
Chapter 578

Chapter 578

‘…This is not easy.’

Ashoka’s power, the Golden Wheel.

This ability to rewind time to the past was far more challenging to materialize than expected.

Creak… creak…

The golden wheel that had manifested behind Seong Jihan.

Seemed like it would rotate but then disappeared.

[As expected, it’s impossible.]

The Red Administrator, observing Seong Jihan fail for the fourth time, stated decisively.

[Every time an Administrator’s glance touches it, your golden wheel fails to maintain its form. In particular, the two white lights are persistently observing this place.]

‘Two white lights… that would be Urd and the White Administrator, right?’

[Indeed. The gaze of the Absolute not only observes but also restrains. As long as both remain, your golden wheel cannot be completed.]

Did this mean the situation differed from when the Martial God trapped humanity in an infinite regression?

As Seong Jihan’s eyes grew somber.

[Why not take the easy path? Use my power.]

‘Do you mean creating counterfeit humans?’

[Correct. And in addition, alter the survivors’ memories. Create the illusion that these new humans are their lost loved ones. You just need to turn a blind eye, and humanity will regain its previous tranquility.]

This plan involved creating new humans to replace those sacrificed in the elven invasion.

And inflict a global illusion on the surviving populace to make them accept these new creations.

Sure, human society might function as before.

[With this method, your power would remain intact. You would no longer needlessly expend the stat using the golden wheel.]

‘You sure know well about the disappearance of Blue.’

[With the seal shaking in the Blue and Red, I can’t help but perceive it.]

Every failed attempt at the Golden Wheel consumed 100 stat points in Blue.

Until now, the surplus Blue not fully absorbed by the stat was replenished immediately upon consumption.

But with continued failure, even the Blue acquired from the Hall of Swords could be lost.


‘I refuse.’

[You’re being foolish… Your powers shouldn’t be wasted like this. What about the seal of Hell?]

Undeniably desiring to be released from the seal, the Red Administrator was more concerned about the disappearance of Blue than Seong Jihan himself.

‘Why are you so keen on remaining sealed?’

[Because it is still the safest place for me.]


[Indeed. I must remain under the seal of Blue for now.]

This much was genuine about wanting to stay inside.

Seong Jihan smirked and responded.

‘I reject your offer. But don’t worry. I’ve got the hang of it now.’

[What do you mean by have the hang…!]


The fifth attempt at manifesting the Golden Wheel.

This time, it was evidently stronger than before.

The wheel shone vibrantly with a blue hue of energy.

And upon seeing it.

[Foolish… You plan to use up all that power just to turn time back by an hour and a half?!]

The Red Administrator shouted from within.

It was understandable, considering…

[Stat ‘Blue’ is consumed by 500.]

He had invested five times more Blue in the Golden Wheel compared to earlier.

‘Only then can I withstand this.’

If he lacked understanding of the wheel, he should simply invest more resources.

With this thought, Seong Jihan devoted himself to utilizing Blue.


This time, the wheel did not disband.

It slowly began rotating.

‘Is it finally… working?’

The Golden Wheel.

As long as it started turning, the effects would quickly manifest.

Even if the coverage area was global, only an hour and a half of rollback was needed.

Or with the delay incurred while setting up the wheel, going back two hours should suffice.

As Seong Jihan looked at the rotating wheel with hopeful eyes.


A screen appeared before him.

[Greetings~ Blue Administrator. It seems you’re engaged in something amusing there.]

Urd waved at Seong Jihan from the screen.

She was looking precisely at him.

Or more accurately, behind him, with an intrigued expression.

And she continued.

[Is that wheel a power from Buddha?]

Thus referring to the power of Ashoka as belonging to ‘Buddha.’

* * *


The third disciple of the Martial God, Ashoka.

He was initially Siddhartha, but he forsook his name upon becoming a disciple of the Martial God.

Revered initially as the ‘one who attained enlightenment,’ ‘Buddha.’

Having transferred the honor as a religious founder to his disciple Sariputra,

He lived long as a disciple of the Martial God.


Even though he was suited to be the ‘one who attained enlightenment,’

In the ‘current world,’ Gautama Siddhartha was unmistakably not Buddha.

‘But how does Urd so confidently assert this as Buddha’s power…?’

Seong Jihan suddenly recalled what the Red Administrator had previously said.

Why was Urd known as Urd?

Why was Yggdrasil known as Yggdrasil?

Why did these alien absolutes have names coinciding with the mythologies of Earth?

Even when the Red Administrator raised questions, he hadn’t reached any conclusion, citing insufficient information.

‘…Something’s suspicious.’

