yw193.c 牢记不

Chapter 15: Breaker of Dawn

Chapter 15: Breaker of Dawn

So his elemental affinity was light huh? How fitting. I'm sure a swordsman of his level could make the light brighter, but it must be for dramatic effect.

Nonetheless, the light he's exuding is not enough for me so I will have to make my own. I only used magic one time and it was manifested unintentionally when my master intruded into my room late at night before he shoved those disgusting elixirs down my throat.

What was that passive skill called? Right, 2nd Circle Solar Imaginary Technique. From what I can gather, it seems that my magic has three limitations. Firstly, Solar means I can only use magic belonging to the sun attribute. Secondly, 2nd probably refers to the highest tier of magic that I can use, up to the 2nd tier. And Imaginary must mean that my magic is limited and manifested by my imagination, similar to that of the eye of truth.

Sounds simple enough. For now, all I need is a bright light. It doesn't need to be too big or too bright, but moves according to my will.

Then, a small round ball that radiates a bright warm light appears above me.

Wait what? But I didn't even chant! I've heard stories of mages that are able to cast spells without needing to chant but I didn't know it was real! It would seem like chanting is not necessary for manifesting a spell, but used to more easily imagine what spell you are trying to cast. This is groundbreaking news! I must share this knowledge with all mages!

It moves around me as I lead it with my finger.

I know it's not alive, but it's kind of cute, like the Sage System. Hmm... What should I name this spell? It's warm and soft. I'll name this spell Dawn!

Dustin turns around when he notices my light and looks at me with satisfaction before quickly turning around continuing our descent.

Was this a test?

After that, there was not anything interesting and I was left alone with my thoughts, in this dark silence.

This is weird, we haven't seen anyone since the Task Room where exactly are we headed?

It's even more suspicious how there are no guards keeping the curious from entering such a secret place.

I nervously follow Dustin as we walk down the stairs and halt as we reach an archway closed off by a thick iron gate.

I suddenly feel shivers run down my spine for a split second as I feel eyes stare through the back of my head when we enter the room.

I immediately turned and looked around to see the culprit but I could not find them.

It's too dark, where are they!

"Where are you? Show yourself!"

I move Dawn across the room. As Dustin does nothing as he watches.

Nothung. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Where are they!?!?

Then, I move it up to the ceiling but it keeps going higher.

How high is this ceiling? I still can't see anything! Okay, calm down. If I can't see with Dawn, then I just need to use something brighter. Think! Brighter!

The ball of light known as Dawn became five times bigger and five times brighter.

I did it!

The light reveals the entirety of the ceiling. In which, there are six masked men dressed fully in black.

They must be veteran assassins. Their ability to hide their presence and mask their killing intent is almost flawless and all of them are at the Royal stage. I'm not confident that I could beat two of them, let alone six. But, I have a swordmaster with me so they won't even be able to touch a strand of my hair.

Then, I hear a noise from beside me. It was Dustin and he was applauding me.

"Marvelous Lord Arthur. But you can stand down, they are my shadows.

So it was all a test.

It was impressive that you noticed their killing intent because though they are only a stage above you as a swordsman, they have all been training as an assassin longer than you have been alive."

"I apologize for tricking you but it was necessary to see the extent of your abilities so that I could find suitable equipment and suitable teachers for your level and help you grow."

I start to shake as I hide the truth from him.

Did he already find out? It doesn't feel right to lie when I hold the eye of truth.

"W-what do you mean? I already have a teacher."

"That is true, you do have a teacher, Grandmaster Throne Bladesong, The Guardian."

I grin.

It looks like he didn't find out about it after all.


I start shaking again.

"He is only your teacher for swordsmanship, not for magic."

I start sweating as I nervously laugh.

"Heh, what do you mean I'm not a mage."

"What do you mean? You have a fireball right there?"

"Oh that's right, I forgot about it."

We stare at each other blankly.

Then, Dustin breams the silence.

"Right... may I ask what caused you to deter from the path of the blade?"

"I apologize, but that's not something that I can reveal to anyone right now."

I lower my head and bow.

Uuuuugh I hope he isn't mad for not getting an answer and doesn't pester me for an answer. I don't want to lose someone as strong as him!

