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Chapter 318: Seeking Victory in Danger (Extra update after getting over 40,000 weekly recommendation votes)

Marcel Jefferson asked with a grin, “Mr. Robin Harper, you don’t know Miss Delilah White, so how did your handkerchief end up in her home?”

Robin Harper was caught off guard. Marcel’s question hit him like a thunderbolt, completely stupefying him.

The sudden twist took everyone by surprise, all held their breath and looked astonishingly at Robin Harper—

Unwittingly, Harper’s face turned pale, a fine layer of sweat formed on his forehead. He subconsciously took out his handkerchief from the pocket of his chest to wipe the sweat. The next moment, he stuffed the handkerchief back into his pocket in a panic!

“I…I…” His eyes darted around the room, his mind racing to fabricate a lie. “Actually…! do know Delilah White, yes, I’ve been to her home, this handkerchief… probably got left there when I visited her home, a handkerchief, that doesn’t prove anything.”

“Oh? May I ask when did you visit her home?” Marcel glanced at the latest text that Purple Summers had typed on her computer, noting it in his mind. “Mr. Harper, I feel it necessary to remind you that Ms. White moved to Greenwood Town only a month ago. We can use the surveillance footage to verify if you’ve ever visited her home.”

Robin Harper’s composure was completely shattered, his eloquent mouth stammered, unable to speak.

He had never visited, there was no way he could be on any surveillance footage! Jade Carlson was also in a similar state of panic!

She sat in her place, a cold sweat breaking out on her forehead.

What was going on? How could Purple Summers turn the tables even after the forensic report was taken away?!

Just by Marcel’s words, the witness accepted that the handkerchief was his!

This astonished her!

“Mr. Robin Harper, you don’t know Delilah White at all, but interestingly, Delilah’s roommate, Hayley Ray, knows you and has done a photoshoot for the company you used to work for.”

Marcel pulled out a property rental agreement, gently placing it in front of Harper.

“Upon realizing the close relationship between Delilah White and Gerald Graves, you paid Hayley Ray to persuade Delilah to move to Greenwood Town with her. You moved into the room across from Delilah’s a few days before she did. On the night of the incident, you sneaked into Delilah White’s room through the window, hid in the wardrobe, it was summer, you waited for a chance to strike, waited for a long time, sweating profusely, you wiped the sweat with your handkerchief, but accidentally left it behind…”

“You!… You’re fabricating stories!” Robin Harper said, gasping for breath, trying desperately to refute. “There were no fingerprints of mine on the belt! You are framing me!”

Marcel looked at him impassively, as if looking at a doomed man, “Mr. Harper, the court records only mentioned that the victim was strangled to death with a belt-like object. How did you know it was a belt?”

Upon hearing Marcel’s words, Robin Harper’s eyes widened. He wanted to speak, but only incoherent sounds came out, and he couldn’t utter a word.

Marcel turned towards the judge and said: “On the night of the crime, Robin Harper hid in the wardrobe, waiting patiently until seven in the morning. Gerald Graves was called away by a phone call, and Harper came out of the wardrobe, strangled Delilah White, who was still in her dreams, with a belt that Gerald had used, then escape using the tree by the window. The surveillance cameras in Greenwood Town are limited in height, so they did not capture any traces of Harper’s crime. This was a carefully planned murder. The criminal left very few traces, but as long as we find Delilah White’s roommate, Hayley Ray, the truth will be confirmed.”

Marcel finished speaking, returned to his seat, and saw Purple Summers give him a thumbs up.

He felt a great burden lift, and smiled.

Trust was not betrayed, hope was not misplaced, finally he could relax.

—The second trial ruled that Gerald Graves was innocent and would be released.

The trial ended, and everyone began to leave, discussing this surprising case and turning it into an idle topic for their serious conversations.

Allen Rivera walked up to the defense bench and extended his right hand to Marcel Jefferson, “You handled this case very well.”

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