While harboring suspicions regarding Urd,

[It’s still inadequate, Blue Administrator. Is it because Buddha himself isn’t here, or is it due to weak enlightenment…]

[This wheel also feels as though it would crumble with a mere flick.]

Again, she said.

“Are you saying it’s been you disrupting until now?”

[You are quick to catch on.]

Urd smiled brightly, extending her index finger.

A miniature golden wheel arose at her fingertip.

Tapping it.

And as her finger nudged the wheel of gold,

Seong Jihan’s golden wheel rapidly began losing strength.

[Time manipulation falls under my domain. Perhaps if I were dormant, but now… any attempt to reverse time requires my permission.]

Seong Jihan frowned at her words.

He found it peculiarly fast that the wheels failed.

‘Is Golden Wheel’s implementation impossible with Urd observing…?’

Today had been filled with countless interferences, starting with the invasion on Earth.

As the sight of Urd idly grinning made Seong Jihan’s ire rise further.

[Instead of that, should I rewind it for you?]

She suggested from inside the screen.

“You say you’ll turn back time?”

[Yes. I’ll rewind Earth’s time by about two hours… just lend me your body for those two hours.]

“My body…?”

[Correct. Ah. Naturally, I’ll make sure you stay alive.]

As her eyes flashed with white light,

The Red Administrator urgently spoke.

[Blue Administrator, you’re not seriously considering her offer, are you?]

‘Are you insane? Everything would end going to her.’

He couldn’t be sure what she’d do even for just two hours.

With Seong Jihan’s firm answer, the Red Administrator spoke in a relieved tone.

[Thank goodness. At least you possess some judgement.]

‘Well… it’s early to say such things.’


‘By your accounting, I’m about to do something foolish.’

Upon ending those words, Blue and Red shimmered before Seong Jihan.

‘Boosting Blue by five times into the golden wheel did allow it to withstand Urd’s interference somewhat.’

[Don’t tell me…]

‘What if I invest even more Blue here?’

Seong Jihan recalled what happened earlier.

After destroying Yoon Seah’s Gift.

The incident when the ‘void digestion’ shattered.

‘When the vessel broke, even more void than what was inside surged out…’

Similarly, the ‘Blue Vessel’ inside Seong Jihan,

Breaking it might create a similar effect.

With both hands on Blue and Red, Seong Jihan became conscious of the Blue Vessel within his body.



Below the navel,

Where the dantian resided, the Blue Vessel began to take form internally.

[Wait. Stop! Please don’t do something so reckless.]

‘When told not to, it only makes one want to do it more.’

[Why go this far? Was humanity such a valuable race to you?]

At those words, Seong Jihan looked at Yoon Seah nestled in Seong Jiah’s embrace.

Breathing faintly, her consciousness fled with the shattering of void digestion.

‘Once Seah regains her old self… she would be weighed down by the burden of the sacrifices her choice wrought. Living but not truly living, she might even choose death as atonement.’

[So you mean to break your container over that child?]

The Red Administrator countered incredulously but quickly proposed another solution.

[If that’s the problem, I’ll take care of it. Craft humans equal in number to those lost. Ensconce in those who survived and lost their loved ones an illusion to venerate Yoon Seah. Yes. All of humanity will adore your kin as deities in this world. Not a single soul in the world will harbor any resentment towards you and yours. I’ll employ Sacred Flame meticulously.]

‘You really value Blue more than I do.’

[Because I must remain within here…!]

In order to stay sealed in Blue and Red,

The Red Administrator seemed more concerned about his wellbeing than Seong Jihan himself.

With a faint smile, Seong Jihan brought the sword to his abdomen.

‘It’s not just for Seah.’

Stat ‘Blue’.

The first power Seong Jihan acquired.

But originally devised as a force by Ashoka for suppressing red.

When combined with Dongbang Sak\'s martial prowess, it evolved into the current form of Blue.


Blue originated from both Ashoka and Dongbang Sak.

It signified carrying their intent forward.

‘…To them, I owe a debt.’

Both endured hardships, entering as disciples of the Martial God for the sake of humanity.

Acquiring Blue was akin to inheriting their will.

Using this power.

Without hesitation, he resolved to use everything to complete the golden wheel.

And there.

‘Seems like I truly want to restore the world to its previous state.’

Talking about Yoon Seah, Ashoka, and Dongbang Sak was one thing.

But in fact,

Even before reckoning such matters, Seong Jihan’s heart had already decided.

Upon seeing the utterly obliterated city.

And the bodies of beings mercilessly slaughtered by the elves without distinction of age or gender.

‘Let’s save them.’

Naturally, such sentiments arose within him.

