
Chapter 252 Come to me!

Chapter 252 Come to me!

Erohim had been tortured for 17,000 years, his lifeblood stripped from him, and his Divine Kingdom plundered. His Divine Spark had been crushed until only a kindling was left and such an acts brought about great pain and despair that could hardly be imagined, at least that was what Erohim previously thought.

There could not be any greater loss! But he was mistaken. What was happening to him now was indescribable, and as a god with an immortal soul he could feel this process far more than a mortal ever could.

A god was aware of the state of their soul very deeply, and every bit of it was under their direct control and supervision, what Rowan was doing to his soul was the worst punishment any immortal could ever suffer for every iota of soul that was consumed was felt in its entirety, and a pain beyond what could be ever described as pain could be felt from his action.

Like a mouse being slowly devoured inside the stomach of a python, and could only lie in silence as its body was slowly digested over days. The Soul of Erohim was frozen in place. He could not scream, he felt himself slip into oblivion, and for an immortal that sensation was beyond madness.

His Serpents outside, we're nearly done with devouring the Domain of the god. Rowan's eyes were shining, and he was tensed as if he was concentrating deeply on something, and as time passed, it seemed like whatever he was hoping for was lost, and he was about to make another move that would cost him, but then he heard the voice of Suriel, "The gate has been found Creator."

There was still thirty percent of the Domain remaining, but he was no longer interested in devouring it. Rowan's eyes became fixed on a distant part of the planet, a place that was part of Jarkarr but was hidden, you could almost call it the fourth continent, it was covered by flames and appeared to be a burning continent.

He called back the serpents even against their protesting roars and dissatisfaction and he returned them to his body and he activated the Astrolabe, his eyes focused on that invisible continent and he vanished from sight.

When he appeared once more, he was at that hidden location on Jarkarr, and the flames rising around him were hot enough to melt metal, it was like he entered into a volcano, and black smoke and flames surrounded him, and even his vision was restricted, but that did not matter because before him was a swirling red and white portal. It was the gate to the Divine Kingdom of Erohim.

Rowan smiled, "A great feast worthy of your appetites, my children, feast!" and then he unleashed his Serpents and they entered the opened gate.

From them were roars of competition and happiness, today they wanted a name, and the first one to kill the god would be granted a name.

Rowan shuddered as he recreated the Berserker clone, armored it and he upgraded it until it was glowing with a red and black flame.

The clone gave a wide blood lusted laugh and leaped into the Divine Kingdom. Before him, the gate began to shrink and Rowan frowned, that would not do, and he opened his hand and stretched it forth towards the closing gate.

"Come to me!"

From inside the Divine Kingdom of Erohim, came massive explosions and reverberation as if a giant was rushing towards Rowan at break - neck speeds, before the portal of the Divine Kingdom was now the size of a man, something came hurtling out of it in a blur and fell onto Rowan open hand.

He did not hold what emerged for long but placed it before the closing gate.

"What lies beyond you seeks to escape your master's grasp, do not let it escape, do not let it elude your grasp, Envy!"

After so long away from his hands, his weapon had returned, Envy was with him once more, and before the weapon could rejoice returning to the hands of her master, an impossible order was given.

But with the loud metallic screech that came from the vibrating weapon, it acknowledges that order and glowing red it held open the closing portal as mighty cracks of protest erupted from the portal.

Lightning bolts began to tear apart the surroundings and space began to tear apart as the entire planet of Jarkarr began to vibrate as massive earthquakes ripped through the entire planet.


Rowan had made several plans, and prepared for several outcomes. If Erohim had partnered with him, it would lead to a separate outcome or if he was cold or uninterested, he also had plans for that. He was not perfect, but he would make sure that he planned for as many eventualities as he was able to.

Yet what he sank most of his efforts on was on the possibility that Erohim was violent and disagreeable, and instead of being a partner or a disinterested audience, would seek to destroy him. In that case, he would need to fight, and not just battle a god, be needed to win. Leaving his enemies behind made him uncomfortable.

But no matter the choice Erohim made, Rowan knew deeply that he would have to kill him, regardless of whatever the outcome might be, he would have enslaved him, but none of his angels were strong enough for that accomplishment even Suriel would not be able to do so for now, not before he ascended to an Archangel at the least, he had to take this drastic step because this fallen god knew too much!

Since the moment when he fell into this world, perhaps Erohim might have not been aware of him, as the other golden beast must have drawn his attention, especially the dragon, that Nascent Empyrean, but as Rowan kept performing more ridiculous feats, it was inevitable that the eyes of the god must have fallen upon him.

The only question Rowan could not accurately answer was when he became aware of his presence and began actively tracking him. This was a very crucial factor.

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