
Chapter 2366: Hidden Corner

Chapter 2366: Hidden Corner

Mu Shang quickly reviewed everything that was known about Lu Yin’s lockbreaking skills. The analysis had been provided by the Wang family, and it had been created after Lu Yin had designed sourcebox arrays for ordinary cultivators to set up. He had done so while posing as Yu Hao, and the accomplishment had stood out, as it was something that even Mu Shang would struggle to pull off.

At this moment, Mu Shang was personally experiencing Lu Yin’s incomprehensible abilities.

Mu Shang relied on intuition and his understanding of the danger field that was the game board, while he could tell that Lu Yin was relying on experience.

Mu Shang could sense the unstableness in Lu Yin\'s movements, which was proof that the younger man was not able to perfectly control the danger zone. This essentially indicated that Lu Yin lacked the skills of an Array Grandmaster, but had the experience of one. How did that even make sense? Furthermore, how had Lu Yin managed to accumulate so much experience?

Both experience and talent were critical for Lockbreakers, and it was difficult to say which of the two was more important. Lu Yin\'s talent was no worse than Mu Shang’s. However, Lu Yin was compensating for his lacking skills with pure experience, which should have been impossible.

Grandmaster Gu Yan automatically turned to look at Skymender. "Does your Forsaken Land have many chances for Lockbreakers to practice?"

Skymender had no idea how to answer. He was very familiar with Lu Yin’s growth and history, and it was rather well known that Lu Yin had not opened very many sourceboxes. It was possible that they were observing pure talent.

Lu Yin made one move after another, but each of his moves was very small. His eyes remained fixed on the condensed danger field that had taken on the form of a living creature. It was by far the most difficult aspect of the game board, and he simply could not find any way to seize control of the false creature.

Mu Shang was also staring at the condensed danger zone. It was clear that whoever seized control of the false creature would also seize victory of the game.

Thus far, the two players had been fairly evenly matched, as neither had gained any true ?advantage. While the proportion of colored star energy had swayed slightly in favor of one person or the other, the discrepancy had remained slight and easy to recover from.

Both of the men stopped their actions. With how things were progressing, there was no way for anyone to determine who would win. Whoever gained control of the gathered danger field that looked like a creature would certainly be the winner.

The condensed danger field had gathered at the center of the game board. Neither man had tried to move that bit of the danger field. They both simply studied it, just like how they had studied the entire field before first entering the danger zone.

Grandmaster Gu Yan scanned the game board before him and then secretly let out a sigh. Lu Xiaoxuan had already lost.

Aside from Grandmaster Gu Yan, everyone else observing the game of Stable Zone believed that the two men were performing equally. Only Gu Yan knew that Mu Shang had secretly set up a sourcebox array the moment he had entered the game board. This was because no one besides Grandmaster Gu Yan could even see the sourcebox array. The array that had been created by Gu Yan himself, and it was specifically designed to be used during Stable Zone.

Mu Shang had learned that particular sourcebox array from Grandmaster Gu Yan himself. Unless there was a massive difference in the abilities of two Array Masters, whoever knew this particular sourcebox array was guaranteed to win. This was why Mu Shang had always been so confident in his own victory.

Given the same thing to work with, different people would show different results. Talented individuals would not perform in the same manner as other people, and they often took different paths. For true geniuses, there could be certain challenging tasks that would be seen as playing.

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For example, when Grandmaster Gu Yan had first become an Array Master, he had become obsessed with Stable Zone, and he had constantly sought out opponents to challenge. He lost almost all the time, as he challenged Array Masters who were far more skilled than he was. For example, when Gu Yan had been an Array Master, he had challenged Senior Array Masters. Once he became a Senior Array Master, he had moved on and started challenging Realm Array Masters.

Gu Yan had lost again and again, and eventually, he had designed his own sourcebox array, and it was specifically designed to be used when playing Stable Zone. As long as he was capable of at least forcing the match to a draw, his sourcebox array would guarantee his victory. Furthermore, that sourcebox array paved the path for Gu Yan to become the Perennial World’s premier Array Grandmaster. No one else came close to matching Gu Yan’s skills. Even Mu Shang, who was incomparably arrogant due to his abilities, would never dare to compare himself to Grandmaster Gu Yan.

