
Chapter 633: Submersion in the Dream

Chapter 633: Submersion in the Dream

Alice, still shaken by her vision of the World Tree, looked at Lune with awe and curiosity. Will this barrier protect us from Atlantis?

Lune nodded slowly. Its an ancient elvish seal. It will guard us against any external threats for a short while, enough time for us to plan our next steps. His voice carried a hint of fatigue, suggesting the great effort he was putting forth.

Duncan walked back to the window, fixated on the ever-expanding World Tree that seemed to envelop everything in sight. How did this happen? And why now? he asked aloud.

Lune followed Duncans gaze. This is the result of events set in motion long ago. Atlantis was never truly forgotten. It was just dormant, waiting for the right moment to awaken to its true identity. And it seems that moment has arrived.

Outside, the landscape continued to change. The once calm and serene sea now reflected the eerie glow of the World Tree, casting surreal shadows across its surface.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Alice said, We need to alert the entire alliance. If Atlantis fully awakens, the consequences could be catastrophic.

Lune agreed, Youre right. But first, we must ensure our safety. We cant expose ourselves to its full power unprepared.

Duncan clenched his fists, his determination clear. Weve faced challenges before. Well meet this one head-on. Atlantis may be awakening, but we have unity on our side.

The room tensed up, everyone aware they were at the brink of a monumental event. They were at the very heart of a turning point in history.

Lune appeared slightly surprised by Duncans resolve, pausing to consider his words. The room seemed to cool as if the mention of the ordeal chilled the air. No, he admitted after a pause, his voice filled with both apprehension and curiosity. But if this is a way to communicate with the Guardian, then I am ready to face whatever challenges come our way.

Duncan gave a soft chuckle, his mood lightening. Good to hear. It wont be an ordinary journey, I assure you. The realm of dreams, especially those as ancient and intricate as Atlantiss, can be unpredictable. We might face distorted memories, fears, and desires all reflections of the Guardians mind.

Closely following the conversation, Alice added, And what if Atlantis sees this intrusion as a threat? Could that put you both in great danger?

Duncan nodded slowly, acknowledging her point. Its a risk, but one we have to take. If Lune can connect with the Guardian, maybe we can prevent the looming disaster. The key is to traverse the dream without drawing too much attention.

Lunes resolve grew with every word. Ive explored the dream worlds of many beings before, but none as vast or as ancient as Atlantis. The opportunity to learn and communicate is boundless. I believe this might be the only way to truly understand what it wants and, hopefully, find a solution.

Duncan placed a reassuring hand on Lunes shoulder, recognizing the elders courage. Well go together, side by side. The Ark and the fleet will retreat to safety while we undertake this bold attempt. If anything goes wrong, we have each others support.

The two shared a moment of silent understanding, their resolve firm. They knew the road ahead was perilous and uncertain, but the stakes were too high to retreat. The fate of their world hinged on their ability to navigate the dream world and communicate with the Guardian of Atlantis.

Incredible Lucretia muttered to herself, barely audible amid the surrounding turmoil.

She spotted an enormous, shadowy form within the fiery maelstrom, a familiar yet alien silhouette resembling a colossal citadel or fortress, its towers and ramparts stark against the fiery background. But this was no ordinary castle its architecture suggested an advanced, almost alien civilization. The sheer scale was overwhelming, spanning the horizon as far as the eye could see.

Snapped out of his trance by the sight, Taran El joined her. Its its Atlantis, he whispered, his voice trembling with both awe and fear. The ancient, lost city. But how? Why now?

Lucretia turned to him, her blue eyes mirroring the inferno outside. This must be linked to the Dream of the Nameless One. The vision you described, the voice you heardits all interconnected. Atlantis isnt merely a myth; its awakening and manifesting its power in our reality.

The gravity of the situation weighed on them. This was more than a catastrophe; it was the resurgence of an ancient force, a transformative event they were experiencing in real time. And if Atlantis was indeed returning, it brought with it memories, pain, and the wrath from ages past.

Outside, the city was in chaos. Steam-powered vehicles darted through the streets, crashing into each other as people tried to flee. Buildings, already aflame, fell apart, and smoke rose into the fiery sky. The bustling metropolis was now a scene of destruction.

Taking a deep breath to calm her rising panic, Lucretia said, We need to get to the central spire. I suspect there might be a way to communicate with, or at least understand, what Atlantis wants. We cant just stand here and watch our world burn.

Taran El, his shock replaced by resolve, nodded. Lets go. We might be the key to stopping this, or at least to understanding it.

As the ground quaked beneath them, Lucretia grasped Taran Els arm, steadying him as he was overwhelmed by the surreal transformations unfolding around them. Once vivid and lively, the details of Wind Harbor now seemed fluid and transient, as if painted with watercolors bleeding into one another.

Their surroundings began to blur and warp, losing all solidity. Every element around thembricks, beams, the breeze, voicesseemed to dissolve into shimmering particles of light, swirling in the growing darkness.

And so the dream unravels, Taran El murmured, his voice tinged with melancholy. Was the reality we knew ever truly real?

Lucretias gaze stayed firm, fixed on the ever-expanding tree emerging from the depths, its branches reaching out like arms of a colossal guardian reclaiming its territory. Reality is what we perceive, she replied thoughtfully. To us, Wind Harbor was as solid as the ground beneath our feet. But now, Atlantis calls, and we are summoned to witness.

Nearby, amidst the chaos, a phantom ship began to appear more clearly. Its ghostly sails billowed silently, illuminated by a mysterious glow. Chains and seaweed hung from its bow, and its wooden structure showed signs of age, adorned with barnacles and coral. As if guided by an unseen hand, the ship sailed effortlessly, heading straight toward the heart of the great tree.

Feeling a pull in her soul as they watched the ship approach, Lucretia sensed a deep connection to it, as though it were a key to unlocking the mysteries ahead.

We need to board that ship, she declared resolutely.

Taran El looked at her, his surprise clear. Do you think it holds the answers to whats happening?

Lucretia nodded. I believe so. It seems to be beckoning us, guiding us to the core of Atlantiss dream. Only by delving deeper can we hope to unravel the mystery Atlantis represents.

With determined steps, they moved toward the ghostly vessel, guided by its ethereal glow. As they approached, the colossal tree continued to rise, its branches spreading wider and casting vast shadows that danced with the light from the ship.

As Wind Harbor continued to dissolve around them, Lucretia and Taran El clung to each other, united in their quest to uncover the secrets at the heart of Atlantiss dream.

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