
Chapter 415: Change to Another Training Center

There was a question on Quora, a website that was basically the American version of Zhihu. Namely, how should Indians curb the rise of a neighboring country?

This was a ridiculous question and also a ridiculous idea. The person asking was trying to figure out how to destroy the development of other countries, instead of developing their own nation.

For example, if you were not a very good student, then what should you do? Work hard to improve yourself, or poison all the classmates who were better than you? Or if you noticed your neighbor becoming rich from his efforts, then what should you do? Learn from your neighbor, or set fire to his house?

A bad student might poison the good students, but it wouldn’t change his terrible study habits. A poor man might burn a rich man’s house, but it couldn’t change his poverty.

But the fact is, there are many people like this. For example, when Steven found out that Dai Li was receiving twenty percent of Taylor’s revenue, he was jealous of Dai Li.

Sports brokers in the United States are very special, and they are supposed to serve athletes. However, the fact is that many brokers can directly determine the fate of athletes. For example, it often appears in the news that a basketball player in the NBA asked for a high salary according to his broker’s instructions and ended up with no chance to play basketball. Another typical example is Kevin Taylor, who ended up bankrupt after his broker stole most of his money.

As an agent, Steven felt that he had the right to decide where Phillip would train.

Dai Li’s Office.

Steven raised his cup of coffee, took a sip, and then leaned his upper body against the sofa with his legs crossed, assuming a commanding position.

"Coach Li, I think we should seriously talk about the Phillip’s training contract for next year." Steven put down his coffee cup.

"Just the same as this year will be okay. I have no objection," said Dai Li.

"But I don’t agree!" Steven said, leaning forward.

"Well, what’s your new idea?" said Dai Li.

"I would like to talk a little bit more about the cost of Phillip’s training for next year," said Steven.

"Training cost? I have never charged Phillip for his training! Will you give me the money?" Dai Li said with an innocent expression.

"But you take away five percent of his income." Steven snorted.

"That’s as you say. Well, if you think this is training cost, that’s fine!" Dai Li had already guessed Steven’s intention, but instead of disclosing his knowledge, Dai Li picked up his cup of tea and took a sip.

But Steven said, "I hope that five percent can become a fixed number."

"No problem," Dai Li said without any hesitation. He took out his phone and calculated for a while. "I got nearly $600,000 dollars from Phillip this year. Well, I’ll give you a discount; I’ll charge you $500,000!"

"No, it’s too expensive." Steven shook his head.

"So, what’s your idea?" Dai Li put down his phone and looked at Steven with a smile, but there was dissatisfaction in his heart.

"$50,000!" Steven held out his five fingers.

Dai Li said nothing but looked at Steven contemptuously.

"Well, I know you are not satisfied with the price. How about $70,000 dollars?" Steven compromised.

"$500,000," Dai Li said firmly.

"$80,000. I can’t back down any more. You must know this is the highest price. Other members, even the members who enjoy the best personal services would not pay you $80,000 a year for training," said Steven.

"Half a million. I can’t go any lower," Dai Li said without hesitation.

"If you insist on this price, then we won’t be doing business." Steven’s words were filled with menace.

Dai Li, however, was unmoved. He said, "I have my reasons for charging this price, and it is not unreasonable. You pay the training fee of $500,000, and Phillip will be able to compete with athletes who are not handicapped, and even beat most of them. That is the effect of my training. I guarantee that nowhere else in America can you find anyone who can do this. It is worth it to pay the $500,000."

"Is that so? None of the fitness training centers in the United States are better than you? Even the famous AP training center?" Steven said with a disdainful look.

"They are not as good at training disabled athletes," Dai Li said confidently.

"Well, if you think so, then I have to terminate our cooperation for the next year," Steven said with his hands spread out. He stood up.

Dai Li made a gesture of goodbye, and then said, "I hope you take this into careful consideration, and the same to Phillip. Since the career peak of an athlete only exists for several years, Phillip can’t waste his youth. When Phillip wants to restart his career, it might be too late."

"Is that so?" Steven winced and added, "I believe Phillip will be better with the AP training center!"

Looking at Steven’s back, Dai Li felt somewhat uncomfortable.

When Dai Li first met Steven, he knew that he was a businessman who only paid attention to his interests. And Dai Li wasn’t disappointed that they were no longer friends.

Phillip was an athlete that Dai Li had cultivated and trained. Originally, Phillip was a disabled and retired American soldier, but Dai Li transformed him into the world-famous "Blade Warrior."

And at that time, Dai Li had just arrived in the United States and opened his fitness training center. What’s more, he had no family or friends in the United States at that time, and he was not familiar with the environment. In a sense, Phillip was the first American he had gotten to know when he arrived. And it was impossible to say that they were just business partners without friendship.

So Dai Li had a sense of regret for Phillip’s departure.

It has been two years since Phillip was here. He used two athlete patches, and he could have used the last one. What a pity. Dai Li shook his head hopelessly.

For Dai Li, half a million dollars was not the training cost, but the price of the athlete patches. Athlete patches were disposable consumables, and they were limited in quantity, so he would not provide athletes with these patches for free.

Phillip was a talented sprinter. He was a disabled person, but thanks to the athlete patches provided by Dai Li, he could compete with sound athletes. Without the help of athlete patches, Dai Li doubted whether Phillip could keep up with the pace of sound athletes. And apart from the athlete patches, Phillip also had the advantage of explosive power.