Lu Yin was not the first Realm Array Master to challenge an Array Grandmaster, but if Lu Yin could pull off a victory, he would surpass the former accomplishments of even Grandmaster Gu Yan’s. Unfortunately, that was impossible. The sourcebox array that Mu Shang had learned from Gu Yan was essentially cheating in a match such as the one currently taking place.

Gu Yan slightly regretted sharing the sourcebox array with Mu Shang. The old man favored Lu Yin more than Mu Shang. No, he favored Lu Xiaoxuan.

Unfortunately, it was already too late to change anything.

The game had not stopped yet, but both of the players had halted all movement. There were both staring at the condensed danger zone that had taken on the form of a living creature, and they were currently trying to seize control of it.

From an outside perspective, the game had become a three-way battle. Not only were the two Array Masters competing, but they were also competing against the game board itself.

"Master Bai, just what is going on with that danger zone? Why does it look like a living creature?" someone asked.

Bai Hong\'s heart trembled. He had become terrified that more people would ask questions, but since someone had already spoken up, Bai Hong had to answer. Otherwise, he would lose face. "What do you mean, a creature? Don’t be ridiculous! That’s just the danger zone from the sourceboxes."

"It looks like a creature," someone muttered.

Bai Hong became upset. "Do you understand what we’re looking at, or do I? Even a solitary sourcebox can have a danger zone that resembles a living creature, and even stranger phenomena are possible as well. However, those things are impossible with just the temporary combination of the various sourceboxes used to create the game board. You don’t understand what is happening and are just spouting nonsense! What\'s your name?"

The man was startled by the question, and he quickly hid himself out of Bai Hong\'s line of sight.

Right after that, at the center of the game board, the false creature formed from the condensed danger zone started to move. It stretched its limbs like a tiger and even roared at the sky. There was no sound, but the roar shattered the void. It looked as though the sound had been materialized and shot out of the creature’s mouth.

Bai Hong’s mouth fell open. Was this even possible? Can’t we just enjoy the game without being in danger?

At the moment, no one was paying any attention to Bai Hong. All the people present were staring at the danger zone that was moving about like a tiger. Every time it moved within the game board, it would erase some of both colors of star energy. Mu Shang and Lu Yin were constantly manipulating the rest of the danger zone, trying to alter the beast’s movements or even take control of the beast. However, neither was able to gain an upper hand with the other’s interference.

Sweat dripped from Mu Shang\'s forehead. This was the most difficult game of Stable Zone that he had ever played. He had suggested that they use eight Boundless Advanced sourceboxes as an attempt to push Lu Yin into surrendering. However, Mu Shang was a little overwhelmed after concentrating so intently for so long while trying to analyze the danger zone.

Lu Yin was in the same situation. If not for Grandmaster Qiu Ling’s lockbreaking experience that Lu Yin had acquired, he would have never been able to endure for so long. This was the Array Grandmaster level.

Lu Yin was truly qualified to become an Array Grandmaster. All that he was missing was opening some more sourceboxes. However, the most important thing at the moment was to defeat Mu Shang.

Both men had focused all of their attention onto trying to seize control of the condensed danger zone. They were each determined to gain control of the simulated tiger. The false beast ran to and fro across the game board like a puppet.

"I have to compliment you, Lu Xiaoxuan. It’s very rare to reach this level, and as long as you are given a bit more time, you will definitely become an Array Grandmaster. However, for right now, you’re still not quite there. It’s over." Mu Shang looked over at Lu Yin and spoke in a voice that oozed pure confidence.

Lu Yin frowned. Where was Mu Shang’s confidence coming from all of a sudden? Lu Yin had done no worse than Mu Shang in taking control of the tiger-shaped danger zone. And right now, on the entire game board, there was actually a slight bit more white star energy than black star energy. This was almost entirely due to Lu Yin’s greater combat strength, as he had been able to avoid several spikes of the danger zone that had struck Mu Shang. If the game was halted at this point in time, Lu Yin would be the victor.

The situation was clear to Lu Yin, and there was no way that Mu Shang could not see the same thing, so why was he so confident? Was Lu Yin missing something?

