion aligned with his own, solidifying his belief that his deductions were accurate. The best part was he didn\'t even have to suggest.

It was surely a good thing that she began to suspect on her own.

However, to understand her reasoning better, he found himself asking, "What makes you suspect the Princess Consort, a woman who holds a place of honor in our House and great respect in the kingdom?"

Asher had never noticed Rowena showing any hostility or being skeptical about Rebecca openly. So this was a bit surprising to him.

Leaning against the window, Rowena\'s gaze seemed to pierce through the space in front of her.

The words that fell from her lips next froze the air around them, "Because…I\'ve always been wary of her for years."

The surprise, swift and sudden, swept across Asher\'s features, his brows arching in an incredulous arc.

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