In terms of training effects, Dai Li thought he was the No.1 in the United States. He was not bragging; he was a very famous coach in the United States. His training had remarkable effects, and in addition, he had his own auxiliary means of training athletes; for example, relaxing massage to relieve muscle stress, warm-up square dancing to help athletes back into training quickly, etc. None of these abilities were equipped with other coaches, so it would obvious that Dai Li’s training had high efficiency.

During the two years that Phillip had been famous, he had saved a lot of money. He had a villa, a sports car, and a beautiful model girlfriend. His money could now support all his life, as long as he didn’t use it too lavishly. So Dai Li was not worried about Phillip’s future.

All good things must come to an end, Barron. Good luck! sighed Dai Li.

Dai Li didn’t know that Steven and Phillip hadn’t agreed on the training fee, and Phillip did not know anything about it.

But when Steven left the training center, he went to visit Phillip immediately to persuade Phillip to leave Dai Li’s training center.

"Steven, I’m not going to change places. I’ve been here for almost two years. I don’t want to go to the AP Training Center. Besides, Coach Li is good at training," Phillip said, shaking his head.

"I admit that Coach Li’s training is very good, but can he compare to that of the AP Training Center? The AP Training Center is the most famous fitness training center in the whole United States, and has the most professional training team in the United States. Even if Dai Li is very good, he’s just one person. How can a person compare to a whole team?" Steven said.

"But it is because of Coach Li that I have the achievements that I do. It is his training that allows me to compete with healthy athletes," Phillip said.

"Then how can you make sure that the AP Training Center won’t do this?" Steven asked. "Barron, the main reason why you have today’s achievements is your talent and the efforts you have made. The coach is just a negligible factor of it. Change your coach, and perhaps you will be better than now."

"But Coach Li helped me when I was in trouble. At that time, I still relied on relief money and working as a part-time worker. I couldn’t afford the training fee at all. I couldn’t get professional training either. Only Coach Li was willing to help me with this kind of disability free of charge," Phillip continued.

"But now he’s got what he deserves. 5% of your income in his pocket, millions of dollars in total. Isn’t it enough to pay for his previous efforts?" Steven paused and said earnestly, "Barron, you can now earn ten million dollars a year. 5% of that income is $500,000. Ordinary people can only make that much money in a decade or so. As a training fee, don’t you think $500,000 a year is a bit too high?"

"What do you mean?" Phillip frowned.

"I’ve consulted with the AP Training Center, and their privately tailored high-end physical training costs only $50,000 a year for a cheaper one, and $100,000 a year for the higher grade. Even with more additional training, annual fees can be kept under $150,000. You have to give Dai Li at least $500,000 a year, which means you could save at least $350,000 a year if you choose the AP Training Center. What’s more, Dai Li takes more than $500,000 a year from you," Steven said, with both hands spread. "Barron, we can enjoy higher-end service at a lower price. Why do we have to hang on this tree?"

"This..." Phillip showed a hint of hesitation, and he was somewhat moved.

"Barron, at least $350,000 a year, that’s a lot of money. You lost your legs in the Iraqi battlefield and only got $200,000 in compensation. And the athlete’s career is only a few short years. Don’t you want to save more money when you’re young? What will you do when you get old? Look at the old people with disabilities who live on the streets. They can only rely on the minimum living allowance and food stamps. You don’t want to be like that, do you?" Steven asked.

"Well... Okay!" Phillip thought for a long time, and finally decided to make up his mind for the sake of money. He went on to say, "But you have to go talk with Coach Li."

"I understand that you don’t want to face Dai Li. Then, I’ll play the bad guy and talk to him!" Steven said seriously, but his heart had filled with a sense of achievement.

Dai Li, wait and see. You’ll soon know that you’re not that important. Without you, Phillip is still the ’Blade Warrior’!

AP Physical Training Center.

A middle-aged man was leading Phillip and Steven to visit the entire training center.

If Dai Li were there, he would have recognized the middle-aged man. He was David Mills, director of the Los Angeles division of the AP Training Center. When Dai Li came to the AP Training Center to study, he had met him, and he had also looked for him for the Aaron Hampton matter, .

Phillip was now known all over the world, so his arrival was received by David Mills himself.

Phillip looked around with doubt. The AP Training Center was indeed much larger than Dai Li’s training center, and the equipment was more advanced, so Phillip’s doubts were gradually disappearing.

"As you can see, Barron, the scale here is much larger than Dai Li’s, and the equipment is more advanced. I think their coaches will be more professional," Steven pointed around and said with smile on his face.

David Mills, director of the AP Training Center, also said, "You don’t have to worry about coaching. We have a professional coaching team that can customize the best training program for you. By the way, where did Mr. Phillip train before?"

"Coach Li’s Fitness Training Center," Steven answered. "A personal training center run by Chinese people."

"Personal training center, and the owner is Chinese? Ha ha..." David Mills laughed. He added, "What we rely on here is teamwork. An experienced team is definitely much better than an individual, not to mention that the other party is Chinese. Mr. Phillip, I’m really looking forward to your future. If you can achieve what you have so far with a Chinese trainer, then after you’ve been in our AP Training Center for a while, I think you might get the Olympic gold medal!"

"Mr. Phillip, Mr. Steven, this way, please," David Mills said, making a gesture of invitation. "I’ll take you to the coaching team at our center."

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