
Chapter 522 Emergency Meeting of the Council of Gods

"Let’s go. From now on this universe isn’t connected to any other place. The war has finished."

After a person showed in the biggest screen said those words, the individual in the room smiled.

"Great! The final outcome has been better than I expected. To think that the so-called Alter Yale would find that way to finish it, as expected of someone who managed to become a member of the Council of Gods."

Although Alter Yale blocked all the other of members of the Council of Gods, that individual couldn’t be blocked at all.

After all, the others just looked to the scene on a whim, and the connection between universes even if it was just to see, it was difficult to establish.

However, that individual had been observing since the moment that the universe creator managed to create the Timeless Border.

That individual was also the one who cast the God’s Punishment into the universe creator.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door, which immediately worsened that individual’s mood.


All the servants knew that they shouldn’t knock on the door unless it were something very important, so the individual decided to stop watching and listen to the situation.

However, stop watching didn’t mean that the individual wouldn’t know what would happen later. Given the immense control over time that possessed, that individual just altered the flow of time so that not even a second would pass in Yale’s universe until that individual continued watching.

It wasn’t that the time on Yale’s universe was stopped but that the time inside the room was accelerated to the point that even if several millions of years passed for those inside the room, outside, it would have been a second at most.

"Greetings, Great God Kroh. This humble servant has received a message from the Council of Gods. They are holding an emergency meeting, so they asked for your presence."

The servant was quite nervous in front of Great God Kroh because not only Great God Kroh was extremely powerful, it was extremely handsome or maybe beautiful, so it was difficult to stand in front of it without being affected. As for those affected, some lost track of time and needed some millions of years to awaken.

Although Great God Kroh looked like a human, it wasn’t a human. Its species was unknown for everyone else, but it was public knowledge for those who knew Great God Kroh that it didn’t have any gender.

There were a lot of species like that in the multiverse, and those who could meet Great God Kroh were all extremely knowledgeable, so no one found it strange.

That servant was the last servant accepted by Great God Kroh, so he was still inexperienced and feared that he could do something that could enrage Great God Kroh, so he was quite nervous.

Great God Kroh was very peculiar when hiring servants because no one found any pattern in how it chose them.

Other members of the Council of Gods usually showed some kind of patterns when hiring servants, so it was easier for those that wanted to apply to guess who had higher chances to hire them, but with Great God Kroh was useless.

However, for that same reason, a lot of people tried to apply in the chance that they had luck, and that servant had been someone who was lucky among millions of discarded applications.

The reason that Great God Kroh gave him was that he needed to thank his grandson for that chance.

The servant indeed had a grandson, but that grandson wasn’t a God nor was in a position to have a relationship with someone like Great God Kroh. Moreover, not even that servant had seen his grandson after becoming a God due to not being in the same universe, so he had been quite baffled after hearing it, but happy anyway.

There was no way that he knew that the only friend of his grandson, who was from a lower universe limited to sixth level immortals, was the same person that Great God Kroh had been observing while being alone in that room.

Although Great God Kroh observed a lot of people and a lot of universes, it had liked quite a bit observing Yale’s universe, and in particular, he followed the whole lives of Yale and the universe creator, including the timelines that ceased to exist, so it knew a lot about them.

That servant’s grandson influenced Yale using a small loophole in the rules about interfering with lower universes, which Great God Kroh found very interesting, so it didn’t only prevent that other members of the Council of Gods noticed about that matter, when it saw that guy’s grandfather applying to become his servant, Great God Kroh decided to accept him.

If it wasn’t for that reason, there was no way that Great God Kroh would pay any attention to a mere Minor God like that servant.

That was just the lowest level as a God, so the people of the Council of Gods didn’t tend to pay attention to them unless they had some relationship, an incredible potential, or a special talent that could be useful.

"Alright, you can go to rest."

The servant exited the room at ease because Great God Kroh didn’t seem upset, but Great God Kroh wasn’t happy at all after the door was closed.

"Those busybodies. I bet that they want to discuss about Alter Yale. I made the decision to not interfere with him because that wouldn’t be interesting, so there is no way I will allow you all to do it."

Great God Kroh turned around and walked towards a special passageway hidden behind a wall of that room.

That passageway connected directly with the place where the Council of Gods had the meeting. Virtually all the members had a passageway like that.

The few exceptions were those who didn’t have a stable place of residence or didn’t want to be located like Alter Yale, who never created a passageway like that.

That time, Great God Kroh slowed down the time of Yale’s universe because it wanted to see everything in real-time. Although Great God Kroh could just see it inside its head, it didn’t want to be distracted in the meeting or more exactly, Great God Kroh didn’t want to lose details of what was happening there because the people speaking in the meeting.

Great God Kroh didn’t greet anyone until taking its seat, but that was its usual behavior, and most of the oldest members of Council of Gods were like that.

In fact, all the founder members of the Council of Gods acted in the same way, and those that joined later didn’t dare to be offended because most of them felt that those founders were no longer Great Gods but that had reached completely another level.

However, no one had the guts to ask them about that topic.

After waiting a hundred years of courtesy for the members that hadn’t appeared, the meeting started.

Although it was called an emergency meeting, a hundred years wasn’t a long time for the members of the Council of Gods.

"Fellow Great Gods. First of all, sorry for convoking an emergency meeting, but I think that we can’t ignore the presence of that Yale Roanmad. He had never been one of us, so he must have killed someone. We must investigate and interrogate him to learn who he killed."

Great God Kroh wanted to laugh because the member of the Council of Gods that Alter Yale killed was just the one who spoke.

Some members started to whisper about the topic, but Great God Kroh didn’t want to lose time.

"I think that we shouldn’t interfere with him."

Everyone stopped speaking when Great God Kroh spoke because it was strange that one of the founder members spoke about those topics.

However, for that same reason, most members decided to just forget about it since it wasn’t even their own idea investigating it.

"That person obtained the qualifications from someone who killed a member, but we never met the person that had the qualifications before him, so he has avenged one of our members."

After Great God Kroh said that, most of the members were convinced. After all, someone might have managed to kill a member, and someone else killed that person afterward.

"That is possible, but I still think that we must investigate."

That person as still insisting because he hated Yale. After all, he had just executed one of his favorite concubines because of Yale’s actions.

That woman was the one who created the item that the Supreme Garbage used, and it shouldn’t be difficult for a Great God to notice from where it originated.

Although the item moved for a lot of hands before reaching the Supreme Garbage, there was no doubt that he would be implied if his concubine was discovered, so he executed her.

"Do as you wish, but anyone who interfered with him, to harm or help, will turn into my enemy and I won’t stop until destroying that person."

Cold silence filled the Council of Gods.

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