
Chapter 351: Will You Believe in Miracles?

In the following week, after applying for a Visa to Germany and Switzerland, Dai Li flew to meet Claude in Germany, and then onward to Switzerland.

Many professional race drivers chose to settle down in Switzerland, because being a race driver was not recognized as being a career by the Swiss government. Therefore, if race drivers lived in Switzerland, they would be registered as unemployed, so they would enjoy more preferential treatments in taxes. Especially for Helheim, a world-class racing driver, who got an income of billions annually, even a 1% cut in tax would be a good deal. Therefore, he settled in Switzerland years ago.

Switzerland had the highest level of medical care in the world, and even among the developed western countries, Switzerland enjoyed the most efficient and effective medical system. Besides, Switzerland was quite attractive to talents. Many high-level doctors would choose to immigrate here. So, Helheim, who would never lack for money, could get the world’s top medical treatment here.

Dai Li, with Claude, came to Helheim’s villa, which was more like a medieval castle, and was located by the picturesque Geneva River. In front of him was a large area of grassland, which was broad enough for a round of golf, and was surrounded by trees. Though there were many famous people living around, these trees could protect the owner’s privacy.

Pointing at the villa, Claude said, "To build this villa, Helheim spent over thirty million euros. It contains eight bedrooms and five shower rooms, together with a kitchen costing three million. It has a small cinema, a sauna room, one indoor pool and two outdoor pools, which could be injected with fresh lake water. Have you seen the tower? The roof was hand-polished and cost 400,000 euros!"

"After his injury, Helheim’s wife spent nearly 10 million euros converting this villa into a modern rehabilitation center. Now, it has the most advanced rehabilitation equipment in the world, and the medical professionals of Lausanne University Hospital stay here 24 hours, on call."

"That is his wife. She is awaiting us there," Claude made an eye gesture at the villa’s gate, pointing to a gaunt, middle-aged woman standing there. That was Helheim’s wife, Corinna.

"Corinna, is Helheim getting better?" Claude asked with concern.

"Still the same," Corinna sighed and then looked at Dai Li.

"He is the one I told you about, Coach Li," Claude started to introduce them.

"Coach Li, nice to see you. Thank you for coming here from the far east," Corinna politely shook hands with Dai Li. Her expression seemed a little confused and even more panicked, since she didn’t expect him to be so young.

Yellow people seemed to be younger than white ones. So, her judgment of his age was even less than his real age. Ordinarily, Corinna would never believe such a young man could help her husband, and even she would doubt whether Claude could get to know a swindler of the east. However, now she was desperate and had no choice. She would try anything to rehabilitate her Helheim.

Dai Li answered humbly, "I am a fan of Helheim, too, and I also hope to see him recover soon. If my method would work, it’s my honor."

"Well, Corinna, it’s still early. Let’s see Helheim first. Now he needs more rest. I don’t want to disturb you too long," Claude said.

"Please follow me. Professor Nelsen of Lausanne University Hospital is just here. Maybe you can exchange with each other," said Corinna, as she led them into the villa.

"Professor Nelsen? Darcy Nelsen?" Claude said the name at once.

"Yes, that’s him!" Corinna nodded, "My husband is now in charge of his team. He comes in person every two or three days."

Dai Li asked softly, as he approached Claude, "Is this Professor Nelsen very famous?"

"He is an expert in rehabilitation therapy and fairly famous in Europe. I read one paper of his about rehabilitation therapy, long before, and it’s quite helpful in sports rehabilitation. In terms of level, his position in rehabilitation therapy was almost as high as my position in physical coaches," Claude responded.

So, he is a top expert in rehabilitation therapy in the world! Dai Li thought. He knew Claude was nearly at the world-top level as a football physical coach. According to this, Professor Nelsen was also the top in rehabilitation therapy.


As these three people approached Helheim’s recovery room, they happened to see a bald, old man wearing glasses coming out.

"Professor Nelsen! How’s my husband? Getting better?" Corinna asked eagerly.

"Compared to the condition he was in two days ago, his language competence hasn’t recovered yet. I think we need more patience," the bald professor said.

Corinna nodded disappointedly, then made introductions: "Professor Nelsen, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Claude, who I mentioned before."

"Professor Nelsen. I’ve heard a lot about you," Claude said politely.

"Mr. Claude, hello. I heard a lot about you from Helheim. You are a world-top physical coach and an expert in sports rehabilitation," Nelsen stepped forward and shook hands with Claude.

As for Dai Li, behind as usual, he was ignored by Nelsen. An Asian young man in his twenties was naturally regarded as a nobody by Nelsen.

Nelsen then made a brief introduction regarding Helheim’s condition and turned to leave.

Corinna led Dai Li and Claude into Helheim’s room.

Finally, Dai Li saw the real face of Helheim.

Helheim looked much older than his pictures in the media. Perhaps because of the injury, he seemed gaunt and thin. At this time, he was half-lying in his bed. When he saw Claude, a smile appeared on his face.

"My old pal, I’m coming to see you. How do you feel?" Claude asked.

"Not bad," his voice sounded very weak, his words not quite clear. It even sounded like an old wizard was saying a spell.

But for Dai Li, it mattered nothing. Helheim and Claude were talking in German. Dai Li didn’t understand what they said, even if he could hear it clearly.

