
Chapter 535 Catching a Servant of a God

"Oh, right! There is someone who may know it. I think that he is still in the city."

Until that moment, the Governor didn’t remember a certain person who had a background that might be useful to obtain information.

"Really? Who is that person?"

Helping Lar was one of Yale’s main objectives, so he was eager to learn anything that could help her.

"He came to ask for some information the same day that I obtained information about you, master. He came asking for someone called Yale Roanmad. I was quite shocked to hear that surname, but I just sent him off. He may have a God backing him, but a God can’t influence this world."

Yale’s face changed because the only ones that should know that name in that universe were the members of the Council of Gods since Alter Yale used that name to distract them.

"Is that backer a Great God? A member of the Council of Gods?"

Yale didn’t fear a servant, but he certainly feared to face a member of the Council of Gods with the power he had at that moment.

"Of course not! If the background were that big, I would have helped even if it was to have a member of the Council of Gods owing me a favor. The backer is just an ordinary God without any relationship with the Council of Gods."

Yale sighed in relief after hearing those words.

A God was still someone powerful, but a God wouldn’t dare to break the rules imposed by the Council of Gods, or they would still be punished like anyone else.

If Yale had known from the start that a God wanted information about him, he would have been nervous, but compared to his initial thought of a member of the Council of Gods wanting information about him, a mere God didn’t feel scary enough.

After the actions of Great God Kroh, the dead concubine of that member of the Council of Gods was alive, but due to those changes in the timeline, she didn’t have any connection to the Council of Gods and just managed to learn about Yale’s name after investigating a lot.

She was scared because someone who used a device that she created had been punished due to it. Thus, she wanted to know more about the person who supposedly was the reason for that.

However, she only learned about Yale’s name, she didn’t even know that it was the so-called Yale Roanmad who used the God’s Punishment. She believed that Yale was just the person against who the person with the object she created broke the rules.

After all, she would have never dared to ask for information of someone that belonged to the Council of Gods but punishing the person that gave her so many headaches was still something she was willing to do.

As someone who involved herself in creating products for smuggling, she had a great network to notice any problem that could affect her, but she was quite pissed since the only thing that she obtained about the incident with Yale was a name.

She had sent servants to multiple universes asking for information about Yale, the one who spoke the Governor was just one of many.

In fact, soon after sending her servants, she was notified that the Council of Gods issued a fine for her actions and even opened an investigation about the smuggling of forbidden items, which only served to increase her anger.

"Roanmad, capture that person and ensure that he won’t be able to communicate with anyone."

The Governor felt that it was weird to capture a person before asking a favor, but Yale’s face made him notice that there was something else.

The Governor started to ponder if his master knew about the person called Yale Roanmad.

"It is a long story, but there was a conflict that ended up involving some Gods, and to prevent them from learning my true identity. I said that my name was Yale Roanmad. Thus, that person wanted information about me, and it is obvious that it doesn’t have good intentions."

Although Yale hadn’t told the truth, he felt that it was easier to understand in that way.

The Governor was shocked, but he knew that his master had a lot of names, so using a fake one to distract others wasn’t that strange after thinking a bit. As for using the Roanmad surname, he just felt honored that his master used it even if it was for a distraction.

After all, the Governor never had a family, nor a surname, so he truly considered the Roanmad Clan as his family even after finishing his time in Yale’s universe.

Moreover, the Governor didn’t have any of his previous memories while he had lived in Yale’s universe due to his incorrect method to go there, so the feeling of belonging had been great from the start.

A few hours later, the servant of the God had been caught. The Governor used his assassination team to prevent that the servant knew who had caught him or could send any message to ask for help thanks to a special formation.

That was an expensive formation, but the Governor didn’t mind using it for his master’s sake.

When the servant was caught, Yale separated the area form the outside as when he reincarnated his disciples. It wasn’t that Yale didn’t trust the formation used by the Governor, but better safe than sorry.

Once Yale met the servant, he used Soul-search immediately to obtain all his memories.

There was no need for words, Yale would just obtain any information he needed directly from that person’s soul.

There was a block in that soul preventing information from being stolen, but that God wasn’t proficient in dealing with souls, at least, not more than Yale, so the block was easily surpassed.

At that moment, Yale knew that the God asking for him was the one who created the Existence Eraser of the Supreme Garbage, but sadly, that servant didn’t know what kind of powers that God had.

Yale was a bit worried, but Gods weren’t allowed in the universe he was, and it was a universe created by a member of the Council of Gods, so a mere God wouldn’t have the guts to break the rules.

The servant’s soul was given to Lar to fed her after Yale finished examining those memories. There was no need to leave a person like that servant alive.

The Governor didn’t ask any questions to Yale after he left the secluded area. As for the death of the servant, it wasn’t something that the Governor hadn’t expected.

Yale hadn’t spoken with the Governor for several days. Days that he used to be near his reincarnated disciples while using the system to organize the memories he obtained.

Besides the information about that God, Yale was sure that there should be important information there, but the process had been rather slow compared to other times Yale did it.

Yale went to the Governor again, only after finishing to organize those memories.

Sadly, there hadn’t been any information about how to restore a human that had been turned into a weapon.

"Roanmad, tell me more about those expert crafters. It seems that I won’t be able to obtain any useful information in this city."

Yale knew that his disciple had been investigating about it in the whole city while Yale organized those memories, and if the Governor hadn’t informed him about anything, it meant that there wasn’t anything useful in the city.

"So, nothing useful in those memories... As master should have expected, there is nothing useful in the city either."

The Governor felt quite sad for having been unable to help his master, but it was really a strange topic that most people didn’t even hear that existed.

"Those crafters live far to the east, and they live in a nomad tribe, so it is difficult to know their exact location, but if they want to meet you, you will find them."

Yale felt strange that a tribe with so much talent could live by themselves without any other power wanting to obtain them.

"Master, I know what you are thinking, but although they are a tribe, they aren’t weak at all. The weakest member of that tribe is a seventh level immortal, and most of the people there are at least eighth level immortals. There are even several ninth level immortals. No one has the guts to antagonize them."

Most ninth level immortals weren’t willing to work with others and wanted to have their own power, so it was difficult to find powers that had several ninth level immortals unless they were all family.

However, it wasn’t that easy for a family to have a lot of ninth level immortals.

Thus, that small tribe was among the strongest powers of the universe despite its small size.

In fact, their reputation was similar to the Wymst Faction, small but very powerful.

"So powerful? If the weakest is a seventh level immortal, are they all ascenders? Or maybe a species that it is directly born at that level?"

Yale could only think about those two options.

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