
Chapter 94

Chapter 94: An Unexpected Deal

Julie saw Oscro’s complex face after she announced her identity and chuckled; most people had that reaction after hearing who she was.

However, Oscro’s next action surprised her.

“I really admire you for creating the Thousand Roses Company and lead it to the success, but I still need to think about all our customers and can’t give you preferential treatment. I am sorry.”

Oscro’s professionalism won against his emotions, he didn’t want to have a bad relationship with the Thousand Roses Company, but he can’t show partiality towards one customer on the first day and neglect the others.

“You rejected my offer after I showed my identity? Alright.”

Julie gave back Wyba to Yale, and he then gave her to the next customer, a middle-aged woman who wanted both services.

Oscro bowed towards Julie before she left in a bad mood. If he had shown a preference towards her, maybe the Frost Wolf Company would have been able to become a branch of the Thousand Roses Company, Julie already absorbed some companies which she liked.

However, Oscro didn’t want to become someone else subordinate; he wanted to have the same success as the Thousand Roses Company not merge with them.

Fortunately, nothing more happened until the sky started to turn dark and Oscro announced that they would stop until the next day. He didn’t lie to Yale when said that he hadn’t planned to work without stop.

Moreover, the benefits they obtained that day were already superior to those obtained in a day of full work at the Outside Town, so they were happy while they left the big street.

Yale was planning to return to the inn, and Oscro was going to return to his parents’ house when a voice called for them.

“Wait there! Do you plan to ignore me?”

That was Julie’s voice who had followed them until the crowd dispersed enough for them to hear her; she had been calling them for some minutes.

“What do you want?”

Oscro didn’t want to disrespect her more, but if she were unreasonable about Wyba, he wouldn’t yield.

“I only want to speak with you two; I even waited until you finished your business, I hope you don’t ignore me now.”

Oscro didn’t have any good reason to refuse her, so he ended up agreeing, only speaking with her wasn’t problematic. Moreover, there could be a chance to improve her impression of them; at least Oscro didn’t want that the Thousand Roses Company try to oppress them.

“Very well. We can talk in a restaurant I know; there are private rooms where no one will be able to spy on us.”

Oscro agreed to follow her, but he feared that Julie wanted to discuss things that weren’t good to be heard by others after she mentioned the private rooms. However, Oscro had confidence in that no one would try anything against their lives inside Trade City; it didn’t matter if she was the founder of a gold rank company.

They reached a luxurious restaurant which casually also belonged to the Thousand Roses Company.

“Do you plan to force us to spend money in your restaurant?”

Julie chuckled at Oscro’s remark; he was too skeptic.

“Of course not, this is my treat. Moreover, I bought this restaurant because I liked it. The employees are the same as before; even the previous owner still works here, I only provide money to them, the management is the same as before I bought it.”

Oscro sighed in relief because that restaurant’s prices were extremely high, their business had just started, he didn’t want to waste such amount of money.

Furthermore, he was shocked that Julie bought the restaurant but let the previous owner manage it, usually after one buys a restaurant, the former owner stop having relations with it.

“A private room for the three of us.”

Julie’s words had an instantaneous effect on the employees, they all bowed their heads and led them to a luxurious private room, which was the best they had and was always reserved only for Julie.

Yale noticed that those employees looked at Julie with veneration in their eyes.

Julie seated in her favorite place and remained silent for a few minutes until some waiters and waitresses brought their food. That was like a banquet, with a lot of different food and all of them of the highest quality.

“Eat whatever you want, we can talk later. It is more delicious while being hot.”

Julie started eating without waiting for an answer; she gave a different impression from her previous self.

Yale appraised the food, and as there wasn’t any problem with it, he also started eating; even Wyba jumped onto the table and began to eat.

After Oscro saw the scene, he also decided to eat.

Julie saw Wyba enjoying the food and was unable to restrain herself.

“Can I feed Wyba? Now there aren’t any customer, right?”

Yale nodded before Oscro said anything, after working it was Wyba’s free time, and she was enjoying the meal Julie gave to them, so if Wyba didn’t refuse that Julie fed her, Yale wouldn’t say anything against it. Of course, Oscro didn’t have any right to order Wyba what to do in her free time.

Julie put Wyba in her arms and started to feed her. She was enjoying having Wyba in her arms while Wyba enjoyed the food, the situation seemed good for both of them.

Julie was usually very professional and didn’t like to show emotions, but the cute and fluffy beings were her weakness, she lost the control in front of them.

“First of all, sorry for what I did before. I interrupted your business due to my personal desires. That was my fault; please take this meal as compensation for any problems I provoked.”

She started to speak with a serious tone after feeding Wyba for a while; she really felt bad for her previous actions and wanted to have a good relationship with them, as that was the best mean to be near to Wyba.

At the start, she was angry that Oscro neglected her identity, but after calming down, she realized that she would have done the same in Oscro’s position and Julie noticed that she was unreasonable before.

Thus, she waited until they finished their work and followed them to compensate for her previous attitude.

Yale had already expected something like that; he was already used to the fact the girls lost their control in front of Wyba and Julie didn’t seem a bad girl who would try to harm them.

However, that was shocking to Oscro as he thought that there was no compassion in business and that Julie would try to oppress them due to their previous conflict.

“Don’t worry. Wyba let you feed her, so I think you aren’t a bad person.”

Yale was the one who spoke after he saw that Oscro wasn’t in his best condition to talk. As for the Silent Healer role, he wasn’t acting at that moment, and he couldn’t remain mute forever due to it.

“The famous Silent Healer spoke! The rumors say that you can’t speak at all.”

Julie investigated both of them after the incident and heard about their acts in the Outside Town which increased her good impression of them.

She was born outside Trade City and constructed her path towards her current position with her own effort. Thus, she liked people who treated kindly the poorer ones, and the poor people outside Trade City almost venerated the Silent Healer.

“I just don’t like to speak very much, and I ended with that nickname. Although the idea of not speaking was Oscro’s.”

Julie looked at Oscro.

“That was indeed a good idea; you managed to push your popularity higher due to that, you have talent in doing business.”

Oscro was even more shocked after hearing a praise from the girl who had the best results in business from the last hundred years.

Yale was amused after seeing Oscro with that weird expression in his face as contrasted with his usual personality.

“Then, let’s skip the useless conversation and talk about the important matters.”

Of course, Julie hadn’t followed them only to compensate for her previous actions.

“I want preferential treatment to hug Wyba; I don’t want the restrictions the other customers have. Of course, that will be outside your business hours so it won’t conflict with your other customers. As a compensation, I will give you a whole building for your Frost Wolf Company. You can also live there as it was quite big.”

Yale felt that Julie had really lost the head for Wyba; a building in Trade City was truly expensive.

Oscro returned to his normal personality due to the shock; he underestimated Wyba’s popularity among rich young girls.

“I don’t have any problem with that as long Wyba hasn’t problems with it, but she hates being too far from me.”

Even if the building was enticing, to Yale, Wyba’s wellbeing was the first.

“I will live in one of the rooms from the building, so she won’t need to be far from you. Moreover, she seems happy being hugged right now.”

Indeed, Wyba liked a lot that people hugged her, as long the other party wasn’t wicked, and Yale didn’t show hostility towards the other party.

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