"I brought you a man," Claude pushed Dai Li forward and continued, "His name is Dai Li...my colleague and a physical coach too, very proficient in sports rehabilitation. I bring him here, particularly to see if he can help."

"Hello, Mr. Helheim," said Dai Li in English.

"Hi, Mr. Li," Helheim looked at Dai Li. Now, in addition to his mouth, it was very hard for him to move his other parts.

Later, Helheim’s eyes fell on Claude again.

"My old pal, let’s talk for awhile, OK? I am nearly suffocating in bed," Helheim said inarticulately.

A racing driver was the kind of person who liked to have the pursuit of passion. They liked the thrill of extreme sports and, it indeed was a kind of torture to let them lie in bed all day.

Claude nodded, "Well. But before that, let Coach Li see if he can help you," said Claude, gesturing to Dai Li with his eyes. But Helheim refused, "Thank you for your kindness, but I don’t think it’s necessary. Therefore, don’t bother Coach Li."

"Why?" Claude paused, as if he had guessed Helheim’s concerns, and began to explain, "Although Coach Li is young, he is really quite proficient in sports rehabilitation, especially in practices. I have witnessed this many times, so please trust him."

Claude thought Helheim didn’t trust Dai Li because he was so young.

"You misunderstand what I mean. It is not because I have no faith in Coach Li," a despair appeared in his eyes, and he deliberately explained it in English, in order to get Dai Li to understand, "I’ve been like this. It’s great to live. I don’t need to do anything in vain!"

Looking at Helheim, Dai Li could clearly feel the despair in his tone.

"In fact, I know my condition is terrible. After the surgery, I realized it when I woke up from anesthesia. I can’t recover to the way I used to be, and it’s impossible to be a normal person. But now, I can’t raise my arms and step on my feet. My hands once used to drive the fastest racing car in the world, but now, I even cannot hold a pen."

Helheim’s eyes became hollow, his voice still faint. Dai Li couldn’t hear him clearly, but judging from his expression and tone, he knew Helheim’s world had collapsed.

Corinna frowned, her eyes full of blame. She thought it was Professor Nelsen who had told Helheim his actual condition.

It seemed that Helheim got her thinking, and he said, "Corinna, it has nothing to do with Doctor Nelsen. I clearly know my own body. Don’t forget, I have been badly injured before. Crashed with a speed of 200kmph, severe cerebral concussion, comminuted fracture, and pulled out in coma from a smoky racing car ... I’ve been through all these. I have gotten through all of these. So, this time, I know I’m afraid of being so lucky again."

"So, you choose to give up?" Dai Li’s voice came out suddenly, and he continued in a tone of questioning, "You feel there is no hope, so you give up? Are you really willing to lie here all of your life?"

Helheim smiled sadly, "I know what you want to say. You want to tell me don’t give up and continue to fight like a warrior and regain my previous glories! But to me, now, none of those matter!"

"Glories, I had many. I even can open a museum with all the trophies. Position, I had that also. I was at the top of the world as a racing driver. Wealth, I don’t lack. Although the injury this time might cost me much, I could live a rich life all the rest of my days with all my wealth."

Still, Helheim couldn’t express himself clearly, but Dai Li was listening earnestly and understood his words.

Dai Li had also met some athletes who gave up on themselves, such as Feixiang Lin, who abandoned his training and only went to nightclubs for fun. However, there was always a flame of hope in his mind. He was eager to return to the field and to his peak.

But Helheim was different. He was a retired athlete. Besides, he had achieved the highest level of success in the field of racing, even having no competitors. His achievements were nearly unsurpassable, and he was really so powerful that he had nothing left to pursue. The lyric "how lonely to be invincible is" was quite suitable for Helheim.

Therefore, after giving up on himself, Helheim completely lost his morale. For him, even if he could return to his peak level, all he could experience was loneliness. Unlike Feixiang Lin, he couldn’t rekindle his hope.

"I’ve received a lot in my life, so God let me quit something. Hence, stop talking to me about struggles and ideals. Let me rest," said Helheim, as if tired, as he closed his eyes.

"But your family and your friends haven’t given up," Dai Li continued, "They hope you can recover. Your parents want a healthy son, your wife wants a healthy husband, and your son also wants a healthy father. They want to see a normal Helheim, rather than a self-abandoned wretch in bed!"

Dai Li’s words let Helheim open his eyes, and he involuntarily looked at his wife. Seeing his wife pining away, he felt an inexplicable sadness. The next second, however, Helheim sighed hopelessly, "I understand what you’re saying, but I know my condition is really terrible, and that the chance of complete recovery is nil. I could never turn back to what I used to be, unless a miracle happens!"

"So, for your family, will you believe in miracles?" Dai Li stared at Helheim seriously, and then he said slowly, "You don’t have to answer me now. I think you should think it over, before you answer me. If you still believe in miracles, I would do everything I can to help you."

A vague bewilderment appeared in his empty eyes, and there contained a trace of struggle and pain deeper in them.

"I once met an athlete, who gave up himself for an injury. At that time, I gave him a sentence, and now, I give it to you: If it is a physical injury, I still have some ways. But if it be a mental one, even God cannot save you!"

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