
Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Archery Lessons

After hearing the notification Yale smiled and continued his training, he wasn’t satisfied with only two points.

Yale’s training continued until the seventh day when he would start the archery lessons. In that short time, he managed to increase his Strength points to three, but not only that, Yale’s vitality increased to four.

With Yale’s actual stats, only the agility remained under the average mark for his age, using the system’s stats, the average for a six-year-old kid physical stats is three, then Yale couldn’t be considered weak among his peers now, but couldn’t be regarded as strong either.

Of course, in the mind stats, Yale was extremely outstanding, the average was only two points. However, Yale cared more about his weak points as they can improve much more.

Yale reached the archery training ground while lost in his thoughts.

“So, you are that famous bookworm.”

A tall man with a hawk-like nose was who spoke those words.

“I’m Yale Roanmad; I applied for archery lessons.”

Of course, the tall man was mocking him, but Yale didn’t care, as long as he could use archery to improve his Dexterity.

“I doubt that a weakling like you can hold a bow or shoot an arrow, but I can’t deny you for more than a week, you’re lucky to be a legitimate son.”

Then the man gave Yale a bow, a bow that obviously wasn’t of the appropriate size for a beginner of Yale’s age. Yale read about archery before, so he knew about the different kinds of bows and which suited him more, he even contrasted the information with the system.

“I rather choose this other one.”

Yale replied, picking a bow which was suited for him, he knew that even if the instructor can recommend a bow to the students, the students had the right to choose in the end. However, as the students usually didn’t know anything about bows, they would follow the instructor recommendation.

The instructor’s face changed when he saw Yale’s actions, the instructor wasn’t a legitimate child of the clan, and even if he became recognized in the end and became an archery instructor, he loathed those lucky legitimate children.

Choosing a bad bow for Yale was the limit for him. As an instructor, he couldn’t harm a legitimate son of the clan without reasons and even less one under the world’s protection; he could explain the fact of giving him a bad bow as teaching him the importance of choosing a bow well, the clan wouldn’t punish the instructor.

Letting the students learn from their errors is still a valid teaching method, even if the mistake was trusting the instructor.

But if Yale chose his bow himself, then that’s all, the instructor couldn’t change Yale’s decision and what frustrated him more was that Yale’s selected bow was an appropriated one.

“It seems that you know something about bows, you passed the test; you can call me Instructor Nosehawk.”

Yale didn’t reply, but in his mind, Yale was thinking.

“What a test, you were trying to annoy me. Furthermore, what’s with that name? You have a hawk-like nose, but for your father to name you Nosehawk isn’t that a bit cruel?”

Yale started walking until he reached the position set for the students to shoot. Including Yale there were only ten students, the training camp had room for many more students to practice at the same time, but archery wasn’t popular enough.

Nosehawk started to give instructions to the students, he was teaching well this time, if all the students get injured he would be blamed without doubt and archery wasn’t a joke, even if the arrows were modified so they wouldn’t kill anyone, they were still dangerous.

At the instructor’s signal all of them shot at the same time, only three people hit the target, two of them hit the very center of the target, they were the most veteran students, and they were already nine years old. The third was Yale, even if he didn’t hit the center of the target like the other two, he still hit the target.

Yale thought that the results were not bad for his first try, then something unexpected happened.

“Quest Menu unlocked a new type of Quest. Dynamic Quest section added to the Quest Menu.”

Yale was shocked; he never thought that the system would unlock something because he shot an arrow.

“A Dynamic Quest is a special type of Quest; it’s unlocked when the user performs a certain action, would the user like to activate notifications for Dynamic Quests?”

The system continued, and Yale accepted.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot one hundred arrows. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale now had a wide smile. Fortunately, he just hit the target so no one would suspect anything because he was smiling.

“It’s only a matter of time to obtain it, what a great surprise.”

However, the system continued.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Mid-high grade.”

Yale was even more surprised, but the system continued.

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: High grade.”

“New Dynamic Quest: Shoot a consecutive one hundred arrows that hit in the middle of the target. Reward: Archery Innate Talent: Perfect grade.”

Yale was without words and also had some doubts about the Dynamic Quests.

“The user could complete all the Dynamic Quests; you can obtain one reward and continue trying to complete the others. The rewards for the Dynamic Quests would be automatically redeemed when completed. There are Dynamic Quests with a time limit, but only if the Dynamic Quest stated it.”

In an instant, the system solved Yale’s doubts.

“Then, if I keep practicing archery, there’s possible to obtain a perfect grade Innate Talent, the conditions for that are very difficult, but if I get the other rewards first my abilities with the bow would become greater. Furthermore, I can do those Quests at the same time that I train my Dexterity.”

Yale was even more happy in his mind as he shot the second arrow, the results were similar to before.

The training continued, they shot thirty more arrows before finishing the lesson, and Yale only hit the center of the target two times, the rest of them still hit the target.

Yale was quite tired as he returned to his room, he almost completed one-third of three Dynamic Quests, but if he failed even one arrow the third one would restart.

He tested it with the perfect grade reward Dynamic Quest when he hit the center of the target, and afterward, he only hit the target; the count went back to zero.

Yale was sure that he could get the High-grade Innate Talent in a few days, but the perfect grade would be very difficult.

As Yale still had medicinal pills, he continued his training in his room, knowing his sister it would be strange if she didn’t send more medicinal pills soon, so Yale used them without worries.

This routine continued for two more days, Yale almost completed the two first Dynamic Quests, but he failed one arrow, so the third went back to zero.

As Yale expected, he received more medicinal pills from his sister. Without having to worry about his stamina. The morning before starting the fourth archery lesson, his Strength points increased to four, and an hour later his Vitality points to five.

As for Dexterity, the points remained the same, but Yale wasn’t expecting to increase them in only three days of archery training, so he went to the archery lesson with expectation for completing two Dynamic Quests.

Yale only shot four arrows when the system’s prompt appeared.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot one hundred arrows. Reward obtained: Archery Innate Talent: Mid grade.”

Yale wasn’t sure what changed, but he seemed to become more familiar with the bow.

“That should be the effects of an Innate Talent related to weapons.”

Yale’s proficiency with the bow become better the moment he obtained the Innate Talent, that was a good point about the Innate Talents related to weapons, using the weapon would become more instinctive the higher the Innate Talent grade one had.

Furthermore, any stats related to the Innate Talent would become easier to increase when practicing with the weapon, Yale’s path to obtaining ten points in Dexterity became easier thanks to the Dynamic Quests.

Yale shot the next arrow in the middle of the target, alongside a new prompt from the system.

“Dynamic Quest completed: Shoot one hundred arrows that hit the target. Reward obtained: Archery Innate Talent: Mid-high grade.”

Yale had only failed the target once, so the next arrow completed the second Dynamic Quest.

As his Innate Talent become better than before his archery improved even more, now Yale was able to hit seven consecutive shots in the middle of the target before his record was only of two successive shots, Yale improved a lot.

To Yale the archery lessons weren’t real lessons, only training because Nosehawk didn’t give him any advice, he occasionally gave pointers to the others, but Nosehawk ignored Yale.

Yale only needed to train in archery, and he didn’t care about Nosehawk, Yale had seen him shoot an arrow, and he wasn’t that good for his age. He was only qualified to teach kids under ten years old, in the Nacesai Academy were some kids better than Nosehawk.

Even the two nine-year-old kids from the class were almost as good as the instructor.

Thinking about his useless archery instructor, Yale shot the last arrow of the day; he would need another day to finish the third Dynamic Quest.

The arrow hit the middle of the target, and a notification appeared in Yale’s mind.

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