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Chapter 134 - 134: You Are the Ghost (Additional updates for over a thousand recommendation votes)

Alexander Summers helped Atra Blanc hang the photos.

Taking advantage of her not paying attention, he leaned close to Purple Summers and whispered, “I’ll take you home for a photoshoot next time.”

Purple’s face changed slightly.

He was still thinking about taking her home!

Purple didn’t know where Alexander’s lair was, and wasn’t interested, but his insistence made her uneasy.

As if once she went there, she would never be able to return.

Alexander carefully said, “Let’s wait a few more days, I’ll take you to the company to get familiar with it tomorrow.”

Purple breathed a sigh of relief.

Going to the company was better than going to Alexander’s lair.

After hanging up the photos, Alexander was called away by a phone call. In his previous wastrel days, he always claimed to be going out to gamble and drink; now he conveniently always had business at the company.

With one mention of company business, Atra Blanc’s nagging was effectively silenced.

Purple recalled the noisy background during their earlier phone call, vaguely hearing words like “Parrotbeak Bay” and “giving up a few points of profit” but wasn’t able to make sense of it.

However, she was still grateful he could make it back.


This gratitude made her feel uneasy and awkward…

As if… she had been brainwashed by an evil force? No, no, no! She was an upstanding individual with the correct values, she couldn’t be swayed to the darkside!

Purple silently admonished herself: Keep your heart in check, don’t be fooled by him. That pervert is just playing with you!

That night, undisturbed, Purple got a good night’s sleep.

The next morning, she fed the bird as usual and tucked it into a cloth shoulder bag. Refreshed, she went downstairs for breakfast.

Atra Blanc said, “I saw you bought a bird perch made of parasol tree branches. Good choice, the phoenix would not perch anywhere but on a parasol tree in ancient times.”

Purple couldn’t help but smile; Atra Blanc would surely have praised her regardless of what kind of bird perch she bought.

Atra Blanc asked further, “Did you name the little bird yet? How about Little Phoenix?”

Little Phoenix?… Naming a crow Phoenix?

Purple felt she couldn’t say it, “Not yet. I’m just taking care of it for a month, and I’ll set it free once it can fly. No need for a special name.”

Atra Blanc displayed a disappointed expression but then nodded, “Right, you’re doing the right thing. It’s better to set wild birds free.”

Nothing was more beautiful than freedom.

Finishing breakfast, Purple received a call from Alexander saying he was waiting outside for her.

Purple asked Atra Blanc if she wanted to come along.

Unfortunately, the Summers Family was about to host a banquet, and Aunt Poppy from the kitchen had asked Atra Blanc to teach her a few dishes. So Atra Blanc had committed to teaching Aunt Poppy how to cook today.

So Purple went alone, carrying the little crow in her bag.

Having her own company made her quite happy, but entering Alexander’s car brought back some not-so-good memories.

Is it safe? Purple instinctively reached for the car window.

Would there be another assassination attempt?

“How about… you tell me the address, and I’ll take a cab there?” Purple tentatively suggested.

Alexander chuckled.

Purple tilted her head and asked, “Aren’t you afraid, with people always trying to kill you?”

“Purple, no one can kill me.” Alexander was very arrogant.

Purple pouted, “Why not? You’re not a ghost.”

Alexander couldn’t help but burst out laughing, his laughter hearty, “I’m definitely not a ghost, but my Purple is a true beauty of a ghost, otherwise how could she bewitch me so completely!”

Purple felt guilty and embarrassed, her cheeks flushed, and angrily retorted, “You’re the ghost! You’re a big pervert!”

Alexander didn’t respond, just hugged her and couldn’t stop laughing.

Purple felt even more embarrassed.

Zack Wallace in the front seat turned around and solemnly said, “Ms. Summers, there’s something called destiny. Our master’s fate is not ordinary, an eminent monk has already evaluated him. With his noble and formidable abilities, anyone who tries to harm him is only seeking their own doom.”

Alexander kicked the back of his seat, and Zack quickly retracted his head, not daring to interrupt them again.

Purple was speechless – Alexander actually believed in such things?

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