
Chapter 556 Trying Again

The city was already covered by a barrier, so it was impossible to teleport to the inside directly.

Yale bypassed the army surrounding the city without being noticed and managed to get inside.

The plan was to rescue Wyba and flee from there before the bomb arrived.

There wasn’t enough time on his first try, but thanks to being able to teleport there, he won enough time to complete that mission.

He rushed his way until he reached the doors of the palace.

There were two guards protecting the doors despite being night, which seemed quite normal for the royal palace.

"Stop, who are you?"

One of the two guards spoke after seeing Yale, but she shut up immediately because she recognized the person in front of her.

After all, there wasn’t a person in that country who didn’t know who that person was despite having never met him personally before.

"Your Majesty. Sorry for being rude with my previous words."

It didn’t matter if Yale was only the king because Wyba decided it, no one in that country opposed to it, so they really treated Yale as their king.

"I have important things to speak with Wyba."

Yale only said that while entering the palace, but just after that, a bell started to ring, which woke up the whole city before an announcement was made.

"Our king returned! Everyone, get up and come to pay your respects!"

The other guard, who recognized Yale on the first second, sent a message to the one in charge of announcements to make that everyone learned about it.

"Those fools! I came here stealthy, and then they announced it so loudly. There is no way the army hasn’t noticed that something happened."

Yale didn’t expect that his plan would be trashed by such a stupid announcement. He felt that there was no need to wake up everyone just because he appeared, it would have been alright to wait until the morning when he would already be far.

A normal country wouldn’t have made such a ruckus in the midst of the night just because the king returned, but that country had never seen their king before, so he was practically a living legend.

Yale ran until he found Wyba’s room. Wyba had already woken up due to the announcement, but before she could speak, Yale did it.

"This city is under attack. We need to flee quickly."

Just as Yale guessed the army outside started their attack on the moment, they heard the bells. The cries of despair of the beast girls were starting to sound around the city.

"We need to save the citizens."

In front of a simple attack, Wyba didn’t want to abandon the others. In the previous time, she saw the bomb, so she knew that the situation wasn’t just a simple attack, but she didn’t know there.

"It is because your citizens made that bell ring that they are attacking us now! They were going to do it at sunrise, which would have been enough for me to save more people, but they trashed my plan."

Yale only cared about Wyba, so if he could easily save the others he would, but if he couldn’t, he had enough saving Wyba.

Wyba was left without words when she understood that it happened because she ordered that the announcement was made when her big brother returned.

"I ordered that..."

Yale didn’t care about explanations. It didn’t matter whose fault was, but they needed to flee quickly.

"Princess, we are being attacked! Oh... King, you are here too. We need to prepare our defenses!"

Clair irrupted in the room to notify the situation outside, but there wasn’t anything that Yale didn’t know.

Yale waved his hand, making that Wyba and Clair entered into his Storage Space.

Although Clair was just a random person for Yale, he saw her sacrificing her life for Tofesh previously, so since she was present in the room, he decided to also save her.

Yale started to run from the palace to the border of the city. Once he left the area covered by the barrier, he would teleport to another place, and everything would be fine.

However, leaving the city wasn’t easy with the streets filled with beast girls in panic and soldiers of the army trying to erase everyone on their sight.

Flying would just attract more attention due to the flight restriction, so Yale decided to remain on the floor.

After all, he didn’t know if there was any weapon capable of expelling people from his Storage Space, but he had the feeling that they would have it.

Yale was right, they had that kind of effects on their weapons. If Yale were hit, he wouldn’t disappear, but those inside the Storage Space would be forced to leave it, which would be the end for them in that situation.

Yale didn’t need too much time to discover that because he was hit and a second later Wyba and Clair were also hit after being expelled from the Storage Space. However, Yale just used Time Leap to reach the instant before getting hit and avoided the attack, which prevented that situation.

Having to avoid all the attacks, Yale couldn’t move quickly to the exit, but thanks to Time Leap, he avoided all the hits.

There were so many attacks in the area that they were almost impossible to avoid.

Even the army sometimes hit one of their own, but since they forget that person, they didn’t mind. Of course, their leaders, who planned that berserk approach in case that something unexpected happened, didn’t mind how many soldiers disappeared.

Yale was putting in the Storage Space any citizen that he could put there without wasting a second. That was the best he could do for Wyba who wanted to save them.

As for those who weren’t in his route, he could only consider that they had bad luck.

Due to the need to avoid the attacks, when Yale saw the exit of the city, it was almost morning, but Yale felt that he would be able to teleport out just before the bomb exploded.

The bomb was already starting to fall from the sky, but Yale had already killed the last members of the army blocking his way and was about to leave the area of the barrier.

Yale was three steps away from the barrier when a person appeared in front of the bomb and punched it, forcing it to explode just like Yale did the previous time.

However, that person disappeared after the impact.

Yale stopped to move and looked at the sky.

"Why? Tofesh, why did you do that?"

He didn’t expect that Tofesh would appear to sacrifice himself. Probably he didn’t even know that the bomb was an Existence Eraser Bombs and thus thought that he could endure it, but the reason wasn’t important for Yale despite his questions.

Tofesh had been paying attention to Yale’s Kingdom since the day he gave those weapons. He wasn’t able to notice the army or the state of the city due to the barrier made to fool anyone paying attention, but he saw the bomb, so he rushed to stop it.

That was also why Tofesh appeared beside Yale the previous time. It was just that Yale stopped the bomb before Tofesh had time to appear.

Yale used Time Leap immediately and returned to the moment before meeting the guards.

He didn’t mind about the lives of random citizens, but Tofesh wasn’t a random citizen, so Yale wouldn’t allow that he died.

"I am your king. Gather everyone quickly but without making noise. We are surrounded by the enemy. Quick!"

Yale just tried a different approach at that time. He almost used Time Leap the previous time when the bell rang, but he decided to try anyway.

Yale didn’t want to be a perfectionist and save everyone, so he would take the first chance he had to save those important to him even if there could have been a better chance to save more people.

That time, the army didn’t notice about Yale’s actions, so he managed to put the whole city into his Storage Space and leave the city.

However, he met uncountable attacks once he did it. Yale hadn’t expected that the army would have monitored the city to the point that they knew when the number of people lowered. They didn’t notice if one or two increased or decreased, but if only one person was left, they knew that something was happening.

Despite the barrage of attacks, Yale could avoid them all with Time Leap, so he managed to kill those blocking him and reach the outside of the barrier.

Yale immediately teleported to the place with the portal to Tenir’s castle, but once he appeared there, he found that he was surrounded by ten ninth level immortals.

Before Yale could speak, they all attacked Yale killing him.

Indeed, even with Yale’s regenerative capabilities, he was killed completely.

However, Yale had configured the Time Leap to activate in case of death, so that death was nullified.

Yale fell to his knees after finding himself at the moment just after leaving Tenir’s castle.

He had never faced such a strong attack; he was hit before being able to react.

Yale didn’t know how the ten strongest of the Sacred Kingdom appeared there so timely.

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