If he had no means, that’d be another story.

But he possessed the power to rectify this.


There was no reason not to use it.

[Don’t say such foolish things. What’s the plan moving forward? What of Urd? The White Administrator? The Black one? Me! How will you handle the sealing?]

‘As for that…’

[Think wisely. Blue is a vital ability for the future. Don’t sacrifice the greater good for the lesser, remain rational. Humanity can be revived after resolving all issues, not exhaustively using it on this!]

Despite the Red Administrator’s desperate attempts to dissuade him,

‘I’m sorry, but I’ve already decided.’


Blue and Red pierced through his abdomen.

[‘Blue Vessel’ is destroyed.]

[Stat ‘Blue’ is temporarily amplified with the limit removed.]


The blue vitality erupted from Seong Jihan’s body,

And the color of the Golden Wheel turned infinitely blue.

[…What is he doing?]

Urd’s playful demeanor hardened upon striking the golden wheel.

[Hello? Blue Administrator? Don’t waste your abilities. I haven’t explored that power fully yet.]

“Then just ignore me.”

Seong Jihan smiled faintly as he pointed at the transformed blue wheel.

Her brows furrowed.

[…Time manipulation is my power. Do you think I’ll permit others to use it when I’m awake?]

Perceiving Golden Wheel as encroaching upon her domain?

She seemed determined not to let it proceed undisturbed.

‘In that case, I’ll go all out.’

The color of the golden wheel turned a deeper shade of blue.


Slowly, the wheel began to rotate.

[You… dare manipulate time right before my eyes.]

Seeing Seong Jihan’s success with the wheel, Urd extended her hands.

Beyond a playful tap,

Gripping the blue wheel firmly with both hands.

Until now, those inhibitions were light constraints.

When Urd held on strongly, the blue wheel began cracking.

‘Add more in.’

Undeterred by Urd’s pressure, Seong Jihan infused even more Blue.

With the ability temporarily amplified, there was no need to save it.

As he focused more intently on investing Blue.

Creak… creak…

The wheel started to move slowly amidst the fracturing.


As Seong Jihan seemed poised for success in time manipulation, Urd’s face turned livid in rage.

Tick. Tick.

A clock of light appeared above the wheel.

Both her eyes were consumed in a pure white light.

She too exerted total effort to prevent this.

‘The way the clock of light functions… Seeing it attached to the wheel gives a sense of understanding.’

Attempting to reverse the movement of the wheel, the clock of light.

Comprehending the mechanism instinctively as it intertwined with Seong Jihan, the wheel remained.

Feeling it through his whole being, the clock\'s operation was similar yet distinct from Ashoka’s Golden Wheel.

‘When learning something, apply it immediately.’

Seong Jihan incorporated the clock mechanism onto the golden wheel.

Tick. Tick.

Clock hands materialized atop the wheel.

[No way… even imitating my power?!]

In disbelief, Urd’s eyes flashed white.

Numerous clocks of light appeared to deter the wheel’s motion.

Determined to prevent time reversal.


‘Let’s pour it all.’

The point of no return had already been crossed.

Seong Jihan funnelled the amplified stat in Blue and all his abilities into the golden wheel.

As a result, the clocks of light transformed one by one to deep blue.

[How… my powers…?!]

Witnessing this, Urd was aghast.


The clocks of light submerged in blue began disappearing one after another.

[This is impossible…]

Seeing this, with wide eyes, Urd stood transfixed.

[Stat Blue reduced by 9900.]

Seong Jihan paid dearly, clashing with Urd in time manipulation.

His stat in Blue, temporarily amplified reaching 10,000 from breaking the Blue Vessel.

Exhausted 9900, leaving merely 100.

[Ahhhh! You madman!!! What will you do having exhausted your power! What happens when I am freed?]

The Red Administrator was more alarmed seeing Seong Jihan.

Indeed, with only 100 in Blue remaining,

Maintaining the seal on Blue and Red was impossible.

‘Difficulties in containing Urd led to excessive consumption of Blue.’

[Why… are you so nonchalant? Can you recover your power spent in time reversal?]

‘No. Life isn’t that forgiving.’

Seong Jihan smiled bitterly, yet turned the golden wheel.


The blue wheel began reversing the timeline backward.

‘This can’t be used twice.’

This time even though Urd intensely obstructed it, the stats overcame her.

With only 100 left in Blue, using Golden Wheel again was likely impossible.

Seeing the expensive 9900 Blue Wheel, Seong Jihan internally laughed wearily.

[‘Urd’s’ White Power has been neutralized.]

[Stat Blue has risen to SSS grade.]

A message of the stat increase appeared before his eyes.

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