He started to get a bit nervous.

Grandmaster Gu Yan let out a breath. The game was over.

Aside from Mu Shang and Grandmaster Gu Yan, no one else present could see the issue. Not even Grandmaster Qiu Ling or Skymender could see what was wrong.

This was not because the sourcebox array that Mu Shang had set up was so advanced that other Array Grandmasters were unable to detect it. They would easily see it if the sourcebox array were exposed. The problem was that this particular sourcebox array was used within the game board of a game of Stable Zone, as a second layer beneath the danger zone.

Normally, sourcebox arrays were made with sourceboxes or star energy, but the sourcebox array that Gu Yan had created used the danger zones of the Stable Zone game board itself as an alternative source of energy. This was something so unique that Array Masters did not even consider such a possibility, and it was so questionable that many people might not even consider Gu Yan’s creation to be a true sourcebox array. This trap designed for Stable Zone was called Hidden Corner. The sourcebox array would use a single strand of the danger zone as a guide. It was a simple premise, but it was a technique that no one could see through. It was a sourcebox array that had been created solely for winning Stable Zone.

Once the sourcebox array was set up, as long as the capabilities of the two Array Masters were not too different, the Hidden Corner would inevitably lead one to victory.

Mu Shang held his head up high. He had never had any intention of seizing control of the condensed danger zone that had taken on the form of a tiger. No, the Array Grandmaster’s goal the entire time had been to utilize his Hidden Corner at the ideal moment. It was just a wisp of the game board’s danger zone.

As soon as Mu Shang stopped fighting for control, Lu Yin instantly seized control of the false tiger. However, at the same time, the rest of the danger zone that made up the game board started writhing about. It looked like living snakes were slithering about. Lu Yin noticed the change. He forgot all about controlling the tiger and tried to steal control of the more dangerous attack.

Lu Yin’s expression changed, as he found that it was impossible to control the snake-like movements. It felt as though he was up against the full force of the entire game board’s danger zone. It was practically impossible to do anything against such a force.

Lu Yin watched as the danger zone surrounded all the remaining white colored star energy. Any further movement from the danger zone would eliminate all the white pieces from the game. In other words, Lu Yin was facing defeat.

Lu Yin looked over at Mu Shang in surprise. Lu Yin had completely missed this attack. How had Mu Shang pulled it off? It instantly made sense that Mu Shang had abandoned his attempt to seize control of the tiger.

"Surprised? You’re still just a Realm Array Master, and you can’t compare to an Array Grandmaster. Lu Xiaoxuan, you are truly too arrogant. No matter how impressive your cultivation accomplishment are, or how startling your combat power may be, lockbreaking is different," Mu Shang stated in an utterly confident tone.

Nothing that had happened during the game up to this point in time mattered, not even the fact that Lu Yin had gained control of the tiger-shaped portion of the danger zone. All that mattered was that Mu Shang needed a mere thought to destroy the last bits of the white pieces from the game board. The game was as good as over.

It had always been impossible for Mu Shang to lose, but Lu Yin\'s performance had been too outstanding. That was the only reason why Mu Shang had used the Hidden Corner, as all of his other efforts had been inadequate to clinch him the victory.

Lu Yin stared at Mu Shang for a moment. "You set this up to take place from the very beginning of our game. This is a sourcebox array."

Mu Shang smiled arrogantly as he looked at Lu Yin. "That’s right. This is why I asked you if you wanted to challenge me in a different manner, but you were too conceited. That aspect of you hasn’t changed from back then. You are still arrogant enough to believe that you can control everything. That arrogance became your undoing, just the same as the Lu family."

Everyone present felt quite surprised at these words, as Mu Shang had never before revealed any dislike for the Lu family. However, this was also the man’s first time directly facing Lu Xiaoxuan.

Lu Yin felt rather curious. "Do you hate my Lu family?"

Mu Shang sneered. "I don’t hate them. I feel nothing for them, as they have never had anything to do with me. It’s their arrogance that I have always hated."

Lu Yin replied, "It appears that you’ve always hated me as well, but honestly, I don\'t like you either."

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