
Chapter 194 - Sword Memories

“Let’s battle!”

She just said that and started to attack Yale with her weird style of swordsmanship, but the result differed from her previous combat and Yale’s casual-looking sword strikes blocked all her attacks effortlessly.

The audience didn’t know how to react after they saw the start of the new battle. Although they were flabbergasted by Yale’s sudden killing of a member of the Sword Five, they mostly attribute it to the other man’s carelessness for underestimating his opponent and some luck on Yale’s part.

However, after seeing how Yale seemed to counter the girl’s weird sword strikes effortlessly while in the previous combat those strikes always hit the target, they understood that Yale was indeed skilled.

While a continuous exchange of hits continued, instead of trying to finish quickly like before, he was just blocking the girl’s attacks; it seemed like if Yale didn’t have the intention of finish that battle and just wanted to battle. The girl noticed that Yale was just blocking her attacks instead of trying to beat her, which made her smile, she was having a lot of fun, but she was seriously trying to win that battle. She had never been that happy in her whole life.

In fact, Yale had been lost in his memories since he entered the enlightenment state and those memories were influencing his battling style, he didn’t even have the intention to kill that man previously, but he was too weak end ended killed.

Of course, the memories in which Yale was immersed were Liye’s memories, for some reason that he had yet to understand, the enlightenment had unlocked some of his past life’s memories.

“Let’s battle!”

Yale had already heard that a lot of times in his enlightenment, a beautiful woman always said those words and both started battling. However, he wasn’t repeating the same fragment of memory, the scenes were always different, so Yale understood that it was just something that had happened a lot of times to Liye.

Moreover, he had already guessed the identity of that woman who kept challenging him although she had never managed to win against him; Yale knew about someone who had always been wanting to battle against Liye, and he doubted that there was someone else doing the same.

That woman’s attacks seemed weird at first sight, but they were profound and carried the power of the Sword Law. However, Liye just blocked it all those attacks casually; he didn’t put any effort at all.

In fact, as he had got tired of battling that much with that woman, he ended developing that casual sword style just for those battles; he knew that the woman wouldn’t be satisfied if he just finished the battle in seconds, so he dragged out the battles for some time before finishing her.

It could be said that the casual sword style developed by Liye was just a perfect and easy counter for her swordsmanship. Moreover, Yale had just started to see the memories after Liye had developed that casual sword style; he hadn’t seen the previous battles in which Liye used more profound sword styles.

Of course, although Liye was tired of dealing with her and thought that she was annoying due to her constant challenges, he had never planned to kill her nor truly wanted to hurt her.

“Lar, you lose again.”

Liye pointed his sword towards the woman while speaking; that was how he always ended the battles with her and Yale had already get used to seeing that ending part of the battle.

“Indeed, I lost again. Liye, thank you for the battle. Wait for my next challenge.”

The woman smiled, and the scene ended. Yale had already experienced such battles for hundreds of thousands of times. The time inside his memories and the real time on the outside flowed completely different.

The only thing that sometimes changed in their conversation was the name Lar said to him, she always used the name Yale’s past life was using at the moment. She was someone who pursued him for different worlds to challenge him, but she didn’t plan to break Liye’s plans by revealing all his identities to others as she also didn’t want to harm Liye in any way. She could be considered one of those who knew most of Yale’s past life’s identities.

While Yale continued to see all of those battles, the battle on the outside turned extremely exciting for the audience; they started to feel that in those weird attack and those casual sword strikes there were something profound and a lot of people started to make breakthrough just by seeing them. That was just like in the legend of the creator of the city, a level of swordsmanship capable of enlightening others just by seeing and that time both parts of the fight were at that level, so the effects were far greater.

In fact, the sword styles of both of them surpassed by far the sword style used by the Sword City founder.

Even if the audience was excited, the one who was enjoying it the most was the girl who continued attacking Yale non-stop for more than an hour while Yale continued blocking all her attacks while in his enlightenment state.

However, eventually, Yale knocked off her sword and pointed his sword towards her.

“Lar, you lose again.”

Yale recovered his consciousness while saying that; he said it just because he had been so much used to it in those uncountable battles in his memories that he said the same without thinking about his current situation. Before Yale could say anything else to clarify his words, the girl in front of him replied.

“Indeed, I lost again. Liye, thank you for the battle. Wait for my next challenge.”

Yale didn’t expect that reply, but he wasn’t a fool and understood everything at that moment.

“Those words are really nostalgic; you don’t know how much time I have waited to spar with you again.”

The girl disregarded the fact Yale was still pointing a sword towards her and hugged him after saying that.

Just as Yale had guessed, that girl and the woman called Lar in those memories both have the same soul but a different body, that girl was Lar’s reincarnation.

Although Yale didn’t know how did she reincarnate as based on what Anpaes said she should have her soul harmed and thus no way to reincarnate by normal means, there was no doubt about her identity. After all, Yale managed to find a way to reincarnate in such a state, so it wasn’t impossible that someone else managed to find some other way to do it.

Those words were proof enough to confirm her identity, but even without that, thinking about it a bit, Yale understood that he awakened those memories due to soul resonance and just that soul resonance was an irrefutable proof that Yale’s past life had met her, or at least her soul.

However, even knowing her identity Yale didn’t know how to react after she hugged him because in his memories he only battled with her, they didn’t have that kind of close relationship to hug each other.

Of course, he knew that Lar should be the one who helped him to create the Sword Bloodline and thus at some point they should have turned closer, and hugging each other shouldn’t be strange, but for the current Yale that was still too weird. In his current life he had just met her and in his memories both just battled endlessly, so he didn’t have any kind of romantic feeling towards her, even his soul had only reacted to their battles, and the awakened memories were only focused on swordsmanship.

Yale moved her away, he felt weird just being hugged by her, and they were also in the midst of the arena, so it made it felt even more shame. Moreover, that hug in public would create too many weird rumors.

“You are always too cold with me!”

Lar pouted after Yale stopped the hug.

“Well, we can talk later. Alone.”

She winked towards Yale and left the stage jumping with happiness. On the other hand, Yale remained stiff in the midst of the Sword Arena, that situation surpassed anything he could have predicted.

“With such a big world how can I meet her reincarnation just here.”

Of course, he just thought that for just a second before discarding the idea, there was no way that was a coincidence or fate; he had been almost forced to go to Sword City by the system and his past life, so he guessed that making Yale meet Lar’s reincarnation was his past life’s intention.

After Lar’s reincarnation disappeared from his eyesight, Yale looked the corpse of the member of the Sword Five who he had killed; he could remember what he had done in the midst of the enlightenment and started to fear the repercussion of that.

Although that guy had a trashy personality and deserved that end, Yale had killed him in the Sword Arena and broke the rules.

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