I nervously wait in anticipation for his response.

"That's fine, the level of your magic seems to still be lower than your sword so it should still be fine to continue to use it in combat for now. But I hope that you will reveal the truth to me later on."

I raise my head.

"Of course, commander!"

Dustin: Why is he calling me commander???

He says after clearing his throat.

"Now, shall we move onto the final test?"


We only take a few steps before we stop again.

Why did we stop? I thought we were going to go through the gate."

"For the final test, I want you to strike this gate as hard as you can. Don't worry about damaging your sword. We will take care of it."

Isn't this just an iron gate? I can easily cut through this with an aura blade.

I take a closer look

"W-wait, this is black iron!"

I turn to Dustin before quickly turning back to admiring it.

"How did you get so much of it!?! This isn't just something you can acquire with money, it's incredibly rare!"

"Don't worry about it, the church had many connections. The reason for this test is to test your full strength so we can equip you with a weapon that can withstand your power and not break. Your current sword may have been able to withstand your full strength before, but surely you must have received the blessing of Pyro other than the eye of truth that made you stronger.

I clench my fist a few times to test my strength.

Come to think of it, I have felt stronger since I came back from the Realm of Fire. I should check my status window later when I get the chance.

Dustin moves away from the gate and gives me space.

"You can strike whenever you're ready, Lord Arthur. You can use anything, aura and magic."

I nod before taking a long deep breath.

I unsheathe my sword, and for the first time, I channel the Sun Attribute Aura into the blade. Instantly, the steel glows a deep crimson, bathed in a swirling aura of gold and orange, like the first light of dawn breaking over a dark horizon. The radiance is breathtaking—brighter, more vivid than I ever imagined.

I can't help but stare, captivated by the sight. Until now, my aura blade had always been colorless, invisible to the eye. Even Master's aura blade was shrouded, concealed in its brilliance, yet whenever he wielded it, everyone could feel its presence, unmistakable and powerful. I remember the jealousy I felt, watching other swordsmen unlock the colors of their aura blades, their mastery made visible in that dazzling glow.

But now, I've unlocked my own.

No more wasting time. There is only one thing left to do.

I raise my sword and perform what seems like an ordinary, slow horizontal slash—one so deliberate that even an average human could follow its movement. For a brief, suspended moment, nothing happens. There is no visible cut, no sound, not even the faintest whisper of steel against iron.

But then, the silence shatters.

The bottom half of the black iron gate suddenly slides away, leaving behind an impossibly clean cut. Before I can react, Dustin yanks me back, his instincts quicker than mine. I barely have time to process the danger before the severed area glows ominously—first a burning orange, then an intense red as the metal begins to liquefy. Molten droplets of black iron drip from the cut, sizzling upon contact with the ground. Each drop detonates in a burst of blinding yellow light, and a powerful shockwave rips through the air, tearing apart both halves of the gate and obliterating the surrounding area in a violent explosion.

The force is overwhelming, pushing us back as debris and wind whip around us. The sheer scale of the destruction leaves us speechless—myself, Dustin, and even his shadows are frozen in place, wide-eyed and in awe.


The thought echoes in my mind as I stare at the devastation before me. I feel a surge of inspiration, a vision of creating my own style of swordsmanship, with a series of ultimate techniques to match.

If I do, this move will be at its heart. I shall call it... Breaker of Dawn.

But my triumph is bittersweet. I glance down at my sword just in time to see the blade dissolve into nothingness, leaving only the handle behind. I grip it tightly, a reminder of what was just lost—but also of the potential within my grasp.

Ah. That was a gift from my father for my 8th birthday.

I look at Dustin and see his face, still in complete shock. He immediately changes back to normal after he notices me looking at him.

"That was truly amazing, Lord Arthur, it's a shame that your sword broke, but we will get you a new one."

"Thanks to you removing the gate, we shall continue to the interrogation room.

He says, much quicker than normal before turning away as he begins walking.

I don't see a face, but I see a drop of water or something drop from his chin.

What's that? Is there a water leak in the ceiling?

Dustin's face is full of tears.

My Black Iron!

He silently sobs.

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